
Noah by Elizabeth Reyes

nathalyalvarez's review

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Si hay una cosa que he aprendido durante toda mi vida es que el tiempo y la edad son solo una ilusión

Verónica "Roni" Cruz perdió a su madre gracias al cáncer. Deprimida y con 18 kilos mas, todavía no sabe como recuperar su vida. Hasta que su amiga Nellie la obliga a ir a un gimnasio en 5th Street donde conoce a Noah. Joven y decidido, Noah Quintanilla fue herido en una pelea el año pasado y desde entonces ha querido ser entrenador. Y cuando finalmente le dan una oportunidad, le tocara entrenar a una mujer fuera de forma con una semana gratis de gimnasio. De ahí nace una amistad que podría convertirse en algo mas ¿el problema? Roni es 8 años mayor que Noah.

He escuchado bastante de los libros de Elizabeth Reyes, sobre todo de la saga The Moreno Brothers, y decidí leer este libro para probar si todas las maravillas que me dijeron sobre la manera en que escribe es verdad.

Me gusta mucho el ritmo del libro, no hay partes donde simplemente te aburras. Sino que mantiene esta secuencia en la que te mantienes leyendo, te mantiene interesada hasta el final. Tambien tiene estas increíbles historias de relleno como la historia de la amiga de Roni, Nellie, que le dan ese toque tan realista al libro.

En lo que se refiere a los personajes, me gusto mucho Roni. Ella es simplemente uno de esos personajes femeninos que no me caen mal. Ella es muy inteligente y sencilla.

Por otra parte esta Noah que tiene esta personalidad audaz, es un personaje muy fuerte. En todas esas escenas donde hay fiestas o reuniones y juega vídeo juegos con sus amigos, Noah se comporta como lo que es, un joven de 20 años. Pero al mismo tiempo él es muy maduro.

Este libro toca una fibra sensible en mi. Ya que soy muy hipócrita en el sentido de que pienso que una mujer mayor con un hombre joven se ve mal pero un hombre mayor con una mujer joven no. Eso es sexismo, lo se. Pero en mi opinión es porque pienso que los hombres piensan solo con su pene. Se supone que nosotras somos mas inteligentes y sabemos nuestros limites. Pero esa es mi opinión.

Hay algo en su forma de narrar que me recuerda a cuando leo los libros de [a:Sherrilyn Kenyon|4430|Sherrilyn Kenyon|], es como la misma sensación.

nttslnlsn's review

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It was good, I guess. But didn't like how possessive Noah is.

bitchie's review

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First off- editing. Again. Misused words like to/too, your/you're, where/were. Sentences that needed commas. Sentences that were just structured poorly enough that you need to read them a couple of times to make sense out of them. I've seen worse, but still, there's no excuse for these sort of errors to pop up in books that you pay good money for.

I will say I liked this one much better than the two books I've read in the Moreno Brothers series. Noah was adorable, and even though he got jealous, he was still a always a gentleman, always respected what Roni wanted, and never let his jealous go over the top, and never, ever tried to exert any type of control over her.

But then there is Roni. She was annoying in the beginning, with her depression. I understand grieving over losing a loved one, but her thoughts of "what's the point of loving someone, they'll just go away" was a bit much. And her constantly referring to herself as fat, fat ass, only to find out she weighed roughly 160 pounds, I almost put the book aside then and there. I know, all of us women have image issues, we've all felt fat, and being a bit overweight can really mess with our self esteem. However, an author making a big deal out of a woman who is, essentially, a size 12, which is average in this country, is NOT doing us women any favors. If Roni felt like a fatass at 160, what hope is there for me, at 180?

But she loses the weight quickly, so that's all ok. *rolls eyes* She becomes friendly with Noah, her trainer, and when the storms damage his roof, she offers him a place to stay at her house. In spite of the fact that she's 28, and he's only 20, they are attracted to each other, but they fight it for a while. Roni fights it a lot longer than Noah does, he admits, to himself, and to her, that he's in love with her, way before she does.

And then comes the wishy washy TSTL syndrome. Roni goes back and forth. He's too young, no it'll be ok. Back and forth like a ping pong ball. She doesn't want to lead him on, but makes out with him every night in the hallway before bed. Then she pulls away. She gets jealous over a girl named Rita, who is Noah's sort of "friend with benefits", but never anything more, questioning every detail about them, and then she hides the fact that she's met with her ex-boyfriend Derek more than once.

More often than not, it felt like Roni was the 20 year old, not Noah. She's the one who kept playing games, with him, with herself, with Derek. She should have told Derek straight up she wasn't interested anymore. She should have told Noah the truth about meeting with Derek, instead of trying to "spare his feelings". (I think she just wanted to spare herself the conflict)

The steam factor in this one was nice, the chemistry, but no sex til the very end of the story. In the end, I thought it wrapped up a bit too easily, but other than my frustrations with Roni, and the HORRIBLE editing, this was a pretty good story. I do think I'll check out [b:Gio|13501282|Gio (5th Street, #2)|Elizabeth Reyes||19048458] eventually.

torixreads's review

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Younger guy, older woman.
I wish the spice

nitzanschwarz's review

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Really liked it! I love reading romances that are not about the sex.
I did think Roni was an idiot for blindly believing certain things at the end, but luckily that really wasn't an issue for long :) 

viviennemorgain's review

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Immature and stupid. I gave it 3 stars because it was the story that sucked not the writing. The writing is simply average.

natreadsss's review

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I would give this book 3.5 stars. I did enjoy the writing and plot a lot! The beginning was a little slow for me but it nailed the friends to lovers trope. I did, however, find Veronica’s character a little annoying at times and surprisingly immature with some of her actions even though she was so worried about the age difference for most of the story. I won’t give any spoilers and some of it is unrealistic (that’s kind of what makes it fun tho?) but the plot had me so enthralled I was up until 3am reading a few nights and I finished it in less than a week because I simply needed to know what was happening next. Excited to dive into the next story!

nickymaund's review

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I got this as a freebie and I have to say I was really impressed. I would've happily paid for this book and I'll definitely read it again. Of course I fell in love with Noah and his fierce loyalty

nighteyes82's review

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This is a personnal victory!

I actually finished this book!
I might be in torture mode - that was like trying to pull a teeth out of my mouth by myself.

Roni is she 28 going on 82 because to be that not in sink with what an iphone is muhahaha not plausible at all event my mom is more tech savy even japanese grand-ma are more up to date than that chick!!!!

and waow it's amazing how fast she loose weigh
+ I am sorry but I am pretty sure that someone that has asthma will say something before begining are work out...

anasatticbookblog's review

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Ana's Attic Erotic and Romance Tales and Toys
Noah, by Elizabeth Reyes was a 4.75 for story and a 3.5 for heat (but not until the very end). 28 year old Veronica has spent the last 2 years taking care of her dying mother. In that time she has become depressed, withdrawn and overweight. Finally, her friend Nellie takes her to a local gym where she meets her trainer, 19/20 year old Noah, a boxer. Noah is a foster kid who has been through a lot in his life. When the roof of the garage he was living in almost collapsed, Veronica (Roni) offers a room in her home to him.

Although they are 8 years apart, there is a definite attraction between them. They get along great, have a wonderful friendship, and can't wait to be together at the end of the day. Roni has so many doubts, mostly because of his age, but she also thinks she me be attached to him because she is so lonely. It is clear they both want more than friendship, but neither wants to risk what they have (especially Roni).

It's funny, the double standards we have. They are the same age as my husband and I were when we met, but my husband is the older one. The idea of a 28 year old woman with a 20 year old boy seems so much worse. But Noah was a very mature alpha, having grown up in foster care taking care of his foster brothers and sisters. Roni was actually very inexperienced having only been with one man and then not having a life at all when she was caring for her mom.

The cast of characters in this book was great. I really loved Noah and all his friends. (I can't wait to read Gio's book). Roni's ex was a douche who just happened to be 8 years older than her (see the double standard?) When Roni and Noah finally get together (not really a spoiler, you know it will happen all along) the scenes were HOT!!!!! (though sorry, you have to wait till the end of the book). Nellie was also a great character who had a real a-hole for a husband. I hope she eventually finds happiness in this series.

I really enjoyed this book. I didn't give it a full 5 stars because it didn't make me feel the way the 5 star books in my favorites list made me feel. Breathless with anticipation and unable to put it down. It also was a bit too much of a tease the whole book. Still, I highly recommend it, and downloaded Gio immediately.