
Homeschooling: Take a Deep Breath-You Can Do This! by Terrie Lynn Bittner

emiged's review

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Fairly thorough book, almost too thorough in places, and the tone was sometimes almost off-puttingly defensive. (For example, I'm sure that a four-drawer filing cabinet with hanging file folders and identically labeled manila file folders worked fabulously for Ms. Bittner, but her description of how she organized her record-keeping was more specific than probably necessary. And I disagree that you need three copies of all of your registration paperwork and everything, including one right by the front door just in case a truant officer comes by, but to each his own, I suppose.)

I took some exception to the chapter entitled "Convincing Your Spouse, the Grandparents, the Kids, and Other Concerned People." First of all, while other people, even (and especially) those who care about your children, may have opinions - you and your spouse are the parents. You make the decision that is best for your child and it really doesn't matter what all of those others think. You don't have to "convince" anyone else. And her whole approach to how to "convince" your spouse kind of makes me wonder about the state of her marriage. When issues arise, my husband and I generally discuss all sides and try to arrive at a solution that we both believe is most beneficial for our children. That seems to me the best way to go about it rather than trying to cram it down the other parent's throat. He would never, ever dream of saying "You aren't smart enough" and heaven help him if his objection to homeschooling was "How are you going to keep up with the housework?" I would suggest that if either of those phrases came out of your spouse's mouth, you have bigger issues that need to be dealt with than can be addressed in a book about homeschooling.

All that aside, I do appreciate the dose of reality she includes throughout with the acknowledgement that homeschooling is a major adjustment, requires effort, and isn't all sunshine and roses. She includes a great deal of additional resources for readers to continue research. Some great chapters with concrete specific how-to info on creating lesson plans, unit studies and specific topics. The fact that I still gave it 3 stars despite my comments above would indicate that I think the information is pretty valuable.

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lynette149's review

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really liked this bk. originally checked it out from the library but I liked it so much that I bought it. I recomend it to others often.