29 reviews for:


Torey Hayden


salazander's review against another edition

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emotional hopeful reflective tense medium-paced


minttilu's review against another edition

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Ihanaa että Haydeniltä tuli uusi kirja, olen lukenut jo kaiken aiemman. Uskomatonta kuinka hän kykenee ottamaan kontaksia lapsiin joiden tilanne vaiktutaa lähes toivottomalta. Se osoittaa että aina on toivoa. Kuten tälläkin pikkutytöllä kenen kanssa Torey työskentelee tässä kirjassa. Hurja tarina ja ihanaa että Toreyn kaltaisia ihmisiä on!

arteww's review against another edition

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Tykkäsin, kuten olen tykännyt muistakin hänen kirjoistaan! Tässä oli erityisen kiinnostavaa historia-aspekti siihen, miten eri aikoina lapsia on ollut soveliasta koskettaa. Lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö oli tässä tosi kiinnostava näkökulma.

jennitarheelreader's review against another edition

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Torey Hayden is an educational psychologist who works with children, and this story is about one child she met during her work.

Jessie is nine years old. She’s talented with art, especially drawing. She’s also known to throw tantrums, severe ones, including arson, when she doesn’t get what she wants.

Her parents no longer want custody of her, and the social workers caring for her have difficulty with her behavior. Jessie goes from foster home to foster home until she is finally diagnosed with attachment disorder. It was determined that she never formed a secure bond with an adult, and this is what was causing all her behaviors.

Torey Hayden is asked to help her as a volunteer. Living in Wales now instead of the US, Torey can no longer work in the same capacity with children as she has been trained to do. In just one hour a week spent with Jessie, she is able to connect with her.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and learning more about Jessie. Apparently, Torey Hayden is well known for these types of books, especially from when she worked as a special education teacher, and I am definitely interested in reading more stories from her.

I received a complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

Many of my reviews can also be found on my blog: www.jennifertarheelreader.com

theforestlibrarian's review against another edition

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Miten auttaa lasta joka jo manipuloi sujuvasti ympärillään olevia aikuisia eikä luota enää kehenkään? Siihen Hayden yrittää vastata. Toivottomuus ahdisti. Toivon pilkahduksia jotka eivät tunnu riittävän.

sarareadbooks's review against another edition

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emotional informative inspiring sad fast-paced


belinda1979's review against another edition

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As typical of a Torey Hayden book, I found it a really good read. Still shocks me to the absolute core when I read of the abuse that children have gone through and continue to go through to this day.

michelle_arnold's review against another edition

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dark emotional informative sad medium-paced


lbb220's review against another edition

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dark fast-paced


beastreader's review against another edition

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I dare you not to feel something for Jessie and her story. I was so fascinated by Jessie's story that I read this book in two days. The deeper that I got into Jessie's story; my heart broker for her. However at the same time I was memorized by the big stories that she told Torey.

Jessie's story tugged at my heart. Her story was filled with abuse. She just wanted someone to love her. Torey helped Jessie to find her voice. As Torey shows it the journey is a long one filled with tons of patience, an open mind, care, love, and knowing the ultimate goal is to find a "forever home".

There were times when I was shocked by Jessie's behavior and the stories she told but as I learned more abut her "true" story; I understood better why she acted the way she did. This book is worth your time to read.