
Veer by Alyssa Rose Ivy

babs_reviews's review against another edition

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It had been awhile since I read the first book in the Clayton Falls series...but I decided to read book two anyway.

I liked it. It wasn't a book that I was jumping up and down for or found myself slacking at life in order to finish.

I didn't really connect with the characters like I do with most books but I felt enough of one that I was able to finish the book.

I really have nothing negative to say except it was just a flatline book to me. Nothing majorly exciting or majorly sad happened. There were parts that were meant to be that way but the execution wasn't all there.

Overall, I liked it and gave it 3

nitzanschwarz's review

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Okay, I've had enough. Enough of this ridiculous insta love. Enough of these silly characters. Enough with how quickly things move in this book. I expected this to book to be better than the first. I was wrong... 

haleyelisereads's review against another edition

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4.5 rating.

Veer: a sudden change of direction.

Again I love the title for this book, it matches perfectly with the story.

So Veer I have mixed feelings about, I can honestly say I think I enjoyed Veer even more so than I did Derailed (which I loved)BUT while reading Derailed there was really only one thing that bugged me about the story, while with Veer there was multiple things that bothered. Was it still a good story? Uh yeah of course, it was amazing! But it did hit a few pet peeves of mine.

Lets start with the characters, Veer is Gavin and Becca’s story and I have to say I am SO glad they got their own story, when I finished Derailed I didn’t feel all that great about Gavin being such a nice guy but ending up alone, so for him to get his own love story too? Two thumbs way up for that.

Then there was Becca, oh Becca how I loved you so! Becca was an awesome character , I love characters that are brutally honest and can stand on their own two feet and Becca is deff one of those characters! She had been through SO much in her life that I could not even imagine going through and yet she was such a strong woman, did she have her break down moments? Of course! But with everything she went through it would be unrealistic for her not to at least break down every once and awhile.

Did I mention this book is in alternating POVs too? Ya also another reason why I loved it so much.

Now I’m gonna go ahead and get out what bothered me about Veer and that was easily the mistakes Gavin kept making, idk what it was but I felt the way he was acting towards Becca when they first met was a little excessive rudeness for not a good enough reason. Overall I liked him, but there was a lot of moments in Veer besides his first encounter with Becca where I just wanted to strangle him.

If you’ve read Derailed I HIGHLY suggest you pick up Veer cause it’s even better. The emotions are stronger, the romance is more tense and overall it was just an amazing read. After reading book 1 and 2 of the Clayton Falls series I can easily say I am dying to get my hands on book 3, and that I will be picking up other books by Alyssa Rose Ivy very soon.

tartbarbie's review against another edition

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I received Veer in return for an honest review from the author. Over the last year life hasn't been easy for Becca her mother has passed away, her best friend moved away and school has been a struggle. Needing to escape the city Becca heads to Clayton Falls, to spend the summer with her best friend Molly. Gavin used to play minor league baseball but has signed his contract to go pro until an injury ended his career forever. Now he’s reinvented himself as a local cop in Clayton Falls it’s been three years since his last serious relationship.
Before she can even make it into town her old VW bug dies on the dark highway leaving her stranded.

However she can’t get cell service to call Molly for help, when a stranger stops and knocks on her window. Becca isn’t thrilled by the thought of being stranded with a strange man knocking on her door but when he flashes her his badge she decides to open the door. He offers her a ride even admitting he’s a friend of Molly’s which is all the pushing she needs. Even though it’s a quick drive the tension in the SUV is anything but pleasant after a few sharp words are said by both.

Since Gavin is friends with Molly it’s impossible for them to avoid each other much less for the whole summer. Both Gavin and Becca can’t deny the attraction to each other so it’s only inevitable that they bump into each other several times. One drunken night ends in an awkward morning for both of them where Gavin tells Becca it’s a mistake let’s forget it happened. Furious about the brush off Becca heads home intent on avoiding Gavin the rest of the summer and ends up avoid everyone. Gavin having realized that their night was more than a one night stand sets out to make it up to Becca and win her heart. However Becca has a dark past will it ruin their chance for happiness?

Veer is the second book in the Clayton Falls series. I have so much love for this series and Veer doesn't disappoint if anything I love it more than Derailed. I love Becca she’s had a rough life but she’s done her best to not let it ruin her life if anything it’s made her more driven. Becca is the kind of girl you can’t help relating to, you want to be there for her when things get tough and cheer her own. I really liked Gavin in Derailed I felt bad for him after everything that happened in the first book so when I learned Veer was his story I was super excited. The story is beautifully written taken from both Becca and Gavin’s point of view giving a unique perspective of each character. I love the way the author creates a realistic story that feels like your right with the characters. I also love that these are clean romances so anyone teenager or adult will enjoy them. Clayton Falls is a amazing series I suggest everyone should read at least once.

readingbelle's review against another edition

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Review to come on 12/21 as part of booktour!

saracorise's review against another edition

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I love romance. I love it. It makes me so happy and I absolutely love reading it. However, when I say that I love romance, I also should mention that I don't expect great things from it. So when I had the chance to read Veer by Alyssa Rose Ivy I was pretty excited. Initially I thought Veer was just your typical adult romance novel. However, I later discovered that it fell into the new adult category. I was a bit shy of this at first because I have had fairly bad experiences with the new adult Phenomena.

In saying that,

I really enjoyed Veer. I thought it was a pretty good novel. I will say I think it's more adult romance than new adult but that's just my opinion. I was surprised with how much I did like Veer, because a few weeks ago I read Derailed by Ivy and I was not impressed.

The story begins with the meeting of the two protagonists, Becca and Gavin. This is where I chuckle because these two DID not get along! At all. It was down right hostile. And as a reader you can't help but laugh at this, because you know it has to work out. These two are meant for each other. Things slowly move along and before you know it the two are in love and living happily ever after.

The things that I liked the most about Veer were the characters and the relationships they had with one another. I really liked the relationship between Becca and Jake. They were just friends and could hang out and that was it. What kind of annoyed me was that sometimes Becca was a total jerk to Jake. She would say things to him and I would be like, "where did that come from?" It was vaguely suggested in the book that Jake wasn't a good guy or he had a shady past, but we saw none of that in Veer. He seemed like a sweet caring friend. So when Becca would treat him badly, I got annoyed. Becca and Gavin's relationship was sweet. That's basically all I can say about it. They were so darn cute. They hit some rough patches (which has to happen in most romance novels), but they worked through them. I liked seeing their relationship evolve.

While the writing in Veer wasn't stellar, it also wasn't bad. As I mentioned before I read another of Alyssa Rose Ivy's novels, one that was written before this one and I thought it was terrible. So bad I thought I was going to hate this one as well. But I was surprised to see how much her writing had matured from book one to book two. I think that with every book that Ivy writes her skills as an author are going to get better, and I think that's very exciting.

Overall, I enjoyed Veer for it's romance and the characters. I really liked seeing the author grow as a writer and I look forward to future books from her.

Review also posted at Just Another Story

bodebeabay's review against another edition

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Finished Reading October 14, 2013

Book Rejected
This story is an example of why I try to avoid anything that smacks of "Academic" and high school type books.
The characters, no matter the genre, drive me nutz.
Talk about S L O W reading!
How do you know a book is slow & boring?
Well, I started reading this October 1, 2013 & it took me TWO WEEKS to say 'The End'
Why oh Why did I torture myself so much back in 2013? Why didn't I just DNF this thing?!

Prch Amz September 30, 2013

tucker4's review against another edition

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Possibly reading this in another time and place, I might have given it a three, but just needing something to get me through some travel time, this was a good choice for me. Was it anything mind-blowingly original? No. Was it amazingly written? No. But for what it was, it was good and it kept me entertained.

Originally from Boston and in law school to become a DA, Becca decides to spend her summer with her best friend Molly in NC working at a small town law firm. She immediately runs into local cop Gavin (who apparently had a thing for Molly in the first book of the series). The two butt heads at first and then eventually give in to their attractive. Have a miscommunication, make up, fall in love, fight, and get back together. There, I just summarized the entire book for you. You're welcome.

SEMI SPOILER ALERT - I was kind of annoyed to find yet another new adult book with sexual abuse in it. Why must they all have this?! Pick a new theme!

However, at least this one wasn’t overdone. You knew there was something in Becca’s past based on a few references to scars on her body and her need to feel safe, but other than that, she seemed like a normal well-adjusted twenty-something (who was just going through a hard patch in her life with her mother’s death and her trouble with school).

The ending was a little too perfectly wrapped up, but this was brain candy and it served its purpose.

singh_reads_kanwar2's review against another edition

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Between the death of her mother and pushing through law school without her best friend, it's been a tough year for Becca. Needing a break from Boston, she moves to a tiny coastal North Carolina town for a relaxing summer.

Three years after a career ending injury ruins his chance to play Major League Baseball, Gavin has a distrust of northerners and lately girls in general.

When the two give in to their impossible attraction, they realize that they may just have found the key to freeing themselves from the ghosts of their pasts.

They started off in wrong way, both were fighting against each other then one day she got drunk and they woke up after sleeping with each other and Gavin made a mistake, both mend ways when they found love, and both shared secrets of past and Gavin take her home but people at home scared Becca with Marriage and children thoughts and after returning becca made a mistake but they end together after Brody called and Gavin take the coach position and move with Becca in her house.

hollyberry_1980's review against another edition

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Veer starts off a few months after Derailed left off with Molly and Ben, and in Veer we are seeing Becca's story come to life, she is Molly's best friend from law school that you will remember from the first book. The book starts off with Becca driving to Clayton Falls for the summer to spend time with Molly, and on the way there, her car stalls and will not start, and she is on the side of a long road by herself, and her cell phone has no signal. Someone happens to be driving by, and it turns out that it is Gavin, and he lets her know that he is a police officer, and convinces her that he will take her in to town to Molly's house, and during the drive she gets to see some of his charming personality (sarcasm?.....ABSOLUTELY!).

Becca decides to spend the summer with Molly in Clayton Falls and work at the local law offices as unfortunately her Mother has passed away after a long illness, and she has no other family, and Molly is the closest friend that she has. She is not sure if coming to town is the best thing after a few days as her first week has left not the greatest of impressions on her as far as the people around town, but she does decide to stay for the remainder of the summer anyways.

She easily makes friends with Molly's other friends in town, especially Jake (who is Ben's brother) who she is able to hang out with and watch movies and stuff. The only person that she is not able to make friends with easily is Gavin, and she is unsure as to why, it seems that every time they try to have a conversation it turns in to an argument of some sort.

The same things that I loved about book #1 were brought over in to this novel as well, I got that Nora Roberts feel again, but with more realistic histories with the characters that they have to try and work through. As the summer goes on, you get to see how Becca grows, and also you get to see the relationship between her and Gavin change slowly but surely, and it is a wonderful journey.

So if I have not made it clear already, this series is a smash for me, and I am so excited to see what happens in book #3. Absolute 5/5 and if you are a fan of the new adult genre, or even contemporary romance, this is a series that is not to be missed, I stayed up all night reading these books, I started at about 10 PM and thought I would just get them started, and did not go to bed till the next morning when I was finished with both of them.