
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2 by Dan Mora, Raúl Angulo, Jordie Bellaire

archercc's review

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Garbage. Leave BTVS alone.

scarlett014j's review

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Not sure if I understand how they are integrating Spike here so I'm a little weary. This reboot has me extremely nervous because I love the tv series and the following comics so much.

theresidentbookworm's review

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The Best Of: Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2

1. Buffy's nightmare. I love how, even though they have updated Buffy for 2019, they have kept her fundamental fears consistent. She is afraid of letting her friends down, of getting them killed, of disappointing Giles... Most of all, she is afraid of not having a future because she is a slayer. Bellaire and Mora really captured all those insecurities and fears in the nightmare scene.

2. Joyce having a nice, supportive boyfriend who lives with her and Buffy and helps support her emotionally and wants to connect with Buffy. Please, for God's sake, do not have this boyfriend turn evil. Just let Joyce have some happiness.

3. Buffy being sort of a comic book nerd referencing a deflector shield and then catching herself when Giles doesn't know what that is. It felt like a very real, geeky teen moment. I like sort of nerdy, edgy Buffy. It is a smart update of her.

4. Cordelia's aggressive niceness. Again, this is an extremely smart update. In 2019, popular girls aren't shallow and openly mean. Instead, they are aggressively nice to everyone in a way that never feels genuine. It's a superficial niceness, but it protects them from being called a bitch. I have no doubt Cordelia still has a bitch inside of her.

5. Willow and Rose being an adorable, supportive couple and Rose reassuring Willow that she is beautiful and smart and great.

6. Buffy and Robin's meet cute. It's utterly adorable, and Robin is a cinnamon roll. I haven't gotten to Robin in Buffy yet, but I like this update of him. If Angel is not going to be the main love interest, I would love to see Buffy and Robin together.

7. The entire exchange between Cordelia and Spike? Beautiful. Spike is a creeper, Cordelia is oblivious, and I love them both.

8. Drusilla trying to intimidate Anya into sharing information with her by breaking things in her shop and accidentally releasing a monster that wants to kill vampires.

9. How this series incorporates technology. I like that Xander's narration is coming from what I assume to be a Tumblr blog. I'm sure Cordelia's beginning entries are supposed to be Twitter or Tumblr entries, and there is texting between Willow, Xander, and Buffy. I would like to see how technology helps them solve certain problems moving forward (aka the introduction of Ms. Calendar!).

10. Xander's sense of isolation, loneliness, and desperation. Again, another smart update. To remove the toxic masculinity of Xander, it makes sense to give him a storyline about depression and feeing isolated from his friends. I hope they explore this route more than just making Xander a jerk because he's lonely. There's a fine line to this storyline, but I think they will walk it well. Clearly, the text shows that maybe Xander's friends, though they can't know, are not helping with what seems to be his depression by canceling plans last minute. God, I want a storyline with Xander dealing with depression so bad.

jilltow's review

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I am completely obsess with these comics! I checked my mail everyday waiting for the second one to come feeling like a kid again. Im not looking forward to waiting the next month.

dbloore's review

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Okay, this one sealed the deal. I’m LOVING this series.

samhain's review

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As much as I love TV show Cordelia, it's so refreshing having her be kind, thoughtful and truly appreciated. The mean girl vibe made sense in the 90's, but she's a smart woman, she'd definitely be "woke" nowadays and intensely feminist. The fact that she's still confident and unapologetic makes her feel true to herself, just more up to date. I hope Xander and her will still have their high school romance, before he meets Anya or Dawn appears. Having a kind yet self-assured girlfriend would be good for him, given how he felt in this issue. I also hope Oz will join the gang, even for a short time. Even though Willow is ─ finally!! ─ a full-fleshed lesbian, I like his sweetness and his deadpan. Plus, the werewolf curse would make for great arcs in a present day setting. Imagine all the discourse about toxic masculinity and society expectations regarding manly men! It fits not only Oz/werewolves, but also Spike, Angel (he was always underestimating Buffy and there's the matter of consent regarding her age), and obviously the stupid-trolls-who-killed-Tara-and-whose-names-I-refuse-to-speak-again. I also hope Dru gets to stay longer than she did in the show, she's a wonderful and complex character, and the toxicity of her relationship with Spike which in turn lead him to think it was okay to force himself on Buffy needs to be addressed and explored a lot more than it was in the 90's.

Anyway. So far, this is exactly what I want from a modern retelling of this beloved story. I can't wait for the next issue.

witbeyndmehsure's review

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When I read this it feels so familiar. Like being home. I am loving the inclusion of Characters of color as well as Willow’s Queer identity being included from the beginning. The Sunnydale Sentinel talks about how this makes sense in 2019 for Willow because she’s able to find community and process her feelings much earlier and openly than in the 90s. I do see how this impacts Xander though. While Buffy has always been busy with Slayer stuff, Willow has always been there and right now Xander looks super lonely and left behind. That was definitely a feeling Xander struggled with on the show so it’s nice to see it explicitly stated. Love the group chat “Scooby Gang”!!! Lastly, I’m not sure if I’m following the Big Bad storyline. What even is the conflict? Somehow I’m okay with being lost on this.