
Cloudy With a Chance of Destruction by Gwenda Bond

lisaluvsliterature's review

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Too short. I need more.

skyhazzard's review

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I got this story from Netgalley

When I started this I did not know it was teaser/novella for another book. Basically I just went in seeing the words "Lois Lane" and being like heck yes. Few pages in I went to make a status about it on here and that's when I learned it's a teaser for the upcoming book Lois Land: Fallout, which makes a lot more sense.

It was a nice, quick story that really did leave me wanting the actual book right at that moment. It was really easy to picture Lois and her voice while reading it. This story doesn't really focus on Lois, more so the couple at the chemistry station next to her and the events that unfold from their breakup which Lois can't help but become involved in. It explores more about her attributes from what I've read on other reviews, the first short story (which I've yet to read) exploring her smarts and this one giving us a view of her courage.

From what I've read this is the Lois I know and love. Will definitely be checking out the book Lois Lane: Fallout.

Actual rating: 3.75/5

wanderlustlover's review

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Quite cute, but it was short as well. I approve of Lois's moxie, but I found her 'convenient contact' with a guy in Smallville a little too much of a reach, since I was hoping for a story just focused on the amazingness of Lois growing up, standing strong without reliance on the leading man of her universe.

critterbee's review

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Lois Lane, modern heroine for the masses! Who else can save the day so confidently, effectively, practically?
We need more strong, likable heroines like Lois.

**eARC netgalley**

backonthealex's review

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In this teaser short story, "Cloudy with a Chance of Destruction," Lois and her family have moved once again, and she finds herself in yet another high school. Because she began the semester late, she doesn't have a partner in chemistry class. Working alone gives her time to observe what is going on at the workstation next to hers between studious cheerleader Sophie and basketball bench warmer Mike. Sophie is breaking up with Mike, who refuses to accept that. But Mike won't do the work and Sophie needs to keep her grades up.

Trying her best to mind her own business, Lois can't help but try to make Mike understand that Sophie in no longer interested in him. Finally, Mike vows to help Sophie with their experiment the next day, but the smug look on his face when he says that makes Lois wonder what he is up to.

The next morning on the bus, Mike is carrying a bag containing a mysterious device and with the logo of the Atomic Heights National Laboratory on it. He's nervous and sweaty, but won't let Lois see what's in the bag, just claims that it's a big surprise for Sophie.

Suspicious, Lois sends a text message to SmallvilleGuy telling him about Mike's mysterious device. Trouble is, however, that the device is a mystery to Mike, too. All he knows is that is will cause a reaction, one that people have been trying to do for a long time. So when Mike enters the code to start the device, Lois notices some hazard signals light up on it.

Questioning Mike, she learns his father is a nuclear scientist. Suspecting she needs to evacuate the class, and maybe the whole school, Lois decides to make an explosion of her own. But will it work in time?

Most of us know Lois Lane as the female reporter for The Daily Planet. But Bond has imagined a younger Lois, and a smarter, more independent person than the character we are accustomed to from comic books, TV, and movies. But trouble still manages to find her, just like her adult counterpart, so there's always excitement in Lois's life. I really like this Lois Lane and I think that these two short stories are nice introductions to her. Both stories take place before Lois and the Lane family move to Metropolis, a move that they are hoping will be permanent.

The best part is that you can download, read and enjoy both of these short stories for free right HERE on Gwenda Bond's website.

Up next: my review of Lois Lane: Fallout, Gwenda Bond's first LL novel (and if you like it, you will be happy to know that the next book, Lois Lane: Double Down, will be out in May 2016.

These short stories are recommended for readers age 14+ though I think some savvy middle grade readers will enjoy them as well.

kiaramedina's review

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This was another fun, light, and hilarious read from Gwenda Bond! I really do think Gwenda is a rising star in the YA community, with her captivating stories and funny narratives. I'm so excited for Lois Lane to come out!

*Thank you Gwenda Bond and Netgalley for this ARC*

jmanchester0's review

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I love new takes on old comic book heroes.

And in a twist, this is a new take on Lois Lane, not Superman.

I hope her upcoming book gives her the credit she deserves, and not just as a prop for Superman. But if this short story (released as a teaser for the book) is any indication, it will. When the short story is well-written and suspenseful, there's a good chance the book will be, too.

SpoilerBonus points for not relying on Superman(boy) to save the day since I thought that's where this was going.

What do I think about teenage Lois Lane knowing teenage Clark Kent, being such a change from the comics? This story handled it well, and creatively, and I'm looking forward to more of that backstory in the book.

But again, not too much of it. This story's supposed to be about Lois.

Thanks to Netgallery and Capstone for a copy of this story in return for an honest review.

theestherhadassah's review

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SpoilerLois likes to stick her nose where it does not belong, and she likes to meddle with other people's business. Lois talks to a certain young man, who goes by a username: SmallvilleGuy. Lois' username is SkepticGirl1, and I found that rather interesting. With modern-day tech, it seems the obvious way Lois would keep contact with her mystery man. Who seems to be a total sweetheart, because he got worried when Lois was trying to deactivate a cold fusion . . . some nuclear device that one of her classmates thought would impress his ex-girlfriend.

It took me a while to push myself to start reading this. Every time I opened it, I just could not get myself to stay reading. I barely got passed the first page (even though this is so SHORT, only 21 pages), until I finally shoved out of my slump. I mean, this is LOIS LANE. I know there is a Superman in there somewhere . . . I had hoped there would be a little more, but as this is merely to promote the full novel, I fully understand and I would like to read FALL OUT.

imamandajulius's review

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Thanks to Netgalley for allowing me access to this teaser short story!

Once again we join Lois Lane as she navigates the waters of her new school. This time she's dealing with chemistry: both the class and that of her classmates.

I feel like summarizing the plot would give too much away. In the first short story (Lois Lane: A Real Work of Art) we get to learn about Lois' smarts. In this one Bond explores her courage.

This story wasn't as compelling as the first, but it was still an enjoyable read. It still got me excited to real the full-length Lois Lane: Fallout novel.

I would read this if you're a diehard Lois Lane fan. Otherwise I'd just skip directly to the full novel that's out now!

joeygirl1030's review

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It was a great introduction to the series and explained something mentioned in the first book. I just really wanted more.