
کلاف آرزوها by Grégoire Delacourt

mlismoss's review against another edition

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Mixed feelings about this one. Quick, compelling read, but the main character's emotional journey was ultimately disturbing.

ivana_kutakzaknjigu's review against another edition

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Da osvojite 18 milijuna eura na lotu, što biste sve učinili? Što biste prvo promijenili u svom životu? Za koliko novca biste ostavili iza sebe život koji ste do sada izgradili? Kome biste pomogli ostvariti snove?

Jocelynein je život jednostavan; vodi kitničarsku radnju, piše blog, djeca su odrasla i otišla, ali su konstantna briga. Njezin popis želja je isto tako jednostavan, odraz života koji vodi: nožić za guljenje krumpira. Novi zastor za tuš. Dvije teflonske tave. Papuče za Joea. Da je svom suprugu privlačna. Da ocu osigura udobnu starost. Da prestane živjeti u sjeni tragedija koje su je zadesile.
"Vani, zrak je bridak. Automobili trube, nestrpljivci prijete, vozači su ratoborni, motorizirani tekliči u Ulici Rivoli nekoliko desetaka metara odavde pravi su kamikaze, a mene sve to odjednom smiruje. Nema više debelog tepiha, nema ulizičkog klanjanja. Ovdje vlada obično nasilništvo. Prigušena bol. Neistjeriva tuga. Snažni mirisi, pomalo animalni, kemijski, kao u Arrasu iza željezničke postaje. To je moja zbilja."

Mijenja li novac ljude ili to ovisi o čovjeku? Je li novac blagoslov ili prokletsvo? Može li se novcem kupiti ono zaista bitno? Da ne odam previše, taj novac će Jocelyne okrenuti život naglavačke. Popis mojih želja idealna je knjižica za neki book klub. Ima taj neodoljivo šarmantni francuski štih, a Jocelyne kao glavni lik žena je u kojoj se mnoge od nas bar u nekoj mjeri mogu pronaći. Relativno kratka, ali vrvi životnim situacijama i pitanjima na koja mislimo da znamo odgovor, pitanja za koja se nadamo da ćemo saznati odgovor kada osvojimo jackpot, a istovremeno se bojimo odgovora.
"...Jer naše su potrebe naši mali, svakodnevni snovi. Sitni poslići koji nas katapultiraju u sutra, u prekosutra, u budućnost; beznačajne sitnice koje ćemo kupiti sljedeći tjedan i zbog kojih mislimo da ćemo sljedeći tjedan još biti živi.
Upravo nas potreba za protukliznom prostirkom održava na životu. Ili pak potreba za posudom za kuhanje kus-kusa. Za nožićem za guljenje krumpira. Pa onda planiramo gdje ćemo što kupiti. Programiramo mjesta na koja ćemo poći. Katkad uspoređujemo. Glačalo marke Calor u usporedbi s glačalom marke Rowenta. Polako punimo ormare, ladicu po ladicu. Čitav život trpamo stvari u kuću, a kad se kuća napuni, uništavamo ih kako bismo ih zamijenili drugima, kako bismo sutradan imali što raditi. Čak idemo tako daleko da prekidamo trajnu vezu ne bismo li se ubacili u drugu priču, u drugačiju budućnost, u drugu kuću.
U drugi život koji nam opet valja puniti."

Posebno mi je zanimljivo bilo pratiti kako se Jocelyne mijenja. Delacourt suptilno razvija Jocelyne od žene koja ne prigovara i koja je zadovoljna svojim životom u neku drugu osobu (sami procjenite sviđa li vam se više nova ili stara Jocelyne) bez puno filozofiranja; njezin lik ostaje u središtu ove novele, njezin karakter vas veže uz knjigu više negoli riječi, čak i djela.

kiwiflora's review against another edition

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Such a divine book, with its simple enticing cover - buttons: who would have thought. With the added bonus of large font, sizeable line spacing, just 200 pages of heart rending, poignant, beautiful story telling.

Jocelyne 47, married to Jocelyn for 20-something years, two grown up children, owns and runs a haberdashery store in a town in France, considers herself very ordinary, ordinary husband, ordinary marriage, ordinary life. Sometimes she thinks, dreams about what could be or could have been, how things could be different, but of course there will never be a chance really to make big changes in her life. And so she just keeps on reflecting and wondering what if. Until one day, she wins the 18 million in the EuroLotteries. Then everything changes. For good and for bad. Can and will Jocelyne realise her dreams, and change her life, or will she lose the courage to do so?

Aside from this being such a great fable of modern living, the first person voice of Jocelyne is written by a man. He captures the essence of an ordinary woman, in her ordinary life extraordinarily well. I loved the woman I was reading about, and it raises so many questions as to what one would do if so much money was won. Loved it.

jeleggana's review against another edition

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adventurous inspiring reflective medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


beautiful, sweet, difficult, inspiring. 

frany79's review against another edition

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challenging dark emotional reflective sad slow-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


bex1991's review against another edition

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great little read. i got an English advance reader copy and devoured it today. much needed in the chaos of university studies.

glennab28's review against another edition

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this short but poignant novel plays out the scenario many of us have probably imagined.. what would we do if we won the lottery? in typical french fashion the book does not end with everything tied in a neat bow.

minttilu's review against another edition

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Read this in Finnish (Onnen koukkuja). A short story about a basicly happy couple who lead a very ordinary life and who seem to be satisfied with everything. Then the wife wins a huge amount of money in the lottery...what happens next? Will it change everything, will she fulfill all her dreams? This story shows that happiness isn't about money, it's about something else completely...It was a lovely read, took a couple of hours to finish.

f_azzahra's review against another edition

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Est-ce que l'argent peut acheter le bonheur? La santé? L'amour?
Est-ce-qu'elle peut nous donner une chance de revoir nos chères décédés? De revivre un moment chaleureux avec eux?
Est-ce-qu'elle peut soigner nos blessures? Changer nos mauvais caractères?...
Qu'est ce qu'il veut l'Homme exactement? Qu'est ce qu'il cherche?
L'histoire est passionnante, elle peut vous rapprocher aux réponses à ces questions, en citant la vie d'une simple française, Jocelyne Guerbette, une vie sobre et presque monotone, mais , pour elle, heureuse et stable, avec son mari et ses petits, et dans sa boutique de mercerie.
Soudain, la situation change, et ramène avec elle plusieurs surprises.
Je recommande fortement.

saragalisteo's review against another edition

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La verdad es que en general me ha parecido bastante prescindible, esperaba otro tipo de libro y quizá por eso me haya decepcionado. Además, el libro tiene poco más de 150 páginas, así que me ha parecido estar leyendo el borrador de una novela en vez de una novela completa, le faltaba desarrollo...