
One Last Wish by Ella Harper

kle105's review

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This book was heartbreaking but beautiful. You have such a harrowing story of a young girl who has a inoperable tumor, but while terminal she isn't wallowing in her diagnosis. Her focus is one getting her parents to fall in love all over again after they have lost focus on their relationship while worrying about her care.

It really makes you think how you may handle the same situation. How would you cope? How would you live knowing that you had a limited amount of time left?

Emmie the young girl was adorably sweet, full of energy and selfless. Such a joy to read, while holding back tears.

I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

saarahn's review

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A beautifully written story

Emmie has cancer, she was diagnosed when she was three years old. Her parents, Nate and Rosie, dealt with the misery of the situation as best as they could. It brought them closer... Until it didn't. So, with her parents' marriage on the rocks, Emmie makes it her mission to remind them of the love they used to have. Before the cancer.

This is a touching, incredibly upsetting story. It was a tough read but only because the reader instantly falls in love with Emmie- her vulnerability and maturity. This was one of those life affirming reads. I just took issue with how the parents were oblivious to the toxic environment they were creating for their daughter, and how they didn't speak when having doubts about each other. It was ridiculously immature and I couldn't look past it.

Coincidentally, the book I read before this was the A-Z of Everything by Debbie Johnson which has a similar storyline. I think that was why this immaturity particularly grated on my nerves. An ill person, regardless of whether their illness is terminal or whether they're a child or not, should not have to take it upon themselves to do something like bringing two people who can't stand each other, together. A child, especially, should be allowed to be a child. l know Emmie was acting out of concern and love for her parents, but all that effort must have exhausted her. Just as it would, any ill person. I also took issue with how the parents barely expressed their thankfulness to her.

But truly, cancer is devastating and I begrudgingly accept that we can't predict our reactions to such situations and that sometimes terminal illnesses do cause a rift in relationships. It's just this book was quite naturally, upsetting and my heart went out to the little girl.

I received this book through NetGalley.