
Manhandled by Cari Quinn, Taryn Elliott

beckyrendon's review

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Manhandled is the second in the Hammered series by Cari Quinn and Taryn Elliot. I did not have the pleasure of reading Manaconda (otherwise known as book 1). I am slightly intimidated by the title...Wink wink!

Hammered is the name of the rock band that Keys, or Faith as she's known by her family, plays keyboards in. Keys is living the dream. She's a rock star. She gets to do anything, go to shows, and generally just have fun. It wasn't until the lead singer fell under loves spell that she realized she wants more. With her lifestyle though, romance isn't really an option. She's constantly traveling- who is she going to meet?

Well, the answer comes from an unusual source. After a scary run in with a creepy stalker, Keys is stuck with a babysitter, oh sorry, bodyguard. Well, except this bodyguard has no sense of humor and makes Shawshank look tame. Hence his new nickname, Warden.

Quinn is used to guard detail. However, stubborn rockers that resent rules are not his norm. He knows with just the first encounter that Faith is not going to be an easy client. Darn, Noah and his favor. Faith is nothing like his normal type and he knows the rocker would never look at him twice. But close quarters and ridiculously hot chemistry must be frying his brain because he can't stop thinking about her.

The more time they spend together Keys and Warden find it harder to ignore the heat. Will this work out beyond the immediate? Is it just an itch being scratched? What happens when the threat is gone?

Keys and Warden can't stop it. Once they start, there will be no stopping. Can the snarky rocker girl catch the hardened former Ranger with a rule book bigger than his...(cough- what were you thinking?)

I fully enjoyed the humor and snarky wit. The man candy didn't hurt either! A fun and light read. I look forward to reading Owen's story next.

Book received in exchange of an honest review. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha

fischers_reads's review

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aelrae's review

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Faith - aka "Keys", HAMMERED's piano player - just found out that she's got a stalker. Unfortunately, she didn't know until she was drugged & almost kidnapped. So now she's got the hottest man she's ever seen keeping her on lockdown until she goes on tour. He's gruff. Blunt. And doing his best to resist the hunger she can see in his eyes. Until he doesn't.

Quinn likes order. As a former Ranger and current security specialist wrapping up his current detail guarding an elderly Ambassador, he's looking forward to finding where his next assignment will take him. Until his best friend Noah asks him to look after someone he thinks of as a sister. After failing Noah once before, he knows he can't say no - despite the fact that it's the kind of job he hates. And then he meets her and realizes that he's screwed. She's the living embodiment of his perfect fantasy - and his complete opposite in every other way. That should be enough to keep his hands off of her...he hopes...

Talk about chemistry! WHEW! Quinn & Faith together were almost hot enough to melt my kindle! A highly entertaining read, I suggest you grab yourself a copy.

kristy_k's review

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3.5 Stars

becsa's review

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Faith "Keys" Keystone is the keyboardist in the band Hammered and the only girl in the band. They have increased their security since becoming more mainstream but when one fan is able to get too close to Faith and she winds up in the hospital they add a new security person - Quinn Alexander.

Quinn Alexander likes control but as a favor to Noah Jordan, the brother of Hunter who is the lead singer of Hammered. When Quinn discovers how lightly Faith has taken her security he knows he has his work cut out for him.

But as much as Faith and Quinn hate each other they are also extremely attracted to the other and this may put her security at risk once again as the begin to play a dangerous game.

This was such a great story and I loved learning more about both Faith and Quinn.

I liked how innocent and naive Faith was with regards to her fans. She truly didn't understand why someone would be after her or even copy her style. She has no idea about the packages she is being sent and doesn't think anything devious of them. I love when she tries to get under Quinn's skin and do what she can to get her way with him.

Quinn blames himself for the death of Lissa but it is unknown how she is related to him. He hates that the Rockstar life is so vague and that there are so many places that deranged fans could get in. He is so attracted to Faith but doesn't want his feelings for her to jeopardize keeping her safe.

The attraction between the two was awesome and I love how everything came together.

The end was definitely explosive and I loved how everything went except I totally wasn't expecting what happened to Quinn.

Can't wait for more in this series!!

bookbae96's review

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Faith 'Keys' Keystone is a take life as it comes, enjoy every day, kind of girl. As keyboardist for the group Hammered, Faith is completely comfortable living life in the public eye. Until, that is, an unknown someone decides that they want Faith for their own, sending everyone that cares for her scrambling for a solution. Enter Quinn Alexander, bodyguard extraordinaire. With Quinn on the job, there's no way that anyone can get to Keys, but she is not about to make it easy for him.

MANHANDLED is the second book in the Hammered series by authors Cari Quinn and Taryn Elliott. These ladies have mastered the art of writing about rock stars and the crazy lives that they lead, taking all of us along for the wild ride.

Faith is not going to let one little incident make her a prisoner in her own home, at least, not if she has anything to say about it. But with Quinn on the scene, life as Faith knows it is about to change in a big way. Because this man is alpha to the nth degree, and not about to let Faith get grabbed on his watch. Add in the über-hot sparks flying whenever the two are in the same room, and things are about to get crazy, making for one heck of a thrill-ride.

I am thoroughly enjoying the Hammered series. The characters, the storylines, everything, make it a pleasure to read the books, and I am quickly falling for the members of the band. And, right here, right now, I am claiming Quinn, because, oh, my goodness, that man. I love that Faith can keep him on his toes, even though he's used to being in complete control, and watching the interchanges between them is both entertaining and hot.

5 sexy, action-packed stars for MANHANDLED. It kept me on the edge of my seat, all while steaming up the windows, and I can't wait to see what the ladies have in store with the rest of the series.

***ARC generously provided for an honest review.***

isalaur's review

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Really enjoyable second book in the series.

Really enjoyed this book and the continuations of the characters introduced in Manaconda. The writing is crisp, witty and sharp. The characters are flushed out nicely and the secondary charters are entertaining. As this is clearly going to be a series about each of the band members we get more intriguing peeks into the psyches of each of the members of Hammered.

I really liked Faith and Quinn. The bodyguard to lover trope is a well used one but these authors do it justice. The stalker storyline is intriguing though I felt a bit let down and unfulfilled by the ending. Too much left unanswered.

Overall an entertaining story that will keep you engaged. Looking forward to the next one.

donnah's review

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In this second book in the Hammered series we get to tag along with Keys. Keys is a fun loving people person who likes to interact with the Hammered fans, but when a stalker gets thrown in the mix Quinn Alexander is hired as her bodyguard. Quinn who likes everything orderly and scheduled. Well Keys will definitely be stirring up his life in more ways then one!
This is a fun, smoldering hot, rock star romance.

astridthebookishsweettooth's review

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See my review @ Vanilla & Spice Books

I love Taryn Elliott's and Cari Quinn's writing style. It's lighthearted, sexy and entertaining. What we have here is a sexed up version of the 90s movie Bodyguard. And I mean that in the best possible way.

Quinn loves order. When his best friend Noah talks him into security detail for a member of his brother's band Quinn is close to refusing. Bands are trouble. Famous bands even more so. Too bad he can't say no as he owes Noah big time. When he finally meets Keys/Faith he KNOWS that she will upset is life.

Keys is chaos. She loves everything Quinn doesn't. At her band's front man Hunter's wedding to Kennedy she is being drugged and almost kidnapped by a stalker. Hunter's brother Noah is a badass extraordinaire and would love to take the bodyguard job for Keys - he has a soft spot for her after all. Alas, he has already committed to another position so the next best guy is his best friend Quinn.

Quinn gives Keys a set of rules and soon he learns that his charge doesn't care much for them.

There are twenty-four rules on his list. I have to schedule a shit, for God's sake.

As time passes without another incident their attraction grows and Quinn fights it with everything he has. He knows he has to keep his distance and objectivity, otherwise he won't be any good in case the stalker strikes again.

"So you can't come in here, because I need those boundaries to keep you safe"

Once he gives in though, he goes all in and hell, that's beautiful and hot. Together they burn up the sheets!

I fell in love with Keys and Quinn right from the beginning. Keys is a lighthearted, beautiful firecracker with an easy smile. Quinn a serious guy who shines once he gets his snark on and loosens up a bit. I can't blame him for being a bit reserved though, he does have a serious job and a fuck-up in his line of work usually equals dead people. Keys upsets everything he believes in.

The story itself is a slower and sweeter burn than its predecessor Manaconda. It's still a fast-paced story with great banter and lovable side characters. The words flow effortlessly. One scene that has stuck with me in particular is when we see Hunter's wedding through Keys' eyes. The description is lyrical and sweet and the way our heroine is moved by the emotions is gorgeous.

If you love low-angst yet captivating stories with snarky characters I can highly recommend these two authors. They never fail to light up my day. The next in the series will be Owen and he has made me really curious about him. I think I will love him just as much!

ARC via Netgally in exchange for an honest review