
Dirty Duet by Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott

smitchy's review

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Fun sexy read for when you want to switch off and chill out

cnapierkowski's review

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Not clicking with the heroine. :(

becsa's review

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Lauren Bryant is a Warning Sign groupie. She has gotten to the point where she needs to wear disguises to their concerts so she is not kicked out by their manager, Lila Crandall. She has the hots for their drummer, Mal but she'll take any opportunity that comes along to get close to her favorite band.

West Reynolds is the crazy keyboardist of the band and is known for his one-night stands and antics on-stage. When he sees Lauren in only a bra at their concert he brings her on-stage and then heads back-stage when he discovers who she is.

But a night of surprises is in store for West and Lauren when he discovers that she is a virgin who is also a psychology student studying about groupies and rock stars. Will West and Lauren discover there's more than what appears between them or are they from two different worlds without a chance?

This was a great book and so funny! There were definitely some serious moments in the book but so many laughs.

Lauren was such a crazy character. She had absolutely no filter and I loved waiting to hear what was going to come out of her mouth next. The conversation between her and West while they were in the pizza restaurant was just incredible and I'm so glad that I wasn't drinking like West was! Yet it was also interesting to learn more about Lauren and they way she grew up and the problems she was going through with school and her parents.

I really wasn't sure what to expect with West. I loved that he was so carefree but that Lauren's mouth shocked the hell out of him. I also really liked how he knew that she was different than the usual groupies and treated her accordingly.

Both West and Lauren had pasts that they needed to deal with before they dealt with their future. I hated what West did to Chloe at the end due to his own insecurities but I knew where he was coming from.

Another great book in this series!!

bookbae96's review

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I am in serious love with West Reynolds, and I don't care who knows it...

Okay, so, we all know that, if Cari Quinn and Taryn Elliott write a book, I'm going to read it. These ladies and their hot rockers, man, I tell you what. Sizzling.Hot, every single time. DIRTY DUET, the ladies' latest release in their Found In Oblivion series, goes beyond everything that I expected to give me more, more, more.

It only took me a hot second to fall in love with West. Keyboardist for the band Warning Sign, he's playful, talented, sexy as all get-out. But, more than that, his heart, y'all. Zapped by an immediate connection with the delightfully unfiltered and up-for-anything Lauren Bryant, West is all in before he knows it, and wouldn't have it any other way.

Lauren has been sheltered by her protective and distant parents, and, now that she's fallen from grace, so to speak, she wants to experience everything. Originally on a quest to gather information for the project that will be the key to getting back into her parents' good graces, half an hour with West has her seeing him as much more than just data. Because he accepts Lo for exactly who she is, loving every zany thing about her that others have tried to change. She can be herself, and she just blossoms.

I love all of the characters in the Found In Oblivion series, but West and Lo are my favorite yet (shhh, don't tell the others!). They just stole my heart, and I adore their story, and would LOVE to see much more of them in future (are you listening, Cari and Taryn?!). An absolute 5+-star read for me, I absolutely recommend this book, as well as all of Taryn's and Cari's books, for fans of the rockstar genre. And, while DIRTY DUET is part of a series, you don't have to have read the other books first (although, why wouldn't you?!). Grab this one and start reading. West and Lo will have your heart in no time.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***

eclectic08's review

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Short and Sweet!

Cari and Taryn don't disappoint with this short, sweet romp featuring West. He's a cute character, and I hope to see more of him and Lauren in future books. I feel like they've only scratched the surface of this story!

donnah's review

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If you have been following the band members of Warning Sign you need this book!
When Lauren and West come together in this hot, sexy, warm and funny story you won't be able to put it down. Lauren makes you laugh and West will make you sigh. Together with the other Warning Sign members Michael, Ryan, Mal, Molly and Julie you appreciate the bonds and loyalties these band members have for each other.
These two authors know how to keep delivering delicious rock star romance!
Can't wait to read the next in this series.