
Il Segreto delle Gemelle by Elisabetta Gnone

fangrunnins's review against another edition

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i didn't have these saved as read from when i read when i was ten and it's really important for me to have them in my 'read' list.

kgatz's review against another edition

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Ho avuto per anni sto libro a casa e non ho assolutamente idea se da piccola lo avessi letto o no.
I disegni colorati in realtà mi farebbero dire si ma idk.
Tolta sta piccola regressione è stata davvero una lettura super carina e spensierata.
Non vedo l'ora di vedere come continua!

ilcosmodijess's review against another edition

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4.75, per esser proprio precise*
Scorrevole, bello, delicato e pieno di insegnamenti posti non a caso di modo che siano fruibili a chi legge.
Unica piccolissima pecca, motivo per cui 4.75 anziché 5, è il gioco nomi-diminutivi che ad un certo punto mi ha fatto perdere un po'.
Per il resto bellissimo e consigliatissimo!

claranco's review against another edition

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volviendo a leer mis libros favoritos de pequeña ♡♡

mariab22's review against another edition

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adventurous lighthearted medium-paced


adaliabooks's review against another edition

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daniy's review against another edition

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Book 20 / 30 days challenge

Yo se que es un libro para nenes, pero hasta los nenes quieren saber bien que pasa y ellos tambien merecen una historia buena jsjs.

Entre todo igual me gusto, y me parecio cozy, que despues de todo libro feo que uno intenta leer (exquisite corpse) me vino muy bien.

mitka1's review against another edition

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Letto alle elementari, 2019/2020 maybe

reneescarted's review against another edition

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I read this book when I was really young, liked it, and decided to give it a reread. Seeing some of the comments, I love seeing what the names are translated to!

Anyway, it's a soft, gentle tale where I'm more interested in the general lore of Fairy Oak than the actual enemy. Fairies are fascinating, the unique characters are fascinating, and it's just a comfortable read overall. While I get why the Enemy has no face, I couldn't take it seriously, it was just a looming something that I couldn't want to go back to the twins and the villagers.

One issue that becomes more prominent with the next books: I'm never sure how old the twins are. They are supposed to be 10, but they sure don't act like it, and one of them already gets engaged?? That was a bit much and threw me off, I could go with it a lot better if they were 16, but considering Feli/Telli's work contract, I'd be fine with 13, too.

sofvvv's review against another edition

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adventurous funny hopeful lighthearted fast-paced
