
Elfrida by Penelope Todd, Klara Fall

larrys's review

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This is a carnivalesque story in which the masculine farmer stereotype is subverted when his sheep sees a poodle walking past and decides to ask him for individual hairstyles on shearing day. The farmer turns into a hairdresser and has great fun with it. Eventually the farmer's wife appears and he gives her a new wacky hairstyle, too.

Sheep are the natural choice of character here, since sheep occupy the cultural position of being followers with no personalities of their own. Individuality is cherished in this story.

There's something a bit different about the text -- each line is enclosed within boxes. I thought this might be metaphorical somehow and half expected the text to be all over the page by the end of the book, but no. So I'm not sure why that was done.

Kudos to the translator/adapter -- I can't imagine how it's possible to translate rhyming text from one language into another but it works here.