
He's Cancelled by Sophie Ranald

thisismybooknook's review against another edition

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 This book was not it. There were some cute and funny moments, but most of this story just had me a little bored. The characters weren't good at communicating with each other and I feel like that had a major reason why I just didn't enjoy this. Plus her "in-laws" were so incredibly selfish I just couldn't stand them for most if the book. 

frombethanysbookshelf's review

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Genre: Romance | Romantic Comedy | Fiction

Release Date: Expected 23rd June 2021

Publisher: Bookouture

When Archie finally got down on one knee and proposed (or tripped and dropped the engagement in the mud, actually) Natalie almost didn't believe it. She'd been dreaming of him finally doing something romantic since they got together and they can finally start planning the first day of the rest of their lives.

But planning the wedding isn't she'd hoped - Archie keeps going AWOL, the best man is a total creep, her future mother-in-law is scrutinizing every single detail and her sister-in-law seems to think it's her wedding instead. Not to mention the utter insanity of her wedding planner who doesn't seem to understand that live flamingos have no place at a wedding.

For quite a while now, she's been part of Natalie and Archie, but this chaos is making her wonder who she is without him and maybe if she'd better off at home with her very spoiled cat instead.

Sophie Ranald always has a way of writing hilariously addictive tales - the type of book you read simply because you know you're going to be smiling all the way through.

He's Cancelled was light hearted, easy to read pure silliness and romance. Now I'm not one of those people who dream of being a bride but I am not opposed to indulging in a whimsical, fun romance from time to time.

The characters were as usual perfectly loveable, distinct women who you can't help but rally behind. I loved and hated the different relationships between Natalie and her new family and friends as they developed and grew in new ways - quite possible more than I loved her relationship with Archie.

Now, as much as I adore Sophie Ranald and have read almost everything she's written there were definitely a few comments thrown around by Natalie that made me uncomfortable, especially involving things like sex workers and strippers. Now I know this is written as the characters opinion during an emotional time but it definitely felt like it shouldn't been left out.


Thank you to Sophie Ranald, Bookouture and Netgalley for this ARC in return for an honest review.

vickyramirezy's review against another edition

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I read a description. I couldn't immediately figure out where the book was going. I read the book.
It wasn't bad, it was just a bit of a slog to get through.

blrees's review

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This book got me out of a reading slump! I haven’t read very much for the last couple of months despite really wanting to get back into reading again. As soon as I was approved for this book I knew I had to read it as soon as possible.

This is now my third Sophie Ranald book and I can safely say she’s now on my auto buy list for future releases. I didn’t read the book description for this - I just knew I’d enjoy it.

I really have to read Sophie’s earlier books because I’m sure they’ll be just as fun!

I know that two of her books that I’ve read have focussed more on fixing issues in existing relationships rather than the woman starting from scratch, and that’s quite a refreshing change. I love chick lit at its craziest and at its most realistic, but these types of stories really do seem more realistic.

Overall this book was great for getting me out of my slump. It was an easy, enjoyable read. Now I’m onto the agonising wait for Sophie’s next book!

melaniesreads's review

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While this is mostly a romcom it wasn’t the comedy aspect that I enjoyed the most, but the relationships between the characters. The dreaded mother in law to be with high expectations for her only son, the colleagues and patients in the hospital where Natalie works as a physiotherapist, her friendship/relationship with her mum and what a refreshing change to have a single mum cast in a fantastic light , extra star for that. My personal favourite was her beloved grandad and it brought back so many fond memories of my own.

After Archie’s whirlwind proposal, Natalie is browsing through wedding magazines in the hairdressers when she comes across a quiz. I loved the clever touch that each following chapter is then headed with a multiple choice question and answers from that.

While this should be mostly about her and Archie I found that although I liked him at the start and thought what a fun relationship they had he turned into a bit of a damp squib. Alarm bells soon started to ring rather than wedding bells.

Natalie was a great character and another bonus point that she is a young woman who is down to earth, up for a laugh and doesn’t take life too seriously, plays sports and isn’t your usual whiny high maintenance annoyance. Leave all that to the dreaded mother in law Yvonne.

A light and breezy book which gave me some giggles and warmed my heart. If you are looking for something fun and easy with some brilliant characters then look no further.

eecorreia's review

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When I read this book, I expected it to be Bridesmaids but in book form, and unfortunately this just fell flat for me. I also expected a quick beach read, but it took me much longer to get through the pages than I expected.

The book was cute and it was great to see how Natalie and Daisy’s relationship changed throughout the course and see Natalie with a happier ending than I expected. Despite this, there wasn’t enough humor or dramatic flair to keep my interest.

If what you like in a book is a quirky main character and a tale about how she learned to stand up to her mother in law while trying to balance her personal relationships with the other female characters, this is the book for you. Unfortunately, it just didn’t do it for me.

patchface's review

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Nat's too much of a doormat and a tad judgemental too, perhaps. But she was not totally unlikable. Though Archie was one of the sweetest book boyfriend/fiance, he's frustrating. I don't think whether Archie realised what he did wrong. He didn't apologise enough. How did they deal with Billy though? Initially it felt awfully long yet ending felt somehow rushed to me. Anyhow the romance was sweet. And I liked the book.

saschadarlington's review

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3 1/2

Archie is treating Natalie very sweetly and Nat’s first thought is that he must have done something wrong because isn’t this how guys act when they need to be forgiven? When they’re out-and-about, a spill brings Archie to his knees and while he’s there, he asks Nat to marry him. Although they haven’t been together long, she agrees in He’s Cancelled by Sophie Ranald.

I don’t usually waffle on reviews, but, be warned, this is going to be one carb-laden breakfast food review.

First off, I was so happy to read about the character of Natalie who is sporty, actually plays football (soccer to the Americans) and who is not obsessed with fashion, celebrity, and reality TV shows. She’s a physiotherapist who likes to eat and be comfortable. What a nice change of pace! Likewise, her fiancé, Archie is awkward but wonderful. He can cook like a gourmet but cause the kitchen to be a disaster zone as he goes. All of the characters are kind of quirky in their own way, likable and not likable at times.

He’s Cancelled is centered mostly around Nat’s future in-laws (mother and sister), planning her wedding for her in the way that her future SIL had planned her wedding that did not happen right down to making Nat choose the same dress. And, the “making” Nat choose is one of the problems with this novel. Nat lets people walk all over her and that is not a fun character quality to read about for pages on end.

Now, perhaps rightly or wrongly, I was waiting for the title to happen. I presumed the one to be “cancelled” was Archie. I was waiting for Archie to show his true colors and become a pig. In this case, the title is misleading, kind of like one of those headlines on grocery store rags or the bait-and-switch web articles that lead you to believe something that’s not true. No one was cancelled. In retrospect, I wonder how much I kept reading just to see that happen?

Besides Nat’s wedding planning, there is a lot happening with Nat’s mum, her grandfather, and best work friends. These are all likable characters and I enjoyed reading about them, especially the sweet grandfather and his cat, Theresa.

At some point though, I reached saturation when things just seemed to go on-and-on. Nat’s inability to act in her own best interest grew tiresome and then likewise Nat grew a little tiresome despite the fact that I had enjoyed her character up to that point. Some of the dialogue became passages of talk that did nothing to direct the plot and led me to believe that some ruthless editing would have been welcome.

Coincidence was also used a little to often. How often are you likely in London to be passing a restaurant and recognize someone sitting there? Once in a novel, but twice?

So, yes. He’s Cancelled was a book that I read and mostly enjoyed but which also tested my credulity and patience. There were funny bits and sad bits and it ended with covid bits. It did give me a taste of this author and her writing and intrigued me enough to want to read more of her books.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

let_therebebooks's review

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Thank you to Netgalley and Bookoture for the chance to read and review Sophie Ranald’s newest release; He’s Cancelled out on June 23!

This is my third Sophie Ranald book, and probably my least favorite.

I enjoyed Just Sayin’ and loved Thank You, Next. So when I heard she had a new release coming out? I instantly requested it and couldn’t wait! Her books are always so funny, quick, and enjoyable. This one was such a disappointment!

I didn’t like a single character. Not a one. Daisy was absolutely terrible and Archie was just a dud. The whole book is about Nat dealing with this wedding that everyone else is planning for her, and not having the guts to say what she wants and does or doesn’t like. That’s it. And it got old, fast. It got so repetitive that it got to the point where I just wanted to yell at Nat and skip to the end just to see how this all plays out.

My god the emphasis on material things was extra. I get that was the point but I DONT CARE. I don’t care about brand names and type of handwriting. There was way too much emphasis on it and it should have been cut short.

Also, why did it take so long for the plot to solve itself? It happened pretty abruptly with four chapters left in the story. No build up or anything. It just…happened. It was not satisfying. I was just so bored!

The one consistent thing with her other books though, is that the humor is there. But other than that - this one fell short for me unfortunately. I will still read her other works, and hopefully they’re better than this one was.

madammim79's review

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This is story about Nat and Archie. They are in the middle of planning their wedding. But while planning a wedding should be a joyful time, for Nat it is everything but that.

As the readers follow Nat, it becomes clear what her problem is... She tries to please everyone and forgets or rather neglects her own wishes.
As her frustration increases, her relationship with Archie begins to suffer.
What will it take for Nat to stand up for herself? And can her relationship survive if she doesn't?

I liked the premise of the story, and the theme of miscommunication in a relationship is always relevant.
But I have to admit that the story felt way too long-winded in the first half, (I was actually a bit bored at times), but in return the second half of the story felt a bit rushed...

Thank you so much for the ARC <3 @netgalley and @bookouture