
Suicide Squad, Volume 3: Death Is for Suckers by Adam Glass

bookmarked642's review

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just_fighting_censorship's review

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While this was a step us from the previous volume (not saying much) it was still not up to the standard set by the first volume.

I did like that this volume was very Harley focused, but her characterization was a little stale. Also, I usually live for Harley/Joker moments but his was Scott Snyder's torn off face Joker...gross.

Part of this title is that characters can die, however instead of sticking to the deaths we saw previously (Yo-yo and Deadshot) they bring them back. Why?

The story is average but the dialog was really strange. Characters are stiff and unnatural and the dialog wavers from ridiculously cheesy to difficult to follow. Characters make sudden statements that seem out of nowhere and the last few pages made no sense, so much so that I thought I was missing a page or two.

trish204's review

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OK, this volume was definitely better than all the others. It had much more action and all of the fighting scenes actually fit a bigger picture. The abilities of some of the adversaries were actually pretty cool although
SpoilerRed Orchid's triplets reminded me A LOT of Kill Bill

The best part, although it wasn't quite for me, was the dynamic between Harley Quinn and The Joker. It's actually interesting to see the different versions of him. Apparently, between all the DC writers out there, he ranges from "simple" crime-family-leader with a crazy-violent persona to bat-shit-insane and it's the latter we get here. Interesting, however, is also Harley's blooming independence. We saw a hint of that in the movie when she took off her "Puddin'" collar but she still loved Mr. J and was delighted when he came for her in the very last scene - here she seems to want to get away from him which is a bit disappointing to me, personally (not the being independent thing but that they aren't as good together as they seemed in the movie). Also, I get that
Spoilerhe had to do unspeakable things to her to make Dr. Quinzel become Harley, but I thought it was voluntary on her part while here I had the impression it wasn't
. Add to that the fact that
Spoilershe is kissing around with Deadshot quite often while The Joker had MANY Harleys before this one
and you get one surprised/dissatisfied reader over here.

Another characer that started getting my attention was Yo-Yo although he had ups and downs. But that only leads me to my next criticism. Because quite unnerving but apparently absolutely normal for such comics also is the fact that anyone can come back from the dead. Death just doesn't mean anything. I hate that. Really. I can excuse it once but not all the time and not with every character. So that put me off quite a bit.

That being said, despite still not loving the art, this volume was good enough to get 4 very generous/hopeful stars and to convince me to keep reading the remaining 2 volumes (yes, I'm a completist in this case).

misakattack's review

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This started out promising, and was looking to be better than Volume 2, but then quickly fell down the slippery slope of lazy dialogue and boring storytelling. The characters were poorly written, and everyone just HAD to have a witty comeback ALWAYS. By the last issue in this volume, I had no idea what was going on, and I got the impression that Adam Glass was just as lost. The craziest stuff just happened for no reason. That, coupled with the lazy dialogue, made this kind of feel like an 8-year-old playing with action figures. That sort of thing is fun for a kid, but doesn't translate well at all for comics. The only reason I'll be continuing with this series is the sole fact that Glass had stopped writing it by that point. There's a slim hope that maybe, just maybe, Suicide Squad will be as good as it promised to be back in Volume 1.

quinnster's review

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The Joker's back and he's a little pissed that his lucky lady has moved on. It doesn't matter that Deadshot is six feet under, Joker still has a score to settle. He wants to make absolute sure that he can trust Harley.

Always happy to see the Joker! And they went all out with the title because truly, death is for suckers. It seems that everyone has died at least once since the beginning of the series, some characters twice. There's something Waller is doing to the Suicide Squad members, but none of that has been made perfectly clear yet.

Suspense and action and a bit of a cliffhanger at the end. Who survives to the next round?

moe_althani's review

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WOW!!! This has got to be my favorite out of the three.This volume started out with a BANG! By showing us the one and only, THE JOKER. We finally got some joker time and got to see Harley with him! This volumes really amps up the humor, the action, the gore, the characters and so much more. This also had a much more simpler plot than the other two volumes. The ending had me like "Wait... What just happened?" IT WAS EPIC!!! The series really knows how to hook you at the end and makes you await with pain for the others. Overall I thought that this volume was AWESOME!!! And come on QUINN has got to be the BEST FREAKIN CHARACTER!!!

kelinickole's review

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This series is just a giant "meh" so far.

noveladdiction's review

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So I basically continue to read this series for Harley, Deadshot, and King Shark. Though Yo Yo is kind of growing on me, too.

nmillerche's review

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Using Resurrection Man's severed hand recovered in the issues of Volume 2 in some unspecified manner, Amanda Waller brings back two team members who fell in the previous two volumes of the Suicide Squad New 52 storyline. These issues coincide partially with the "Death of the Family" story arc of the Batman titles, which herald the return of the Joker, who's been "dead" for the past year. Joker's and Harley's codependency is revisited, but the story ends abruptly, freeing Joker to go after the Bat-family in other DC titles. Meanwhile, Regulus (leader of the Basilisk cult) has also come back from the dead. The series attempts to be unpredictable with the killing off of characters, but the team's ability to reanimate the major cast neutralizes the tension.

clockworkp's review

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Este me ha vuelto a encantar.
Los problemas que le encontré al tomo anterior quedan ahora resueltos. Vemos más desarrollo de los personajes principales y ¡aparece el Jocker! Su relación con Harley es enrevesadísima.
La aparición del "nuevo jefe" me pareció muy dramática y todo, pero el nombre se lo podrían haber currado un poco más porque Soldado Desconocido no da ningún respeto.