
The Day Before Winter by Elisabeth Ogilvie

cheriekg's review

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I need to stop reading the books from this series. The further I get away from the stunning first and second, the more I dislike Ogilvie. One of the strengths of the first few was that the books were solidly tied to their place, but it wasn't about the place. This should be titled: How to Live on an Island: Aren't We Charming? She saves what tiny bit of plot she's managed to scare up for the last 30 pages of the book and by then, it's just too late.

robinreading's review

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The Day Before Winter is pretty disappointing. Like An Answer in the Tide, the pacing is a little off and the heart of the story feels adjacent to Joanna’s point of view. Gone are the days of “gunmetal seas” and “gorminess,” this is a lot of sentences about the family pets and flash backs. Ogilvie fails to control the tension as masterfully as she usually does, and it’s a tough read as a result. It feels like “Go Set A Watchman” to me—the book that might have been better left unpublished.