
Dead over Heels by Theresa Braun

thequirkybooknerd's review

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singerwriter94's review

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4.5 stars

Originally posted on: The Quirky Book Nerd

*I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review*

I really enjoyed reading this story. It is a creative, inventive, and truly captivating tale that pulled me in from page one and took me completely by surprise. This is one of those stories that keeps you wanting more—the sort that will make you voraciously tear through it, and really packs a punch.

Despite the fact that it is short in length, the plot and its characters are completely fleshed out and multidimensional. This is a story that will stick with you long after reaching the end. From the mysterious situation that the two main characters find themselves in all the way until the shocking conclusion, Braun hooks her readers and fluidly pulls them into every page.

In this story, we follow our main character, Veronica, as she finds true love under the most peculiar of circumstances. After an unexpectedly deep connection occurs between her and her new beau, Sebastian, they soon learn just how unbelievably deep it actually goes. The two share very many similarities, the main one being their painful pasts—each one has lost a parent at a young age. But just as quickly as their relationship blooms, they are forced to quite literally face the ghosts of their pasts and relive a true nightmare. And when their individual histories play out before them, their love is put to the test as renewed pain threatens to break them apart.

There is so much packed into such a short amount of time, and Braun expertly unfolds a compelling and detailed plot within the length limitations. It is fast-paced and exciting, full of twists and turns, and without a single dull moment. Her writing style flows well and is easy to get swept up in.

This was unlike any story I’ve read before, and I applaud Braun on her originality in creating such an intriguing supernatural mystery. Her characters are relatable and likeable right from the beginning, and the full arc of their relationship ends in a shocking and unexpected conclusion. Filled with romance and humor, darkness and tragedy, this novella will keep readers on the edges of their seats and craving more, even after the final page.

annes's review

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At the start I wasn’t sure what was going to happen within this book but I was very intrigued at the hints of some paranormal happenings. Although our main character is on the search for love there is so much more happening within this short but wonderful story.

Every fact that was given within Dead Over Heels is connected to the plot as a whole and it all comes together perfectly in the end which leaves you speechless and in shock at what happens!

History repeats itself and something terrible happens which left me reeling and searching for words when the realization hit me of what had just happened. Although this was a very short story I absolutely loved it and would definitely read it again and again.

shellshellyshellshell's review

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley.

A supernatural short story about a couple who meet through online dating and realise that their pasts are surprisingly linked. Unfortunately I didn't like this story as much as I had hoped. I found the first half to be very slow and when the story did pick up it was quickly all over. The ending is really good and deliciously dark though. Maybe short stories just aren't for me.

charkar's review

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A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced by thoughts.

Dead Over Heels opens with our main character, Veronica, and her boyfriend, Sebastian, in trouble. What kind of trouble we don't know, but there's blood... For such a short read - seriously, this is only 38 pages - it sure does pack a punch. The ending, especially, will leave you reeling.

The style of it is chatty and informal but it doesn't come across as immature or poorly written at all. In fact, I think this helps the story along, as it feels like Veronica is replaying and relating the series of events that led her to be sitting in a police station. The descriptions are nicely done and give a good sense of the setting, without being too long and unnecessary. Overall, it's a nice blend of formal prose and a more personal narration.

There's plenty of supernatural and mystical elements throughout - we start off with Wicca, magic, and reiki and end with ghosts and violence - but there's also more normal things, mainly dating. Again, it's a nice blend and feels very natural.

Veronica is hopeful and on the hunt for love, but she isn't stupid. She knows that the candles she's made to help her find the one might not work, and she doesn't accept Sebastian's weak excuses for being late to their first date. As the story is told in first person, we don't get too many details about Sebastian. But from how Veronica sees him we can guess that he's a nice guy - interested in ghosts and more spiritual things and with some trauma in his past, but nice.

It's hard to say much more, as it's far too easy to spoil this little gem. What will say, though, is if you're a fan of paranormal, romance, horror, or any combination of the three you should definitely think about giving this a go.

mayu's review

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​This short story opens with the narrator and her boyfriend sitting in a police station, then it goes back into the past, a month ago, their online meeting, and then a date. In the The River House restaurant, where they went for their date, they notice a couple, but the waiter firmly believes that no one was sitting on the table they were talking about. Then as their relationship proceeds, their past revisits, secrets are spilled and soon their lives goes topsy-turvy....

Dead over Heels story was actually- eerie-creepy-scary and thrilling. It kept me on the edge of my seat, almost throughout the book. Definitely it was a quite a engaging read. 

The story line was good, it was predictable at parts but mostly unpredictable. I even loved the predictable parts.

Though this story had a supernatural/paranormal angle, but it didn't feel much unbelievable. The story just kept me so engrossed, with a pageturner effect that I somewhat didn't get the time or desire to judge it's believability.

"It’s not the way I wanted to spend eternity with the man I love, but it will have to do. At least we’re together. If only he could see and hear me. I won’t ever give up trying, though."~Veronica

The climax, was chilling and horrifying, being true to the genre horror.

 The romance between the leads was sweet, a nice reprieve from the scary experience.

Overall I would say it was quick and engaging read that I recommend to all horror lovers.

wulfwyn's review

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Wow! This was a big surprise. It is a short story which makes it perfect for lunchtime, commuting or waiting time. Don't underestimate it because it is a short read. I was drawn in from the moment I started reading. I found the characters very relatable, which can be difficult in a short story. The story is romantic and horrifying. My heart was quickly pulled into it and the ending was emotional for me. I don't want to go into the twists and turns the story takes but they were surprising and awesome. In my opinion, it is a perfect ghost story.
BookTasters and the author gave me an ecopy for review consideration. Opinions are mine. I would recommend it to older teens, (for mature themes), and up.

poisoned_icecream's review

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I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.

Veronica wants to love and be loved. She is considering giving up until she does some magic and meets Sebastian on a dating app. They go on a date, and some creepy things happen in which they see people other people don't see. On their second date, things go horribly wrong when they try to set some spirits free from replaying their deaths over and over.

Braun shows the length some people will go to find someone and keep them, as Veronica goes to extreme lengths to meet Sebastian and wants to be with him even after a horrible secret is revealed about their parents. Even when one of them ends up dead, Veronica is determined to stay with Sebastian.

I really enjoyed this short story and it left me wanting more. It is a well written short story and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for something creepy to read.

candacerobinsonauthor's review

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I did a reread of this since I've been reading a few short stories lately in between books, and it's just so well done for a short story!

This was actually a decent novella for how short it was. I normally don't like most ghost type stuff, but the way everything connected was pretty cool. The ending was unexpected too!

keeperofpages's review

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This paranormal thriller is the perfect blend of crime fiction, paranormal thriller and chick lit. I don’t want to elaborate on the description above as with short stories, you always run the risk of saying too much and spoiling the read. But I will say, in my experience, when reading a book, you anticipate an exciting plot twist, however, when reading short stories, I believe it’s harder to ‘wow’ the reader as you have such a short space of time to build the anticipation. Here, Braun delivered and exciting plot twist, that I did not see coming, one that totally altered the ending I anticipated this story having, not only making Dead over Heels memorable but also showing Braun’s talent in creating such a twist that surprised and shocked me.

If you tend to avoid short stories due to fear that the plot will not be fully developed, you needn’t fear with this one. The plot flowed smoothly and the tempo sped up to create the excitement and tension most look for in a thriller; and slowed down in the moments that read like chick lit. Combined this made a quick and enjoyable read.

I enjoyed the way Braun wrote in the paranormal elements as they fit perfectly to the story, they weren’t thrown in randomly, for example, no shadow appears for no reason, everything of this world and the paranormal were related, allowing Braun to deliver a short story with the perfect amount of crime and chick lit to make this a paranormal thriller worth reading!

*My thanks to the author (Theresa Braun) for providing me with a digital copy of this book*