
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse

alibraryofsorts's review against another edition

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Review to come later today.

vii_412's review against another edition

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Necesito una segunda parte YAAAA!!!

Me encariñe muchísimo con este libro, me encantan las historias de romance y a pesar de que todo es tan rápido en este libro, la historia es hermosa.

No solo es sobre el amor, también es sobre la amistad, a veces viene de quien menos piensas o quien crees que va a estar siempre ahí, resulta ser quien más te decepciona.

Me encanta como es la familia de Sophia, unida pero con libertad y mucha confianza.

Lo recomiendo mucho si eres del tipo de historias románticas fugaces.

thechaoshour's review against another edition

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I'm disappointed. After reading the synopsis of Seven Days of You I was expecting a contemporary I'd at least like. I'm generally pretty picky with my contemporary books but this one sounded unique which is why I requested an ARC of it.

My first and biggest problem I had with this book is the setting. Seven Days of You takes place in Tokyo. I was expecting lots of vivid descriptions because how many YA books take place in Japan? I should have kept my expectation A LOT lower because it didn't feel like we were in Japan at all. It could have taken place in New York or London and it wouldn't have made a difference. There was no world building AT ALL and I can't tell you enough how disappointed I feel. This epic setting was chosen for some reason and the author did absolutely nothing with it. A few scenes had some Japanese elements but they felt force, almost like they were just thrown in and landed wherever. If you didn't know anything or not much about Japan you'd be reading certain words and have no idea what they mean. Even some Japanese words were added sporadically without any context and it didn't even serve a purpose except to remind us that we were actually in Japan. You really wouldn't have remember otherwise.

My other issue was with Sophia herself. I found her extremely immature and boring. One moment she was hanging out with her friends having fun like any other teenager and the next moment she was suddenly five. I couldn't keep up with it at all. Even her romance scenes were awkward. I get the concept of it being her first love of sorts but can a teenager really be that immature? (I know they can obviously). In once scene Sophia's friends are basically complaining that she's never kissed anyone and then when she does kiss someone her first thought is "oh my gosh he's probably not a virgin". Umm. What? Can we calm down here please? It also drove me crazy that her nickname was Sofa. Who calls a person a piece of furniture?! It wasn't even once or twice either! She was constantly called Sofa during the entire book.

That was just one character I had a problem with! Mika was probably that worst best friend ever. She was mean and all she ever did was put others down to make everyone feel bad. David was a jerk and I have no idea how he has friends. Plus he was one part of a strange love triangle. Jamie was part two of the love triangle and was probably the most typical YA love interest ever. He had family drama yet was nothing but nice all the time. He could have been any other YA male love interest.

The only redeeming part of this book was that I honestly really enjoyed the first half. There was actually things going on and some decent drama happening. For some reason when I picked it back up again at about 60% it felt like the whole tone changed. I don't know if that was just me but I had a really hard time reading after that point.

This just felt like a very generic YA book hidden behind what sounds like an awesome premise. If you like to read boring contemporary plots (seriously I started skimming at the end) then you might like Seven Days of You. If you're looking for something special and unique then this isn't the book for you.

shazikhld's review against another edition

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malaynachang's review against another edition

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I loved the general idea of this book! To be honest, I expected a lot more from it and I think that the fact that it fell below my expectations was the problem with the book.

This book was about a girl named Sophia who lives in Tokyo but is moving back in a week. It covers the span of seven days. In those seven days, Jamie Campbell-Foster, a boy who broke her heart and vice versa comes back to Tokyo. Sophia wishes that he had come back a week later but ends up really connecting with Jamie.

My entire problem with this book was how it was laid out and what happened. Everything felt rushed to me and the characters didn't feel real to me. I can generally imagine what the love interests look like but I could not imagine Jamie for the life of me, other than the fact that he wears a horrendous hat.

Can I just say that Mika completely annoyed me? She was not a good friend and I can't believe that Sophie didn't see it before. She treated Sophia like she was a little kid and was patronizing and rude half the time. Also, she deterred her from David... because of her own selfish reasons.
SpoilerI did not see that coming. David and Mika??

David was okay but overall, he wasn't my favorite character. He was also kind of patronizing with his Sofa this and Sofa that and he was also rude when thinking about girls. We aren't just toys to be played around with.

Overall, this wasn't my favorite book but it wasn't bad. It definitely had a lot of potential. I would recommend it to readers who are looking for a quick light read.

Main Character: Sophia
Sidekick(s): Mika, Jamie, David, Caroline, etc
Villain(s): Love, time, dad, etc
Realistic Fiction Elements: All this book was very real to life.

graceeeeeeeeeeeeee's review against another edition

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this has been my fav book for 6 years now I love them both so much <333

thebooksareeverywhere's review against another edition

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I knew I would like this book simply because it's so cute and fluffy. My lovely friend Sophie recommended it to me and knew I'd love it - and she was right!

I will admit I had a few gripes about this book, but overall it was utterly gorgeous.

“It might not be distance or time that takes you away from people."

Let's talk about a few of the things I loved about this novel. There are so many, I think I'm going to have to list them!

♥ I absolutely loved the romance in this novel. It felt slightly like a guilty pleasure, but I found myself utterly wrapped up in it all. I couldn't help but really fall for these two.

♥ I found the plot really unpredictable and I honestly didn't know what was going to happen until the very end of the book. I think this was helped a lot by the time frame, which was unique as it was set over seven days (I know, I know, this is kind of hinted by the title). Each chapter also showed a countdown to when Sophia was leaving Tokyo (in 7 days and less as the book went on), which added to the plot development!

♥ Which brings me to the setting! Not many YA books are set outside of the UK or USA, so it was really refreshing to have a novel set in Tokyo. I did have an issue with this too though, which I'll discuss later on.

♥ The last thing that stood out to me was the side characters. Sophia's friends/family all offered something different to her story, and helped shape the novel a lot!

"Maybe you decide when you let them go."

As I mentioned above, I also had a few dislikes. One of these is unfortunately to do with the setting - which although I loved, I felt like it could have been used to a better advantage. This is kind of hard to describe, but I just didn't feel like I was in Tokyo. I love the little touches of the Karaoke and different foods, but I wish the setting had been more inclusive (if that's the right word!).

I also felt like the ending was a little rushed and had a few loose ends. It was nothing big, but I did notice it a little.

"But I can't let go yet.”

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was a cute contemporary but unfortunately felt lacking in a few parts! However, I'd still definitely recommend it for YA romance/contemporary readers.



May your shelves forever overflow with books! ☽

lellowturtle's review against another edition

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I love love love this book. It is absolutely adorable. I was not expecting it to be so cute and heart wrenching. I love Jamie so much. We need more Jamies in the world. I'll write more later when I've felt the full effects.

lecrockett's review against another edition

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DNF at 33%. Really liked the voice, but the plot felt stagnant. The characters really held on to grudges for things that happened years ago, and changed the subject just as something emotional was finally touching the surface. We all have grudges, we all want to change topics when things get too close to home, but for a third of the book to have constant rumination and no forward momentum, it can become tedious. A personal frustration, so I have to put this aside.

michhellongrace's review against another edition

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This was just a light cute and fluffy read. I enjoyed It enough.