
More Than Him by Jay McLean

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

4.5 stars

*Note: This is the third book in a series. It is not a standalone. You should have at least read the prior book, More Than Her, before reading this one. Some spoilers ahead.

Wow I am really loving this More Than series. Every book is better than the last. Oh Logan you kill me. You are so broken and vulnerable and I loved you so much. Even more than the last book. Something about seeing him so broken just really got to me. He is such a good person even if he doesn't always think so and I loved him to pieces. He deserves all the happiness in the world.

More Than Him is the continuation of Logan and Amanda's story. I was really dreading reading this one, but also couldn't wait to see what happened. I figured these two would have a lot to work out. I mean the end of the last book was the third time Logan had gotten Amanda to trust him then walked away breaking her heart. How do you go back from that? How do you get her to let you in again? Oh, this book was heartbreaking at times, but so so beautiful. I loved every minute of it. Amanda is an amazingly kind and caring person and is just so wonderful with Logan. These two don't always have it easy, but they are truly meant to be.

Logan left Amanda at the end of the last book to try and protect her. His past came back to haunt them, hurting her in the process (even though he tried to keep her safe) and breaking him. He goes back to where he was when he first came to live with his dad. It was really heartbreaking to read him. He was so broken, so defeated, but he never stopped loving Amanda. He just didn't know how to put himself back together again so he could be with her. He needed time and space and oh I loved reading his story. He was just so adorable when he was broken. I wanted to wrap him up in all the hugs and make everything better for him.

Amanda also has a hard time letting go of Logan. He got into her heart and doesn't seem to want to leave. She knows she should try and move on, after all he left her again without a word, but she just can't. She loves him still and she can't help that. I did really love how Amanda and Logan's dad started a friendly relationship. They both miss him so much sometimes it is nice to be around someone else who understand. Who makes the pain hurt just a little but less. It was sweet seeing her help him just as much as he was helping her.

When Logan finally returns he knows he will have to try and win over Amanda again. She is angry with him, and he understands. Although Amanda surprised me. For as much as I thought she wouldn't/couldn't forgive him, she is very understanding once she knows what is going on. She sees how broken he is and knows she can help him. Really there is just a connection between the two of them. No matter how much either of them might have tried to fight it it is impossible when they are in the same place. They were simply amazing together. Logan was so cute and Amanda was awesome with him. They just work. I loved this story. Every heartbreaking minute of it. I loved seeing Logan figure things out and become that strong, confident guy again. And I loved seeing Amanda be there for him every step of the way. It was adorable and sweet and amazing.

stumpfed's review

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Woah. No way was I prepared for this book. I'm reading this series consecutively, and I'm grateful I didn't have to wait for this one. Oh. My. Sweet. Hell. These two are breaking my heart.

Loved this book and every crazy thing it made me feel so deeply and raw.

Jay McLean, just wow.

roobie's review against another edition

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4 stars

You know what I think? I think it's human nature to blame yourself. When things fuck up in life, you always want to find a reason for it. There has to be a reason, right? Bad things don't just happen to good people.
So we sit around and try to make sense of it all, and the only sense we can make is that we probably deserved it, so we make up these ideas in our heads.

thebooktrollop's review

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This book was everything I thought it would be. Sweet, angsty, funny, beautiful, and heartfelt. I got SO MANY damn FEELS with this book, the butterflies seemed to take up permanent residence inside.

This book was the continuation from More Than Her, which left off on a major upset that made me want to find Jay McLean and thunder twat kick her for doing that to my poor heart!! But I was anxious for More Than Him, so I guess she did her job
*grumbles and huffs*

My only little complaint; there was some unnecessary drama that I felt could have been eliminated and the story would have still been amazing (such as the drama with Heidi, it wasn't really necessary to Logan and Amanda's story)...

But other than that I think this book was by far my favorite out of the bunch. I got what I wanted in the end and Jay made me FEEL these emotions from these characters!! I felt the pain, heartbreak, love.... everything!!!

If you hated the way the last book ended, I would pick this one up and I think you will be satisfied with how things ended, but that is all I am going to say. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who wants to read this story.

I ugly cried through certain parts because I remember my heart being broken so many times when I was younger, that Jay McLean brought all those emotions back to me and gaaaahh I was a hot mess!!

I wanted to hug Jake, punch him, love him, fuck him... and then I wanted to punch Amanda, hug her and I was all over the place with every emotion I can think of!!
SERIOUSLY amazing writing and I can't wait to read more from her!!!!

Overall, I give this book a 4.5/5 and if you love these characters, then you will LOVE this book!!!! Totally worth the heartbreak in the last book to be able to mend it in this one!!

darkromance_queen's review against another edition

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Book 3 in the More Than series and now we’re talking. This book is the second part to Logan and Amanda’s story where we get to follow their story about finding their way back to each other and overcoming most of their issues. It’s a flawed relationship but they never stop trying and fiercely loving each other . This series is evolving not only writing wise but also with character development. I loved it even if it has a few flaws along the way. Still lots going on at fast pace but that’s what makes it hard to put down. 5 wonderful stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

nayabimtiaz's review

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At times all I wanted to do was to hit them!!! but it was good overall.

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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4.5 Stars
Truth? I Flove Jay McLean's storytelling ability. I find a lot of times that series that follow a group of friends that each book tends to resemble the original. This is SO not the case with the More Series. Each book, so far, has been it's own entity and the stories just suck you right in.
Logan, how do I even describe Logan? I should be disgusted by his manwhore-ish history but honestly, I totally get why he was able to pull so many chicks. I'm happily married and like to think I can sense a player from a mile away but I would still probably fall at his mercy. Haha. We get to see more of the vulnerable and broken side of him in this book. My heart broke for him and all that he endured and what he gave up. I just wanted to see him get his happy ending.
I really like Amanda and the fact that, despite how much Logan hurt her, she held onto her love for him. I wish that maybe she would have required more of an explanation from Logan before she forgave him but I also appreciate that she tried to understand where he was coming from.
Side note: Ethan was sort of bad ass in this book. Even though it was a tough scene to read I think it was awesome for him to step up and fight for his sister. Also Logan's dad is the most awesome dad in the history of dads. Valid!
It would be wrong if I didn't mention just how much I loved how much Lucy we got. She is seriously one of the funniest fictional characters I've read. I cannot wait for her and Cam's book. Eek!
Another awesome read from Jay McLean. This is one of my favorite series out there and I suggest that everyone get read each and every book. They'll be jonesing for the next book as much as the rest of us More Series Lovers!!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

akristinab's review

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Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars
I honestly don't know how I feel aout Logan and Amanda. In a way they are a perfect fit, but I also wonder if they are toxic for each other. You would think with this being their second book they'd be able to get their shit together. But no Logan still needs a million more chances. Okay, maybe not a million, but by the end of the two books he's at least on his fourth chance with Amanda. If I was Amanda he would be been kicked to the curb before I could fall in love with him again.
Maybe this reflects real life relationships. Trying and failing. Countless times. But I don't want real life relationships. I want easy and relationship goal relationships.
I'm just kind of over this series. I honestly don't understand why so many people gush over Jay McLean's books so much.

kira648's review

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There’s a really overdone pattern that has been continued from Book 2 to Book 3 concerning the emotions involved for the characters.
It got a bit frustrating and annoying

megs_romance_library's review against another edition

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perfect ending to Logan and Amanda’s story

I loved this so much. It wasn’t as angsty as the last book and that’s how it needed to be. This was their healing and my heart needed it