
Caught! by JL Merrow

lerossignolargent's review

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Cute, fun, quick read. Really enjoyed how both MCs had issues and progressed a bit with them during the story. Also really enjoyed how real/believable it was!

rissa53's review

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I definitely enjoyed this one! :) I loved Robert's POV! I adored him and his bowties! And I'm glad Sean did too! ;) The kids were wonderful! Destinee, Charlie (and awwww at Mr. Mason!), William, and Harry! Rose is freaking awesome. I do hope there are more books in this setting! I would be glad to read more about these folks! <3

shelbanuadh's review

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I liked this. It was low on the drama, which was kind of what I needed to read this week.

I wasn't crazy over Sean, I don't think a lot of his character came through... and honestly, I think it could be because there is a lot of focus on Robert at work, Robert with Rose, Robert at home fretting, that a lot of time spent with Sean ends up happening off page.

nyphren's review

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This book was so much fun.

For many reasons, but the main one is the protagonist, Robert. He’s pretty unique and interesting, and I absolutely loved his voice. Reading this story from his perspective made the whole thing more…. well, fun. He’s not your average m/m romance MC and I liked reading about him/liked seeing this story from his POV.

Sean, the love interest, was an interesting character too, but he didn’t captivate me as well as Robert. The secondary characters were also awesome, especially Rose, Robert’s best friend, Sean’s twin nephews and some of Robert’s students. They brought the story to whole new level and protagonized some of the most funny moments in Caught!

The one thing that bothered me, though, were the… weird? comments about Sean being bisexual or random comments about someone looking or not looking trans. That was just… so unnecessary and brought literally nothing to the story. What was the point of it? None. It was certainly not funny.

I’m not sure if I’ll continue this series (kinda because of these comments, to be honest), but Caught! was a fun read. 3.5 stars

lillian_francis's review

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As usual it's the Britishness of the setting and characters that draw me into the story. The difference in the background between our MCs is clearly defined. Both are endearing in their own way and although neither are perfect, both are aware of their faults.
The supporting cast are suitable eccentric, from Robert's best friend and her lady garden to his neighbour and her deer antlers. His class is an absolute joy, and their antics play as much a role in this story as the romance does.
They were times that I wanted to grab Robert and shake him for not taking the opportunities given to him or running out to clear up misunderstandings as they occured.

Overall this is a lightweight read, high on joy and low in angst, and in one that I would happily read again.

atomecko's review

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Geeky, adorable, lovable--I couldn't get enough of this!

tommykayreads's review

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2.5 stars

I found J.L. Merrow by accident a couple of years ago and loved the story that I read. Unfortunately I have not been able to capture that feeling with any of the subsequent books that I have read by her. All of the stories have flashes of good storytelling, but then there are the many weaknesses. Caught! had likeable characters and an enjoyable small-town-England setting. Robert I found to be so frustrating--he lies about one incident, then turns around and repeats with another lie about a blast from the past. At the same time, Sean came across like a sulky little boy who did not get his way. There were some great scenes between Rose and Robert and between Robert and his family--and some between Sean and Robert which fortunately made me want to finish the book.

bakarena's review

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Always a good read whenever I feel down. Narration is very good.

susanscribs's review

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Much appreciation goes to Riptide for re-releasing this delightful book after the demise of Samhain Publishing. The opposites attract romance between fussy, posh schoolteacher Robert (who loves bowties) and laid back, working-class pest control technician Sean (who loves his motorcycle) is notable for sly British humor, adorable but mischievous kids, a memorable gal pal, and a few too many Big Misunderstandings, including one that keeps our two MCs separated for far too many pages. Merrow makes a few points about bisexuality (does not equal shagging everyone you meet) and class distinctions (being a ratcatcher doesn't preclude you from having read Graham Greene) but overall this is just a fun read, and an inviting introduction to a charming series.

rhodered's review

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3.5 stars really. I thoroughly enjoyed myself reading. The main character's inner voice was strong and definite. I liked him and his bow ties. I also enjoy the author's sense of humor - a bit of wit means a lot to me.

The kids weren't too plot moppety - the school performances, their manic energy, the petty disputes. Other strong secondary characters included his mother. And at last, a romance in which both leads have friends they hang out with external to the relationship!!! (Way too many romances take place in a vacuum of social isolation outside of family.)

Plus great bi representation - yay!

Finally, I liked how sex was handled. It's not all hey you're-hot-drop-and-suck-it. In this case the couple get to know each other first, and even after we hear more about cuddling and every day life than blow by blow sex.

Why not more stars? Two reasons - 3 dead or disappeared genetic parents. The swathe of parental death continues in this genre... So that's a small dockage.

But mostly it's because although I liked both men a great deal, I didn't understand viscerally why the hero fell for his man. I actually didn't realize this was missing until he runs into a past connection fairly far into the book and mentally thinks, 'oh yeah I have a type and it is this type with these specific attributes.' When he named the attributes, it brought me up short because I wouldn't have necessarily described his lover that way.

Overall though, so strong and pleasant. Leaping into the next one pronto!