geekwayne's review

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'Doctor Tomorrow' by Alejandro Arbona with art by Jim Towe is a reboot of a Valiant character and, man, are those covers striking!

Bart Simms is a young sports star who can't get his dad to notice him. One day he gets approached by an alternate world version of himself. The older Bart Simms pulls his younger version in on an alternate world spanning adventure to stop a decide menace. Young Bart is barely understanding his own powers and his alternate seems to be hiding information.

This is not the reboot you are looking for. There are a lot of characters and interesting variants of known Valiant characters, but the story and motives are just confusing. The art is pretty great, and, as noted above, I loved the covers.

I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Valiant, Diamond Book Distributors, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

dantastic's review

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Teenager Bart Simms is suddenly thrust into a multiversal conflict when he is recruited by Doctor Tomorrow, who just happens to be Bart Simms from another reality...

Multiverses always get my attention so this has been on my radar for a while.

So, let's get the negative stuff out of the way first. I found the art to be unspectacular and kind of bland. Also, there was something missing from the story that I have yet to be able to articulate.

The rest of it is peaches and gravy, though. The Valiant multiverse is explained, people meet different versions of themselves, and there are some big super hero fights.

I liked the book well enough but I feel like I've read better versions of similar stories before. I felt like this was missing that "something" that would raise it above other multiversal stories. That's why I couldn't give it more than a three.