
The Partly Cloudy Patriot by Sarah Vowell

deanna_rigney's review

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A series of short essays full of dry, subtle wit, nerdy hipness, and Gen-Xer references. Sarah Vowell makes politics and history as interesting as they should be.

shareen17's review

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If you are sarcastic, a Democrat with a capitol D (as she says), and a nerd/nerd-lover, you will love this book. Others, probably not. In general, I'd say it's more humor and general observations than politics and political rants. She has an interesting blend of interests (Lincoln, US history in general, politics, music, sports, etc., etc.) and a funny way of looking at the world.

alidottie's review

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I always enjoy Sarah Vowell's wit and enjoyable review of life and historical events. This book was written right before and after the presidential election of 2000. It was interesting to relive the emotions of that crazy time in a couple of her chapters.

melissa_who_reads's review

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A collection of essays, some better than others. This is Vowell working at the craft of writing essays, finding her own personal style, and some hang together better than others. Some have a point, others meander pleasantly along. A couple really hit their mark. Overall, enjoyable.

kitdunsmore's review

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Sarah Vowell's humor is great, but what I love about her writing is her willingness to look at the contradictions that are part of being an American. She talks about seeing a buffalo in North Dakota and wondering how anyone could shoot anything so noble, then having buffalo burgers for lunch. It's hard not to like someone willing to be that honest about themselves. Another of her strengths is connections - making intellectual leaps that result in intriguing ideas. Her passion for America and politics is real and heart-warming. I'm relieved to learn someone cares so much about what is going on in this country and am grateful she's willing to share her passion with me.

The essays in this book include the 2000 election and Bush's inauguration which was interesting to read after seeing what eight years of Bush in the White House has done to America. This is the first book of hers that I've read, so I guess I need to find something more recent if I want to hear about her reaction to the latest developments. I'll definitely be reading more of her work no matter when it was written.

liann24's review

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My sis-in-law gave me this. Good stuff.

lnbrittain's review

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OMG this was so smart and funny!!!

usernamemustbeunique's review

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Like all of Vowell’s works, this book benefits from her wonderfully straightforward, humorous authorial voice and attention to detail. It includes some thought-provoking observations that are particularly interesting and give readers a glimpse into the American psyche at the time of its original publication. I would recommend it to anyone looking for essays on Americana and American thought.

metalphoenix's review

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If I didn't already love Sarah Vowell, the Buffy chapter about nerds really sealed the deal.

subvino's review

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It made me laugh out loud. 'Nuff said.