
Green Lantern, Vol. 1: Sinestro by Geoff Johns

kidclamp's review against another edition

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The 'new 52' Green Lantern focuses in on Sinestro for its first volume, and this left me a bit flat. I just don't know a lot of Sinestro's history so it was hard to see how much his character is shifting, or understand all of his relationship with Hal Jordan. That being said, the events of the story, Sinestro creating a ring for Hal Jordan, saving his homeworld from his corrupted Sinestro Corp, is all very exciting and I will continue to follow it to see where it goes.

kmritter's review against another edition

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This is the first Green Lantern book I've ever read. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad I took a chance on it!

sammireynis's review against another edition

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Because my favorite DC superhero is Green Lantern and i'm collecting New-52 series, this oughta be good. Which it was.

shane_tiernan's review against another edition

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Really enjoyed this one. I've always loved Green Lantern (even the movie). I don't really know a ton about Sinestro other than he was a green lantern gone bad (and yellow), but he was excellent in this. It was kind of strange because I thought the New 52 was a complete reboot, but there's obviously a ton of history between Sinestro and Hal Jordan going on here.

Anyway, cool setup, great art (pretty standard for DC), and I'm definitely interested in what happens next.

justiceofkalr's review against another edition

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Eh, I just don't think I'm that much of a Green Lantern fan. Or I'm reading the wrong volumes. Sinestro is kind of interesting though.

skybalon's review against another edition

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Read a number of these graphic novels dealing with the Green Lantern all at once. It turns out, I am extremely ambivalent towards the Green Lantern. The stories about the Green Lantern just feel like a bits and pieces of other super hero stories combined with some attempt to make emotion the center of everything. Didn't hate it, just didn't love.

Artwork pretty good, just the stories not very memorable or interesting.

tomwright's review against another edition

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Has the best character development of any graphic novel that I've read so far. I enjoyed it, and look forward to the next volume.

happinessisalltherage's review against another edition

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No offense to whoever drew issue 6 but that was some of the worst art I've ever seen published in a big two comic book. Looking like a bad Newgrounds cartoon from 2009

rltinha's review against another edition

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Portanto, um gajo tinha um anel mágico e agora já não o tem, vive um namoro absurdo e plástico com uma tipa plástica, numa tentiva pateta de adaptação à vida normal após grandes aventuras intergalácticas... com o tal anel mágico.
Nisto aparece um gajo com bigodinho de ilusionista e com ar de quem, em toda a sua vida, só comeu pudim Boca Doce de morango. Esse tipo tem um anel mágico funcional com cuja gosma verde ultra-poderosa confeccionou outro anel, para «pedir em casamento» um sidekicking do tal tipo que, qual Sméagol, vivia a pensar no anel perdido.
E daí em diante as coisas não melhoram grande coisa.

Depois de ler esta trade perdi, de vez, a intenção de ler todas as primeiras trades de The New #52.

arrik's review against another edition

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As a collector of (solely) Superman comics when I was younger, Green Lantern was a hero I was always interested in. During the Reign of Superman story--following his death--I read when Coast City was wiped out and ended up getting the three Emerald Night comics when Hal Jordan became Parallax. Fast forward to now, I've gone back and digitally read every Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corp, and Emerald Warrior comic since that event. I was not disappointed in that time and expense investment.

I led with all that to say that GL in the New 52 did not start over like most other titles. They are marching on, so to come in with Volume 1 may be confusing. (To feel adequately in touch with what is happening, I'm not saying one should read everything I did; I'm just a completist, but certainly Blackest Night is essential.) But in a way, Volume 1: Sinestro is brilliantly written like a reboot, because events have transpired to put Sinestro back in the GLC. The way he is able to control Hal Jordan while requiring his assistance harkens to his days as mentor.

One of the best things I like about the GL family of comics is their frequent and wonderful use of full page panels. So much going on and it is consistently good! These guys let the art speak for itself, and I so appreciate that (especially after reading volume 1's of Action Comics and Superman).

It's awfully expensive to collect several comic titles, but as well written as GL is, I'm sticking with the family of GL, GLC, and GL:NG. (Yah, not so much Red Lanterns.)