
Grave Tidings by R.R. Virdi

clacksee's review

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Vincent wakes up in someone else's body. For most people, that would be time to freak out - but for Vincent, it's just another day on the job. Think Quantum Leap meets the paranormal.

The author says his work is often compared to The Dresden Files and, yeah, I get the connection. But also it reminds me of classic Asimov. And by that I mean: Where are the women? The Bechdel test? Nope, never heard of it.

In chapter 3, a nameless woman walks on-stage, speaks her two sentences. Exit (not pursued by anyone). In chapter 12, a woman walks on stage, gets a name, and has a brief conversation with our hero and his nemesis … and then gets knocked out cold. Exit. In chapter 13, we meet our story's final Woman With A Speaking Role, Penny. Penny is actually the second most well-developed character of the story …
Spoilershame she dies in chapter 17

After that, we get a few female extras. But apparently the author couldn't afford to pay them union rates or something. Because not a peep is uttered by any of them.

Don't get me wrong: the story is good. The writing is compelling.. The world-building is interesting. The editing is well-executed. But it's still missing something.