
Remember by Dylan Allen

linzreadz13's review

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How is this only Dylan’s second novel? I was amazed with her debut and couldn’t believe it was just that. The way she writes, you would expect her to have written many stories. She’s just that good. This story is full of passion, fate, love, hope, forgiveness, and real life problems. It was such an emotional read that completely touched my heart.

I will always be a sucker for second chance romances and was beyond excited to see that Allen’s second book was a story about one. We are first briefly introduced to Milly in Rise. When she is hit with a divorce and is thrown back around the boy she’s always loved, she shows how tough and independent she can really be. Dean was everything! He was such a strong, protective, stand-up guy, not to mention swoony!

Dean and Milly’s relationship was beautiful and filled with chemistry that had me on the edge of my seat. I was rooting for them from the prologue and throughout the story as they overcame bumps in the road. Their relationship was so real and raw, I couldn’t get enough. The addition of a bit of mystery that needs to be solved made me a complete goner.

Her characters are developed and her stories have such depth that you can’t put them down once you pick them up! I can’t wait to see what Dylan Allen brings us next in the Symbols of Love Series.

Note: While it isn’t necessary at all to read Rise before Remember, I highly recommend it and you won’t regret it!

Grateful to have received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

lawlesslandofbooks's review

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Things On an Author's To List: 1. Write an amazing debut book that is well received. 2. Follow that up with a sequel that proves I'm not just a one hit wonder. 3. Take some deep breaths and realize this is really happening....People Love my words. This Dream....It's happenng. 4. One more pinch just to make absolutely sure...ouch!

This is what I imagine Dylan Allen's mornings are like right now, because she just put Book World on notice that she is here to stay with her newest book Remember.

I will Remember this one and I'll keep coming back to read it again and again. The love in this book...the understanding...the support...the acceptance....gah! I want this! She just set my bar on personal relationships...all kinds of relationships to a higher level. And on top of that...she amped up the intrigue and showed she can definitely weave a bread crumb trail .

Dean and Milly and second chance love just took number one spot on my Allen list and they had huge shoes to fill. Recommendation Status: You're insane if you don't jump all over this asap.

raciethereader's review

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I could not put Remember down. I adore second chance romances and this one was perfect. I fell in love with Dean immediately, especially his tenderness mixed with possessive bossiness. I adore Milly and her love of family and quiet strength. I loved the further views into Mary as a person and mother.

prettymessreading's review

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Click here for an interview with Dylan Allen and a giveaway of a signed copy of Rise - Book 1 of this amazing series!

****4 STARS****
For the unfiltered review. . .
“We had a good life.
“Why have good when you can have great?”

Remember is centered around two people who should have always been together but were driven apart by unimaginable circumstances. Luckily, life saw fit for them to find each other again but the problem was finding a way to a happily ever after after life gave them a shitty hand.

Milly grew up with Dean, the love of her life. He was her everything and she was his. Their connection was ran deep and so real that I could literally feel it coming off the pages. While reading their story I started wondering if my husband loved me like Dean loved Milly. I wanted what they had. I need to ask my husband how much he loves me later. Milly is gorgeous and she has a beautiful, rich soul. She has a quiet confidence to her which isn’t forced or all in your face. That confidence was also hidden so far down that even Milly forgot it was there until her no-good-ass husband, Kevin, decided he no longer wanted her to a part of his life.

That confidence came back real quick when that no-good-ass husband of hers decided he also wanted to take their son with him. That’s when Milly decided enough was enough and it was time to find herself again.
Whatever sadness, pain, wistfulness, or regret I was feeling over the demise of my marriage, disappeared when I got the letter. They were replaced with pure, white hot rage. – Milly">

Dean loves Milly with every part of his body. When the possibility of seeing Milly again presented itself, he hit the ground running. You see, Dean never thought there would be a day when he didn’t have Milly in his life but after years apart he finds her married and with a child and he is beside himself. He couldn’t see past his anger and hurt to find a way to understand why Milly made the choices that lead her away from him when she promised she never would.

Hurt feelings can often lead to even more hurtful words that one can never take back. Both Dean and Milly learn the hard truths of that. Just because second chance romances are beautiful doesn’t make then any less painful and takes a lot of work to make it work.
“Maybe because you fucking loved me? Maybe because we made promises to each other.” – Dean

In the end the big question is, “Do you remember us?”

So, what happens when one person gets there head out of the ass and fights for what they want? What happens when one person decides to find who they are are again. What happens years fly by and hurt feelings begin to fester? I guess you’re going to have to read the book to find out.

Do I recommend this book? Yes, ladies and gentleman I do.

Will I read another book by this author? Um…yeah! I can’t wait to interview her too!

Follow all things messy. . .

theestherhadassah's review

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Aaah!!! Its so perfect! You peeps had better add it to your TBR because you are NOT gonna wanna miss this. Dean and Milly forever!! Oh my gosh! I love how Dean acts with Ant Man (Anthony, Milly's son), BF goals right there. Ladies, have your man read the Dean parts and take some notes! Loved it!!

DISCLAIMER: I received an ARX of this book from the author for honest review. My thoughts and opinion are my own. I remain unbiased from being provided the ARC, but I totally love it!

bookbruin's review

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I am utterly and fantastically blown away by this book. Seriously, what is this sorcery?!?


I listened to the majority of the book, which was narrated amazingly by Anthony Linden, but did enjoy the ebook too when I just didn't have the chance to listen. I don't think I have ever listened to a dual POV book with only a male narrator. I've listened to several with only a female narrator, but this was definitely a first and I have to say I am impressed. Anthony Linden brought so much emotion and heart to the scenes and I was captivated by his performance. I honestly, inhaled this book. I haven't been consumed by a story and its characters like this in a while and I just couldn't bring myself to stop. From the very first page, I was sucked in and needed to know more. I even messaged a friend to gush and share my feelings because I just couldn't contain them.

Milly was an incredibly relatable heroine. Haven't we all lost ourselves or our way at some point in our lives? I loved her evolution through the story and how with each chapter, she regained a piece of herself. She didn't let her terrible ex Kevin define or destroy her. Milly is intelligent, loving, giving, and so fiercely loyal. I absolutely loved her and Dean. Her history with him broke my heart and it was game over for me the minute he came onto the scene.


I am an absolute sucker for second chance romances that feature childhood sweethearts and Dean was all kinds of swoony perfection! I could not get enough of him and part of what endeared him to me was that, just like Milly, he is not perfect. These two lost souls have been existing, but not truly living until they crash back into each others lives. I loved that from the start, he was 100% devoted to Milly and unwilling to let his second chance slip away. Add in his deliciously dirty mouth and I was a goner.
"Milly, this body, this soul, this love, it's mine. The only other children that will grow inside you are the ones that I put there. This. Is. Forever."


I also loved (and hated) the secondary characters just as much as Milly and Dean. Mrs. Orleans and Nicola had me feeling like this

while Anthony, Mary, Addie, and Lilly had me


The story really came full circle at the end and I appreciated the kind of role reversal between Milly and Dean as far as guilt and blame was concerned regarding their parents. I could not have enjoyed this story more and though this is my first Dylan Allen book, it certainly won't be my last!

bribookish's review

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This was my first time reading a book by Dylan and I have been DYING to for a long time. I very much enjoyed this book, I struggled with only having the male narrator - I felt like I was reading a M/M book which obviously is not it... I'm just not used to a male narrator reading an entire book. But overall, I really enjoyed this book.

arushofemotions's review

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So good

This book was so good!!!! Gah, it pulled me in right from the beginning and kept me intrigued the whole time!! I was so mad at points, laughing out loud at other points, on the edge of my seat at other points. So freaking good. Can't wait to read the next one in the series.

asocialcris's review

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I jived with this one more than the first. Full review to come...

nbiblioholic's review

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"I whisper, 'This is us,' and he whispers back, 'Always.'

Congrats to you, Dylan Allen! Thanks to your fabulous writing, amazing characters, and witty and heartfelt dialogue, I found it easy to fall in love with Dean and Milly. Through flashbacks of the two, we were pleasantly witnessing their journey through young love. You even had my kids looking at me like I was crazy because I screamed aloud when these two were reunited.
"My heart feels so full, joy leaks from my eyes."

"He wanted me, which makes me feel like I won the lottery."

Thank you for the closure. After finishing [b:Rise|33807507|Rise|Dylan Allen||54712404], I had quite a few unanswered questions, especially regarding Milly's father and his disappearance. So thanks for clearing those right up. I loved the way it was handled and enjoyed the range of emotions explored with it. The evolution of Dean and Milly's relationship was so beautiful. I loved how supportive, caring, and trusting they were of one another. And how they both just knew that they didn't want to EVER live without the other ever again.
"Then I remember I haven't really been alone since I was sixteen years old. Because that's when Millicent Hassan crawled into my heart, staked her claim on it, and never let go." - Dean

"I now without a doubt that as long as he draws breaths, Dean is the only person I want to navigate through this messy journey we call life with." - Milly

Full disclosure: I wasn't a fan of how often Milly snapped at Dean. Mostly without cause. It drove me nuts. As well as they knew each other and as close as they were, it was unwarranted. Especially because as far as I could tell, she never did that to her husband, who in so many words couldn't compare to Dean. Why was she so blatantly hurtful to the man she loved for more than a decade? Me? I would have clapped back LOL.

If you're looking for a story full of steam, warmth and feels, I can't recommend REMEMBER enough. I may be reaching here, but I swear there's a story brewing with Lilly and I for one am looking forward to it.

Release Date: June 1, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Second Chance Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 4 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone - character crossover from Rise