
Heat of the Moment by Robin Kaye

elliefufu's review

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Heat of the Moment by Robin Kaye
Grade: B-

“Kids are supposed to like the nanny, sure, respect her, of course, but not love her. Not the way janie loves you.”

Cameron O’Leary never expected at nineteen to become a single father but with the help of his father and brothers he gave his little girl janie the best life he could. When Janie was diagnosed with cancer two years earlier, Cameron changed his job from firefighter to fire inspector, moved to a better town and hired a nurse/nanny to help keep Janie caught up in school. In need of a new home nurse/nanny for a few weeks, Cameron is set on Erin Crosby who is perfect for the job and perfect for him. Erin changes everything and soon Cameron is struggling to keep his hands and his heart to himself.

I am a big fan of Robin Kaye and since this book has a firefighter for a main character I just had to read it. This is a very cute book that goes by way too fast and I really wish that it would have been full length instead of a novella. Erin is a nurse working on her thesis who takes small home nursing jobs so she can finish school. Erin is perfect for Cameron and Janie and it was fun to watch all three of them fall in love and become a family.

I loved the family dynamic between Cameron, his brothers and father and they helped provide some good laughs and keep things light. I wish that we could have learned more about Cameron’s brothers and Erin’s best friend (who I think will get her own book next year). I would have also wanted to learn more about Janie’s mother leaving and what it was like for Cameron to raise her as a single dad.

I liked this book a lot but I was left wanting much. much more. I do hope that this book becomes a series so we get to spend more time with the characters. This is a very short, cute, fast read that went by much too quickly.

mandy_pandy's review

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Cam is a single dad to a little girl who is recovering from a brain tumor. With his daughter being released from the hospital, he needs to hire a nurse to stay with her at home. Cam hires Erin as the live-in nurse for her daughter. For being a short novella, I really feel like I got a complete story. I think sometimes with a novella, it can feel a little rushed but I really enjoyed this one! I loved Cam and Erin. This was a very sweet book that had some really hot scenes. I really enjoyed this and look forward to reading more by this author.

**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

destinugrainy's review

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Cam seorang orang tua tunggal dari anak berumur hampir 8 tahun yang bernama Janie. Janie baru saja dinyatakan sebagai penyintas kanker. Untuk itu Cam membutuhkan seorang pengasuh untuk Janie. Erin yang adalah seorang perawat yang sedang studi lanjut melamar untuk posisi itu.

Singkat cerita, Erin bekerja utk Cam. Baik Janie maupun Cam menyukai Erin, tentunya dengan cara yang berbeda. Erin sendiri tidak bisa menolak pesona Cam. Sayangnya, Cam mengatakan sesuatu yang menyakiti hati Erin.

Novella dari Robin Kaye ini sepertinya menjadi pembuka untul satu series lagi. Soalnya masih ada saudaranya Cam, Adam dan Butch, yang perlu mendapat porsi kisah masing-masing. Dan ohya, jangan kuatir, meski novella Robin selalu menyelipkan adegan steamy di dalamnya. :)

bookbae96's review

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Welcoming Erin Crosby into his home is proving tougher than Cam O'Leary expected. Because, from the minute that she first showed up at his door to take care of his daughter, Janie, Cam hasn't stopped thinking about Erin, and all the different ways that he'd like to get to know her. Unfortunately for him, none of them fit into the roles of employer and employee.

Erin hasn't had a lot of success with men, always finding ways to make short work of relationships, because, in her experience, men never stick around anyway. Focusing on taking care of Janie is turning out to be a tricker task than she'd anticipated, because she wasn't counting on Janie's oh-so-sexy dad, Cam. Keeping things strictly professional just got a lot harder.

HEAT OF THE MOMENT is a sexy little novella, and enjoyable, too. The awareness between Erin and Cam fairly jumps off the page, as they navigate their growing desire for each other while doing their best to avoid it. Janie's health is pretty much all that Cam has focused on for the past couple of years, so when Erin shows up and begins making him feel things that he hasn't in a very long while, he's adamant that they will keep things professional. Of course, the best laid plans, and all that...

This book gets a thumbs-up from me. The attraction between Cam and Erin is immediate, and sets the tone for the entire read. The addition of a quirky and entertaining cast of supporting characters makes the story seem more real, like this could be our own family, friends, self, we're reading about. Robin Kaye has written an entertaining and steamy story filled with imminently likeable people, and I enjoyed every minute of it. If things happened fairly quickly, well, hey, wouldn't it be nice if real life worked that way? I look forward to reading more by Robin, and would love to see a story featuring Cam's brothers, Adam and Butch.