libraryjen's review against another edition

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adventurous fast-paced


I don't read a lot of short story collections because I find them to be pretty uneven in quality; I'll love some stories and hate others in the same collection. Or, I find myself lost and confused because I know nothing about the world I'm jumping into (e.g. one story is #3.5 in its series, while another is #5.1 in its, and another is #0.5, etc. etc.). This collection, however, was more enjoyable than most, despite meeting that exact demographic. 

My favorite stories were the first one from Jim Butcher and the last one from Patricia Briggs, but those are the only two original series that I was familiar with before reading this collection. 

If you enjoy urban fantasy, there's a high chance that you'll enjoy this book. I definitely recommend it!

amelia_horseman's review against another edition

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adventurous funny lighthearted medium-paced


teachinsci's review against another edition

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Great collection

A collection of stories about heroes expected and unexpected. Many of these are parts of larger series and I have to admit my to- read list grew considerably.

courtwoof's review against another edition

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I didn't like all the stories in this book. I admittedly got it for the Dresden Files story. But The Dark Ship and Train to Last Hope BLEW ME AWAY. They're what get this collection five stars. I was literally shaking from those stories and about to burst with how great they were.

heregrim's review against another edition

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No story that I would have called bad, a few not completely to my taste and a few others that I feel didn't give me much meat. (Placed in order of how much I liked them.)

5 stars:
Train to Last Hope
Troll Life
Return of the Mage
Dating Terrors
The Necessity of Pragmatic Magic
Fire Hazard

4 Stars
Little Things
Grave Gambles

3 Stars
The Vampires Karamazov
The Dark Ship
Comfort Zone

blodeuedd's review against another edition

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I only read this one for the Anne Bishop one!

Little Things by Jim Butcher
Kind of feels like I am not missing much by not reading Butcher

The Dark Ship by Ann Bishop read by Alexandra Harris
It took place somewhere else! Ohhh nice. I liked that. I love that. Got to to see what the European others were up to after everything was destroyed.

Comfort Zone by Kelley Armstrong
Eh, it worked.

Train to Last Hope by Annie Bellet
Interesting, and dark

Fire Hazard by Kevin Hearne
At the moment I can not even recall it

Grave Gambles by R.R. Virdi
Quite interesting

Silverspell by Chloe Neill
I guess Neill is just not for me

Troll Life by Kerrie L. Hughes
I liked this one

Return of the Mage by Charlaine Harris
No idea what was going on

The Vampires Karamazov by Nancy Holder
I liked this one

The Necessity of Pragmatic Magic by Jennifer Brozek
Zero recollection

Dating Terror by Patricia Briggs
An Asil story, nice

As always, some good, some bad

philibin's review against another edition

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Some good, some not so much. I didn't dislike any of the stories, but a lot of them just weren't to my liking.

Some of the ones that I really liked were: The Dark Ship by Anne Bishop, Fire Hazard by Kevin Hearne, Grave Gambles by R.R. Virdi, and Troll Life by Kerrie L. Hughes.

trueperception's review against another edition

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Some good stories, but mostly meh.

leabookjoy's review against another edition

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French & English reviews

Ohhhh une anthologie que j'attendais depuis longtemps, surtout pour l'histoire de Patricia Briggs avec Asil ET c'était encore mieux que ce que je pensais !

Je n'ai lu que les trois nouvelles qui m'intéressaient donc mon avis n'engage que celles-ci !

Dating Terrors by Patricia Briggs : ma préférée de toute l'anthologie
5 millions d'étoiles !!

Comme c'était déjà le cas dans les précédentes nouvelles, Asil a à nouveau un rendez-vous arrangé avec quelqu'un (j'aimerais tellement savoir qui a eu cette idée xD Je soupçonne Anna avec la complicité de Bran ><) et cette fois-ci on retourne à Seattle (on revoit notamment Alan !) pour ce rendez-vous ... Et je ne peux pas spoiler mais c'est mon rendez-vous préféré !! J'adore avoir le point de vue d'Asil qui observe le monde avec son regard de très vieux prédateur (et un Asil charmeur ... Pfioulala !!) mais aussi celui de Ruby que j'ai beaucoup aimé et la petite intrigue autour des fantômes et du mystérieux danger qui menace Ruby ... J'ai dévoré la nouvelle !!
Coup de coeur pour le mot de la fin qui m'a fait couiner "Non"

Contrairement aux précedentes nouvelles avec Asil qui ne sont pas forcément nécessaires pour comprendre la série principale (même si elles sont géniales et qu'elles raviront les fans !), celle-ci est différente et aura un impact important pour la suite donc A LIRE (en tous cas j'espère et j'aurais même bien envie d'un tome hors série avec Asil ><)

The Dark Ship by Anne Bishop
4 étoiles
Une nouvelle hyper bien écrite dans l'univers de la série "The Others" qui m'a transportée à nouveau dans un univers magique et sombre qui m'a ravi =) J'aurais peut-être aimé une pointe de romance mais j'ai beaucoup aimé l'héroïne (très courageuse malgré sa vie pas facile) et la façon dont l'intrigue s'est déroulée =D (ambiance très "pirates" !!)

Silverspell by Chloe Neill
4 étoiles
Une petite nouvelle bien écrite avec des meurtres à résoudre et j'ai bien aimé retrouver toute la petite bande =)

Bref, un coup de coeur immense, parfait pour ceux voulant découvrir l'urban fantasy et qui m'a fait retombé dans ce genre (je vais d'ailleurs de ce pas lire un Chloe Neill suivi d'une grosse relecture de tous les Patricia Briggs ><)


Ohhhh an anthology that I've been waiting for a long time, especially for the story by Patricia Briggs with Asil AND it was even better than I thought !

I only read the three stories that interested me so my opinion is only on them !

Dating Terrors by Patricia Briggs : my favorite of the entire anthology
5 million stars!!

As it was already the case in the previous short-stories, Asil has a date again arranged with someone (I would really like to know who had this idea xD I suspect Anna with the complicity of Bran ><) and this time we're going back to Seattle (we're seeing Alan again in particular !) for this date ... And I can't spoil it, but it's my favorite date !! I love having the point of view of Asil who observes the world with his gaze of a very old predator (and a charming Asil ... Pfioulala !!) but also the POV of Ruby who I really liked and the little plot around ghosts and the mysterious danger that threatens Ruby ... I devoured the short-story !!
LOVE the final word that made me squeal "No"

Unlike the previous stories with Asil which are not necessarily necessary to understand the main series (even if they are great and will delight the fans !), this one is different and will have a significant impact for the future so READ IT (well I hope it'll have an impact and I would love a special book with Asil ><)

The Dark Ship by Anne Bishop
4 stars
A super well-written short story in the universe of the series "The Others" which transported me again to this magical and dark universe which delighted me =) I might have liked a touch of romance but I I really liked the heroine (very brave despite her not easy life) and the way the plot unfolded =D (very "pirate" atmosphere !!)

Silverspell by Chloe Neill
4 stars
A well-written short story with murders to solve and I enjoyed seeing the whole gang again =)

In short, a huge love at first read, perfect for those wanting to discover urban fantasy and which made me fall back into this genre (I'm going to read a Chloe Neill book right away followed by a big rereading of all the Patricias Briggs ><)

teachinsci's review against another edition

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Great collection

A collection of stories about heroes expected and unexpected. Many of these are parts of larger series and I have to admit my to- read list grew considerably.