
Chasing Logan by Tracy Lorraine

mommasaystoread's review

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Chasing Logan is well-written and drew me in pretty quickly. Logan and Cole's story is a bit back and forth and they had some issues to overcome, some bigger than others. The emotions are all over the place with these two, but their journey makes for quite the interesting read. The secondary characters were equally as interesting and I can see so many places for this series to go. This first book in the series is the perfect example of how that right person can give you the courage to be who you are.

katy313's review

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Chase seems to have everything a rockstar could want, beautiful women on his arm, the #1 song on the charts and his sold out tour. Why then, does he seem so angry and distracted behind the scences?? Cole, one of the backup dancers, can't figure out why, but finds himself attracted to him. Cole knows nothing can come of his attraction because everyone knows Chase is straight. But as the tour continues, Cole finds more and more that he wants to make Chase smile and chase away any demons that are haunting him. Chase doesn't let many people get close to him, so no one knows the real man behind the famous face. Can Chase face his demons and find true happiness in his life? Will he learn to let others in, and maybe find love??? I liked the characters in this book and their backstories. Hoping there will be another book soon in this series about Cole's best friend and fellow dancer Bella.

shile87's review

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No rating!

DNF at 10%, i found myself rolling my eyes, if i continue they might pop out.

Tried to sample the audio book, and let's just say, the narrator sounded like he was being chocked, while trying hard to swallow water.


megwoman25's review

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I’m familiar with this author’s MF romances so I decided to give one of her MM ones a try. Ugh

nikkismiles43's review

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Chasing Logan
By Tracy Lorraine
5/5 Stars

Ok, let me just say… I have read ALL of Tracy's book. In every. Single. One…. I cry. I'm not talking about a few tears. I'm talking about the ugly cry. Yeah, you know what I mean, ladies!! C ‘mon we all have done it. You know, the blubbering , snot running, cry. It's such a beautiful sight!! Haha I can't help it, I feel soo much when I connect to a character. I guess I'm an emotional reader.
This her first m/m story. And let me tell ya, it doesn't disappoint in any way!! At first, Chasing Logan was meant to be a standalone. But now, well it's the first novel in The Chasing Series.
One of the things I love about Tracy’s books.. is how she makes you feel. She makes you feel so many different emotions! You feel such an emotional and deep profound connection to the characters. You can connect with them. Feel every ounce of anguish, heartache, sorrow…. or whatever emotion they're going through. You truly feel it, with every ounce of your being ! It's such a beautiful thing, being touched by words, by fictional characters alone, it says a lot!!
Like I said before, this is Tracy's first m/m romance novel. It is NOT recommended for anyone under eighteen, due to adult language and explicit sexual situations.
Cole thought being a backup dancer for U.K’s most up and coming singer songwriter was going to be a crazy ride. Dancing, drinking, partying and repeat. Cole keeps hearing gossip about Chase’s lifestyle. He starting to wonder what's true and what's not.
Chase is getting increasingly popular as time goes on. Everyone thinks they know Chase. But he's keeping a deep and dark secret. Not just to protect himself, but to protect the ones close to him , the ones near and dear to his heart… his family, whom he loves more than anything!!
But when Cole and Chase make eye contact for the first time. They are instantly drawn together. Can Chase allow himself to be truly happy, once and for all ? Or will the secret tear the two apart ?
Ok, Tracy… you did it again!! I can't seem to say enough wonderful things about your books. I feel like I'm rambling! But in all honesty,I just want the world to know about your amazing books!!! I can't get enough!! I can't wait to hear about Bella’s story!! Keep up the amazing job!! xxxx

bwagner's review

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Chasing Logan by Tracy Lorriane is a M/M romance which may not be your cup of tea but I would recommend reading it as you will find yourself being able to relate to the characters in different ways. This story is one of the first M/M romances that I have read and I know that I will be back for more. One of the things I most love about this author that no matter what type of book she has created I know what I will get when I open up to the first page. This one will not be a disappointment. You will love how this author was able to create characters that you will fall in love with. These characters will take you on a journey of life struggles while trying to face their demons. Find out if these two characters are meant to be together or if fate will have other ideas for them.

Cole is a dancer that has decided to take a job that he will go on tour with the UK's most up and coming singer songwriter. What he learned that the gossip you hear about this singer's life style was far from the truth. He doesn't really seem to like him but there is just something that keeps drawing him back to him. What is it about him?

Chase is a moody musician with a hot body but his attitude and personality needs lots of work. Everyone thinks they know him but do they really? He is hiding a secret, one that he needs to keep to protect the ones that he loves. But the problem he has is that hiding his secret is making miserable. To the outside world, he seems to have everything but does he really? Is what he really wants right in front of him? Is he willing to take a chance by letting the world know his secret?

Cole and Chase's relationship is one that starts out a little rocky. Both seem to deny what is right in front of them. There is an attraction between the two but are they willing to admit it? Will Chase give Cole the chance that he deserves? Will Chase reveal his secret and take the chance on happiness? These two are strong characters in this story. I give Chase a lot of credit, I can't imagine it was all that easy for him to hide his secret. To reveal it could mean that he may lose everything but revealing it could give him the most joy in ever. Cole goes through some changes that could be good or bad for him but it seems like he is willing to try. I think these characters really grow throughout the story and become stronger at the end. Will there be a happy ending in this story?

I have read all of Tracy Lorriane's books but I think that this is my favorite so far. I can't wait to see what she has coming next for us. racy lives in Cotswold village in England with her husband and her dog. They are currently awaiting their first child. This story will pull you in from the first word and keep you engaged until the end. I read this story in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. It is a fast paced story that will keep you wanting more. I highly recommend this story as I know you will love to see what this author has done with these characters!

rooskie87's review

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Chasing Logan by Tracy Lorraine
5 stars

Chasing Logan by Tracy Lorraine is the first book in this series. I absolutely loved it. This book is a m/m romance but it was so well written, that even though its not my usual genre of reading, I was hooked from page one.
Cole is a dance for a new up and coming star, Chase. On the tour is his best friend and he couldn't be happier. But when he notices the singer, Chase, doesn't seem happy despite the tour and fame, he feels a sense of pity and wants to see if he can help. As they develop a small friendship, secrets come out and Cole is doing his best to understand and help Chase through. Can he help him be true to himself?
Chase has hit it big and is on tour, but he doesn't seem to care. We only see Chase through Coles eyes and it fit this story well. Through the rough time his family is going through he doesn't want to add on to the hurt so he bottles up all his personal choices and puts on a front for the cameras. Can Cole help him finally real free and be himself?
I so loved this book. And I'm so glad we get to see the secondary characters in their own book next!! Love this author and I can't wait for more!

tracy_wilkin93's review

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Chasing Logan is an M/M novel by Tracy Lorraine. I have read all of this author's work and Chasing Logan is my favourite by miles. I love this genre and this story was so beautifully written, that I was heartbroken that it ended. But it has a happy ending, so that made it more bearable.

Cole and Logan’s love story was an extremely emotional one. Sometimes really painful to read. My heart smashed for Logan. So much he was suffering through, i felt it on every page. His pain was there for everyone to see. But only Cole saw through that to the frightened and hurting soul beneath the angry facade. So many battles were faced between Logan and Cole, sometimez I was unsure if they would make it. The odds were against them. The author had me on the edge constantly and in a highly emotional state, never quite knowing what drama was yet to unfold.

Cole wore his heart on his sleeve and had the scars of unacceptance and ridicule. The cruelty of people never ceases to shock me, and I just adore Cole for rising above all that he endured, still with a love for life. His strength was admirable, which made him perfect for Logan. He was always there for Logan, even when he kept pushing him away. He had enough courage for the both of them and refused to abandon Logan when he needed him the most. They would just clear one hurdle, only to come across several more. Cole got tired of hiding, and had to really think about what he could settle for and what he deserved. Everything worked against them, with the uphill battle exhausting them both.

I was astounded with the brilliance that was Chasing Logan. Not because I don't think the author is capable of such work, but because she took something devastated, wounded and disillusioned, and turned it into something magical, something whole, something lasting, and something beautiful.

Tracy Lorraine always provides readers with a sensational story. She has gone way beyond sensational with Chasing Logan. I cannot wait for Claiming Bella.

5 stars for Logan. 5 stars for Cole. 5 stars for Tracy Lorraine. I thank you.

wild_orchid's review

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This book didn't disappoint in steam factor. Tracy Lorraine managed to get the chemistry between Cole and Logan to shine through. I was completely invested in hoping they wouldn't fall apart before they had even really began. Logan struggled with showing the world who he was, I feared Cole would not be able to handle it. There were some unexpected twists and turns to the plot which helped with the steady pace of the book, there wasn't a dull moment. The ending felt more HFN instead of HEA because of it's abruptness but the epilogue helped clear up a few things. I can't wait to see more glimpses of them in future books. I'm also pretty excited to read more on the secondary characters, they were fully developed and deserve their own stories as well.

claudia_is_reading's review

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A passionate story between two men who find that falling for each other is just the beginning. They struggle against the obstacles in their way to happiness, while we follow along, sharing laugh and tears as we go.

An amazing book, and a great writer, who I surely will be keeping a eye on.