
Suddenly Us by Marie Skye

peggyemi's review

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This was a one day read for me. Like the trilogy before, this is a fast paced emotional read about two people who are a bit broken but by finding each other they heal. I liked Gwen's character so it was nice to see her get her own story. Hawkins is a great protective alpha. I enjoy this author's writing and look forward to her other stories.

lzw's review

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Suddenly Us by Marie Skye is a pulse pounding romance that I gave 5 stars! From the very first description-This story is based on actual events. As the reader, it's up to you to determine what is fact, and what is fabricated, for it will never be revealed, to protect those involved-it HAD me. Marie Skye knows how to weave a tale of intrigue and lust. This novel is written in alternating first person POVs by the two main characters: Gwen and Hawkins.
Gwen has been hurt, and she lives in a world of insecurity and doubt. Not even her friends are successful at convincing her of her worth, her beauty. With little trust in men, she meets Hawkins. The attraction is scintillating. He truly seems to value her, is it too good to be real? Hawkins is far from perfect, his past is riddled with regret. He fears failure in all aspects of his life. There is an instant connection to Gwen, and he will do anything to convince her it’s real. Will she let her walls crumble to allow love in? Can he succeed in gaining her trust and love? They will both need to overcome their pasts in order to have a future.
Loved this story! These two amazing characters are broken, yet willing to fight to become whole. You will find yourself cheering for these two, and you will feel the desperation for love that they have. The story is beautifully written, highly detailed, and fast paced. Such a realistic struggle with insecurity, and finding one’s confidence again! And the heat, oh the heat! So intense and real! You will devour this book, and crave more from this talented author!

bookingbonkers's review

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Suddenly Us is about Gwen, a woman with quite an intense past that has shaped her present in which she sees herself as overweight, unimportant and useless. She meets Hawkins on a failed date and has no idea how much he feels for her and how much of an impact he is about to have on her life.

This story has quite a few intense moments and themes running through it which are written very well and handled with great care and attention. You get both Gwen and Hawkins points of view throughout the story which gives you great insight into both characters feelings, emotions and history. Both main characters, as well as some of the additional ones, have many layers, not all good, and are very haunted by past events. I enjoyed the fact that Gwen became more of a confident, self empowered women after her previous experiences and that Hawkins helped. A lot of women's empowerment stories hint at the woman doing it alone and independently. This story shows, quite truthfully and realistically, that supportive people that care for you, depend on you and even lust after you can give you an inner power and confidence to overcome your life struggles. I also liked the fact that Hawkins gained some empowerment from Gwen. It's not a one sided tale where the guy saves the girl. They both save each other and help each other step on top of their pasts to reach a better future.

Hawkins is a sexy, alpha dominant male who will protect Gwen no matter what, not only from the awful, evil people in her life, but also from her own self destructive thoughts gained through the emotional battering she has taken over the years that give her a self image that he just does not see. Hawkins sees her as an amazing and beautiful woman and is determined, almost to the point of obsession, to make her see herself through his eyes. Some of his actions are extreme to say the least but all come from a good place.

I look forward to reading more from this author in this style.

nikkismiles43's review against another edition

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Suddenly Us
By Marie Skye
5/5 Stars

Well Marie Skye did it again… this book is simply amazing!! I could not put it down for the life of me!! Life went on around me and I just tuned everything out! It was wonderful!!
I have read books by Marie before…So I knew this book wouldn't disappoint me at all! If you haven't read the Incapable series, you should ASAP!! Go get them right Now!!
Marie has a way of drawing you into the book, like you are there with the characters; Feeling every single emotion they are. Beautifully written, with characters full of depth and diversity! You will fall in love with the characters , just like I did!!
This personally was my favorite book, so far. Only because I related to the main character so well. I felt really connected to her. I felt her pain and anguish! I have been there, where she was. I know exactly, what it feels like to not ever be good enough, for anyone!!
In this book , you meet two completely different individuals who are brought together in unique way. Hawkins and Gwen are complete opposite of one another, in every single way. Opposites, DO attract!!
Hawkins all of his life , he's protected and served. Even now, after all this time. But he can't get Gwen out of his head. He feels drawn to her, he's compelled protect her. But yet he doesn't understand why. Their chemistry and attraction to one another is immediate!
Gwen is as beautiful on the inside, as she is on the outside. But yet, she feels she isn't good enough. Not to her parents, friends or any potential boyfriend. Because of a past relationship, she has sworn off dating. Until Hawkins…
Can he help her see,how truly wonderful she really is? Or will she push him away, before she gets hurts again?
“ When you realize , you found the person that you want to fight with, for the rest of your life, and no matter what,you'll still love them unconditionally.” One of my absolute favorite quotes from the book!!
I highly suggest you read this book! Heck ALL of Marie Skye’s books are phenomenal! You won't be disappointed with any of them!!
I can't wait to see what's in store for us in the next book! Until then, I'll be patiently waiting for the next character's story!

funsizesteffi's review against another edition

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***Warning: this books contains scenes that some people may find upsetting or distressing***


Love. Who needs that? Who would want that? Who hasn't had their heart split in two, because they were never their first option, and damn sure their second. I have. But I stayed. Why did I stay? It was love. I wanted to finally feel that I was wanted. It didn't matter if he thought I was worthless. It didn't matter if he degraded me, because he felt like it. Any love is better than no love...right?


Every day, I'm haunted and tormented. When, I look in the mirror I see a failure. A failure that let people that needed me down. I worry that it will happen again. If it happens to the people I care about the most, I don't think I could live with myself. Can I put my torturous past behind me and start to enjoy life? Especially now that I have a reason to live it?

This book was intense. I don’t think there is any other word for it. The author handled all the sensitive issues with the greatest care. It is the first book I have read by this author but I will definitely be reading more of hers again. She creates the characters lives on the pages and makes then so realistic.

way2gosmartguy's review against another edition

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Suddenly Us by Marie Skye was a good romance book. It was the first I have read by this author, but I heard a lot of good things. I am glad I read it, and will be seeking out her other books soon. I was pulled in from the very beginning and it kept me hooked all the way until the end. The characters were very likable and I found it easy to relate to them, and their feelings. There was a little suspense, and not all hot steamy romance, which I like. It gives the story a nice balance. It is a story about two emotionally damaged people, and them trying to find themselves and each other. It alternates between the viewpoint of the two lead characters, which I love, because you get to see both sides of the story. While there were some decisions the characters made I did not agree with or like, overall I enjoyed the book and wanted to keep reading. I give the book a 5 star review.
Gwen has been hurt in the past, and it has left her very cynical of love. She stayed in a unhealthy relationship for far too long, trying to make things work, and in the end was crushed when it didn't. There were warning signs left and right, but she chose to ignore them and hope for the best. She was treated like crap for years, but because she loved him, she held on to hope. That hope never came, and when the relationship ended, she was crushed. She is finally at the point of trying to get back out there, when she meets Hawkins. He works for her best friend's husband, and is nothing she is looking for in a man, but maybe he is just what she needs?
Hawkins has a few skeletons in his closet, that he has carried for years, from his days in the military. He hasn't been able to shake his demons, and is suffering from PTSD as a result. He isn't looking for romance, but after learning a little about Gwen, finds himself feeling very protective over her. Soon that protective feeling turns into a little more, and she is all he can think about. He quickly persuades her to be with him, and then has to figure out how to work through their pasts, in order to make a future.

katie_83's review against another edition

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Suddenly Us by Marie Skye
5 ‘but wish it could be more’ stars!!!!
Suddenly Us is a fantastic, emotional yet incredibly steamy novel by Marie Skye. This book could be read as a standalone novel but does feature the characters from her amazing Incapable series. That series remains one of my favourites ever so I could not wait to read this authors new book and it was more than worth the wait! It is beyond doubt one of my best reads so far this year!
The book does feature some pretty intense scenes that may be a trigger for some readers but there is one thing about this author is that she does an amazing job in writing about these difficult things.
I loved Gwen! I thought that she was so strong and brave considering everything she put up with in her life even if she didn’t think that she was. She got up every day and tried to make the most of her life. I liked Gwen when she appeared in the other books so it was nice that she got her own story so we could find out more about her. I loved her character development over the story and the author did a great job in bringing out such emotions in me as a reader when it came to Gwen. She went through some pretty emotional scenes and I could feel every emotion she did.
Next we get to think about Hawkins – O-M-G!! He was so mysterious in the other books, just Grayson’s security but my did he come into his own in this story! Talk about sexy!! I devoured his POV chapters with everything I had – he was amazing! Maybe a little unorthodox in the way he dealt with any men who came into Gwen’s path but my gosh was he super protective of her! I could forgive him the over bearing ways because the things he came out with were definitely panty-melting! I loved Grayson until Hawkins came along – now I don’t know who I want more!! I loved how he tried so hard to build up Gwen’s confidence when it has so badly been beaten down in her previous relationship. He had a very romantic side to him but also one fantastic dominating side!
Suddenly Us is just an absolutely amazing book and I definitely urge you to read it – if you haven’t read Marie Skye’s previous series then you should definitely read them too! All of her books make for some pretty captivating reading – I cannot wait for whatever she comes up with next – I know it will be just as amazing as these ones are!

lisa01's review against another edition

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Suddenly Us by Marie Skye Rated 5 stars

Talk about starting off with a bang! My jaw is literally on the floor right now. If this is just the beginning of this book I can only imagine what the rest will hold for me. Gwens online date is quite the creep! Thank goodness Hawkins came to the rescue! Then later when Grayson is looking for security detail for the girls night out and Hawkins rejects a guy for Gwen saying he is a criminal because he has parking tickets. Ha ha ha....he is in so much trouble! This is a great start to the book. It pulled me in with the shock moment which went to sympathy for the girl then a hot guy rescue!

I loved reading this book! It is my first book by Marie Skye and it will not be the last. This book was suspenseful, had head-shaking humor and let's not forget heart swelling love. There each had some personal issues to deal with and they were dealt with in this story. I don't want to give much away :-) it really made me FEEL for each of their plights. Having never experienced either I felt like I could understand each issue with the way it was written. I loved all the characters in the book even though sometimes I felt like I was missing something. It does make me want to ready about Grayson and Emmalin's story. So that will be next on the agenda.

Hawkins is one scary guy. Not sure I would want to meet him on the dark somewhere unless he was on my side. He is a alpha guy who protects all that he cares about no matter what. I loved the reception he got when he visited his family. It made my heart swell. On the flip side I felt sorry for him with his previous marriage....he deserves more than her! Hopefully he can get Gwen to comply and she will be his.
Gwen seems very unsure of herself. I know she was in a bad relationship but she is lucky Hawkins didn't give up on her. If only everyone could have their own Knight in shining armor :-) named Hawkins.
They each gave all they have to other people that didn't care about them. What do they have left and is it enough for each other?

So many favorite moments in this story and the ending couldn't have been better!

Favorite line
I need you to say "yes" to the next question

Would you read this book?

bwagner's review against another edition

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Suddenly Us by Marie Skye is a story that is about being insecure with who you are and PTSD. I have one word for this story, WOW! This author has hit it out of the ball park with this story. You will totally love how she has created a story that will just pull you in from the first word. This story has a little bit of everything in it from some suspense to of course hot sexy romance. You will love how she has created characters that will pull at your heart strings one minute and have you questioning what was she thinking? You will love how these characters connect and really just make this story flow. Find out what happens when two damaged people meet and try to find themselves within each other.

Gwen Lockwood is no stranger to heartbreak. She thinks that she doesn't need love or want it. She has never been the first option to those who love her. She had a bad break up with her ex-boyfriend after a five year relationship. She loved him and no one else will love her so she stayed. She just wanted to be loved and any love is better then none, right? It doesn't matter that he degraded her and made her insecure that is until she meets this hot, sexy man.

Hawkins Michaelson has been tormented by his past since he got out of the military. His PTSD seems to effect every relationship he has had. He feels that he is a failure and that is all he can see. He has let everyone down. Will he be able to put the past behind him and have a future? He has some hope when he meets her. Will she be his reason to live?

Gwen and Hawkins relationship is one that the attraction has been there from the very beginning. She is so insecure that she doesn't want to let him in and he is haunted by his past. What happens when they finally get together? Will fate then tear them apart? Will they find themselves together again? What will fate have in mind for them? You will fall in love with these two characters. They are both strong characters. She is witty but becomes soft around him. She likes to push his buttons but it the punishment what she is really after? He is a strong, take control guy that you will just fall in love with and leave you with a book boyfriend hangover. Find out what happens with these two. Will he keep her safe from the world?

This is my favorite story by Marie Skye and I can't wait to see more from her. Marie is a professional by day and a lover of all things dirty by night. She prefers that her characters work for their happier ever after. She is known as not having a filter and if you ask her opinion you are more likely to get an answer that is witty and blunt. You will love how she has created this story that will pull you into the characters world and you will totally lose track of time. I read this story in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. You will need to see what happens with these characters. She keeps you engaged in this story until the end. I highly suggest this story as I know you will want to see how hot, sexy their relationship can get and how they become Suddenly Us.

shannonlovesbooksandreading's review against another edition

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Does Marie Skye even know how to write a bad story? With so many authors vying for your money and devotion- Marie Skye and her books are a sure bet! Suddenly Us is no different than everything I have read from Skye, in the fact that it is also a five-star book! Everything else about this book had me turning the pages faster and faster!
In the description on Amazon, it says “based on actual events” Wow! Since I like living in my bubble of good, I’m going with only the good stuff in this story is real. The bad stuff, no. Just no. It also says in that description that “certain scenes may cause a trigger, or make you uncomfortable. If it does, then I did my job. You’ve been warned.” Well then. Please take this review as a warning too. If you want to fall in love with an author then go one click every book from Marie Skye!
Gwen and Hawkins are friends and co-workers of Emmalin and Grayson, from the Incapable Series. No, you don’t have to read that series but why wouldn’t you want to? Anyways, Suddenly Us, is about Gwen and Hawkins. Gwen has been beaten down by life. Gwen stays sassy even when she gets one crappy surprise after another throughout the entire book. It’s a wonder she doesn’t need a mental hospital by the end! She is certainly a strong person. Stronger than she gives herself credit for. Hawkins is ex-military that has some unfinished business. He is way too hard on himself and even though his best is way better than most, he still feels like a failure. These two desperately need each other to balance them out. Oh and the sex these two have is a little off the charts!
I love this story. It has real characters that express their feelings and frustrations in ways some of us wish we could. ** Read the part where Hawkins takes care of Gwen’s ex! ** (Here’s hoping that wasn’t an actual event!)
Definitely recommend this book and everything else Marie Skye has written!