
No Apologies by J.A. Carter-Winward

kingjason's review

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I've been reading this book for the last couple of weeks, dipping in and out taking my time trying to make sure that it doesn't end, but that has happened and I've reached the end of the book.

This collection of poems is stunning, beautiful, funny, sexy, shocking, moving, heart-breaking and I really wish right now I had one of those thesauruses so I could come up with some better words to describe this but I don't, so tough! The style of poem is the kind I love, no rhyming and always to the point, there is none of that flowery stuff here. A lot of the poems are observational, comments about people and what they are doing. In one of my favourites JAC-W reveals those people nearby sordid secrets, brilliant imagination unless she is a mind reader.... The title is very apt, "no apologies" she is telling the truth and if you can't handle it, then hop on yer bike.

I've ended up having to read a couple to my daughter after nearly spitting my drink out whilst laughing at one bit. I've never been this moved by a poem before either, I recently lost both Nan's and at the end they weren't themselves. In this one poem JAC-W had the same thoughts I had, take the kids to see their Nan's like this or let them remember them as they were, really hard to do.

There is a lot of sex in this book, so be warned cos you'll enjoy them.

Wonderful collection and easily one of the best poets ever!

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