
Taste Test by Kelly Fiore, Kelly Fiore

heidenkind's review

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Not quite four stars, but I'll round up. Really enjoyed this one! Nora was a bit annoying at times, and the ending was anticlimactic, but for the most part a very fun, fast read. I love books where the h/h fight all the time.

brandypainter's review

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This is a fun fluffy story that takes place on a reality TV show for seniors in high school who have culinary ambitions. Any one who has ever watched The Food Network will recognize the set-up and they will know exactly what is going on. I was really enjoying the first half of the book. It was fun and the easy banter between Nora and Christian was snappy. He was a little too much of a jerk and I felt the whole hate to love thing was starting with a little too much hate, but I was enjoying myself. Then the hate part of the relationship kept going on and on and on. And on. As a result I never really believed in the relationship so by the time the happy ending came around it was anticlimactic. Still it is a fun premise and mostly well done, particularly for a debut novel. I will certainly read the next book the author writes.

merkyr's review

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Loved this book! A cute, funny, surprisingly suspenseful contemporary YA story about a cooking reality show. This book flew by and I can't wait to read more from Kelly Fiore!

sqeeker's review

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- I randomly picked this book up from the library because I needed to read a book by an author with my same initials for the Popsugar 2015 Reading Challenge.

- I am a HUGE Food Network fan! If I had that channel, I would never stop watching! I love food shows and food competitions! This book was right up my alley in that sense.

- I hated Christian for most of the book, but he kinda sorta grew on me a little bit towards the end. I still don't fully trust him.

- Nora was a fun yet frustrating character. She had guts and a lot of skill, but she still had all those annoying teenage girl tendencies.

- I didn't like the love triangle. Ugh! Why was Billy even in this story?

- It seems there has been a reading slump epidemic going around, and I happen to have caught it. This book came at the right time. I needed a fluffy light read.

- I liked all the talk about food and how they prepared the food. It made me want to cook!

- Overall, I thought this was a cute book. I liked it.

ellacmack's review

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I had read Just Like the Movies recently and like the story line so I figured that I would give this book a shot as well. I really enjoyed this, I am a very big fan of Fiore's writing style. Nora Henderson is a very relate-able character going through real problems that other people are going through too. This book was light with a surprising twist. I also liked how in between the chapters she inserted interviews and questionnaires. It made the book seem more like I was watching a show this way.

tartbarbie's review

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I received an advanced copy for review in return for an honest review from the publisher Bloomsbury USA Children’s Books via NetGalley. Nora has grown up in her father’s BBQ restaurant her entire life cooking since she was little. Her passion is cooking so when she is selected to compete on Taste Test a teen culinary reality show she jumps at the opportunity. Nora may be a southern cook with a BBQ background but she won’t let that hold her back from winning the competition. She instantly butts head with the handsome rich kid, and befriends two other girls in the competition.

While the first challenge goes off without a hitch the next one isn't so lucky when a sink explodes hurting Angela and removing her from the competition. Nora suspects foul play from one of her competitors and when Joy is injured during a challenge, she’s sure she has the right suspect. Nora’s toughest competition is the rich guy Christian, the more she gets to know him the harder time she has disliking him. Will Nora win the competition or will she be end up injured or worse before she has the chance?

Nora reminds me of a southern belle, strong stubborn and with good family values. She’s torn between wanting to win so she can go off to Paris for culinary school and staying home to help her father run his BBQ restaurant. Christian is perfect to pit against her you can't help liking him even if he is arrogant the chemistry between the two is on fire. I really enjoyed Nora as a character she’s just so easy to relate to she feels real. The supporting characters help enhance the story with characters that steal your heart and those who you can't help hating.

I was excited to be approved for Taste Test because I’m an addict for reality cooking shows. The book is well written it gives us little insider tidbits you don’t see on TVs which I loved. A truly captivating story filled with yummy cooking, intriguing mystery, and innocent romance. I enjoyed the mystery in the story I thought I knew who it was only to be surprised in the very end. The story is well written, it flows smoothly creating an intricate story that captures the imagination. I very much enjoyed Taste Test the story is cute perfect for a lazy afternoon read. As the authors debut novel I think she’s done a beautiful job and look forward to seeing what she does next. Plus what’s not to love with the super cute cover.

americangirlemmie's review

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I was presently surprised by this book! I was pretty excited to read it, but was a little apprehensive, because it wasn't the kind of book I generally read. But, I really enjoyed!

I absolutely loved the narrator. Nora seemed really shy, and unconfident at first, but through out the book she became really quick witted, and sarcastic, which was a really fun POV to read! I felt like she was a character who was easy to relate to, without her having some crazy dramatic backstory. She was just a girl, far away from home, really out of her element. It was nice to read about someone who wasn't magically comfortable being away from home. Nora felt really out of place at first, and it was a refreshing change to have a female character who wasn't always confident, but was definitely 'strong'.

I also really enjoyed the cooking element. I was very unsure about it at first, I have no knowledge of cooking, so I figured I'd be uninterested. But I really wasn't! I loved how unique the idea was, and how it made the story so interactive, by including the actual recipes!

I give Taste Test 4.5 out of 5 stars! I REALLY hope to see a sequel!


valeriefm's review

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I loved the premise. I haven't seen many books about characters involved in the filming of a reality show (with the exception of Carolyn Parkhurst's Lost and Found so if you know of any, tell me!). So when I saw that Taste Test was about teens competing in a cooking-based reality show and had a nice mix of competition and romance, I was sold. I really liked reading about the friendships and rivalries that went on behind the scenes from the show. I also really liked reading each character's motivations for being there and competing (for some, it was not about the cash prize at the end).

If you're looking for a story that combines backstabbing, romance, and food, this is your book. I did feel like the relationships and rivalries drove the story rather than the food competition, but it was a really fun read and perfect for fans of Top Chef or Chopped.

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adrienneambo's review

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Mix Food Network with a teen reality show and the result is a recipe for a delicious debut by Kelly Fiore. Hailing from a small town in North Carolina, Nora Henderson dreams of pursuing a career in the culinary arts. Having spent her childhood as her father’s assistant at their popular Smoke Signals BBQ restaurant, Nora is no stranger to the kitchen. Pressured by her best friend Billy to enter the Taste Test contest, Nora reluctantly agrees to submit an application. Nora is surprised was she is chosen for the chance to compete on Taste Test, a reality cooking show where the contestants are high school students.

bizzybee429's review

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Cooking and mystery -- two of my favorite things! Though the cover and the romantic subplot weren't exactly up to par, I thoroughly enjoyed the writing style and main plot.