
Steel Resolve by B.J. Daniels

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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This was a good second chance romance combined with several elements of mystery and danger. Mary and Chase were friends and sweethearts through high school and college. Their youth worked against them when Chase left Big Sky, breaking Mary's heart. They never forgot each other or their love. When Mary received a box to deliver to Chase after his mother's death, it gave her the excuse she needed to write to him, though she never meant to mail that particular version of the letter.

Chase left Big Sky to find out who he was. He never knew who his father was, which left a huge hole in his heart. Even on her deathbed, his mother refused to reveal that information. He lived and worked in Arizona while caring for his mother, and was in bad shape on the day he picked up her ashes. After having too much to drink, he ended up spending the night with Fiona, something he recognized as a mistake the next morning. Even after explaining that he was in love with another woman, Fiona wouldn't leave him alone, convinced that they belonged together. Mary's letter gave Chase the push he needed to return to Montana, escape from Fiona, and hopefully win back Mary.

Meanwhile, back in Big Sky, Mary attempts to move on with her life. When she doesn't hear from Chase about her letter, she's hurt. She tries dating one of her father's deputies, but he doesn't measure up to her memories of Chase. She stays busy with her work and frequent visits to her parents' ranch. She's stunned when Chase appears at the ranch declaring his love and wanting a second chance. Things got complicated when Dillon showed up. It was interesting to see how different the two men handled it. I loved how Chase made it plain to Mary that he wasn't going anywhere.

I liked the rekindling of the relationship between Mary and Chase. Chase is determined to win her back, but Mary is a bit hesitant. She isn't sure that she's willing to trust her heart to him again. I liked that Chase was ready to give her time, but also wasn't going to back off from showing her how he felt. One thing that brought them together was Chase's search for his father. The contents of the box Mary gave him contained some clues, and Mary offered to help him figure it out. I loved how she understood how important it was to him and how she supported him. I ached for Chase as the search continued and he met various potential fathers. It didn't take long for Mary to realize that her love for Chase is as strong as ever and to want a future together. But there is someone who has vastly different ideas on the subject.

From the very beginning of the book, there is a front row seat to the bane of Chase's life. Fiona's obsession with Chase and what she believes is a scary thing. Watching the lengths she went to in getting close to Mary was terrifying in its complexity. I was glued to the pages as I waited for Chase to get a clue and hoping that it wouldn't be too late. The final confrontation was intense, with Mary in a fight for her life. It had a satisfying ending, with later revelations giving context to Fiona's actions.

There was a minor storyline about some cattle rustling that was intertwined with some of the characters. It gave vital information about the motives of one of the characters. Though the mystery was resolved, it did not go the way I expected it to.

I am a long-time reader of B.J. Daniels' books and it was fun to see that we are now moving on to a new generation of Cardwells. Dana and Hud's story was told in Crime Scene at Cardwell Ranch, and over the years we have seen their family grow. I've always enjoyed the glimpses into the lives of previous characters. I look forward to seeing what comes next.

loujanae's review against another edition

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Okay so if you're looking for romance, it's non-existent in this book. It's a bummer because while this is romantic suspense, it is neither romantic nor suspenseful. There were so many POVs, that we always knew who was doing what and where and when. Which made it so that there was never a shock or surprising moment. It was really just boring. Mary and Chase were boring and had zero chemistry besides for the fact that they insisted they had tons of chemistry. Everything was extremely predictable and the subplots about the cattle theft and Chase's father were strange and added quite literally nothing to the plot overall.
I also couldn't stand that Fiona's entire backstory is that she was raped as a kid, so that's why she's crazy and kills people. Right. Cool.

robinlovesreading's review against another edition

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In a moment of introspection and weakness, Mary Cardwell Savage wrote an intense letter to her ex Chase Steele. Mary's well-meaning Aunt Stacy actually mailed the letter to him. Chase had actually been at odds and ends in his life. The letter from Mary was all he needed to drop everything and to head back to Big Sky, Montana, with every intent on telling her that he never stopped loving her. Chase is eager to start their lives over again.

However, after a little too much to drink one night, Chase got caught up with a woman named Fiona. She is now in Big Sky and calls herself Lucy Carson in what proves to be a case of fatal attraction. If she can't have Chase, no one can, especially Mary.

Mary and Chase's relationship happened years before, but Chase broke Mary's heart. He left town sometime after they finished college. Mary spent years wondering why Chase left. Now that he is back can she bury her pain and give him a seocnd chance? What about Lucy Carson and her dangerous activities that just might ruin any chance that Mary and Chase could have towards a happy future? Then there is the fact that just before Chase showed up Mary had agreed to begin dating one of the town's deputies named Dillon Ramsey. Not only must Mary decide who she wants to date, what about Dillon? Will he simply step aside?

Steel Resolve gets this series a great jump start, introducing a new generation while bringing back some characters from the Cardwell Ranch series from years ago, most notably Mary's parents, her father Marshal Hud Savage and mother Dana.

Many thanks to Harlequin Intrigue and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

rohnstrong's review

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I would say about 4.25 or 4.5 stars!

Another great one from one of my favorite authors, B.J. Daniels.

Here's a little non-spoiler overview via Amazon:

Mary Cardwell Savage never meant to send that letter to her ex, Chase Steele. How could she know her words would bring the gorgeous cowboy back to Big Sky, Montana—with an unstable and dangerous stalker following close behind? Now Chase wants to prove that their love deserves a second chance. And this time, nothing will keep him from his heart’s desire…not even a killer.

Onto my thoughts:

I have this thing with books about returning home. I don't know what it is. This is the first in a new series and I know that I'll devour it just as fast as I have other Daniels books. The Harlequin Intrigue line is SO well done and great for quick readers.

This book reminded me of the Clementine Sisters series? I'm wondering if the other books will give me that same feeling?

The only reason I didn't star it as 5 stars, was just because I wanted a little more suspense. Just a little.

But, I'm kind of okay with the lack of suspense because let me tell you, BJ hooked me from the first page and kept me along for the ride.

canary20's review against another edition

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So I thought this book was going to be more suspenseful but to me, it was a lot of fluff and a lot of stuff that didn't need to be in it to be able to develop the characters more. Mary Savage never got over Chase and one day in a moment of weakness she sent him a letter that changed everything and brought a stalker to her town. There were subplots and things that just didn't really add to the book. I still gave it 3 stars s the book was written well and I could see everything going on it wasn't told to me. So all in all it was a good book.

soulwinds's review

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I received this book for NetGalley on exchange for an honest review.

Mary and Chase were high school sweethearts, staying together nearly all through college, but Chase decided to take off and make his fortune elsewhere and discover himself, leaving Mary heartbroken back in Montana. Chase ends up in Arizona Caring for his ailing mother, who passes. Chase decides to come back when he receives a letter from Mary. Only Mary never meant him to have it.

To make matters more complicated, Chase picked up a stalker, Fiona, who is positive Chase is meant to be with her. When Chase leaves to go back to Big Sky Montana, Fiona vows to make him sorry. Chase just wants to leave her behind, return home and win Mary back. Fiona plans to make him pay with his life. And Mary too…

All in all I thought this was a pretty good book. There were a few little things that I wasn’t completely sold on. The whole book Chase admits to sleeping with Fiona, but during the climax he does a 180 and claims he only remembers her taking off his boots and jeans before he went to sleep. So the whole tension between him and Mary was null and void…quite conveniently. I also thought Mary took him back quite easily really. They were doing the whole friendship thing, with Mary helping Chase try to figure out who his father is, and then she’s asking him at the end if he plans to be her man. Huh.

I did enjoy getting a multiple pov book, with it rotating through Chase, Fiona, Mary, Hud, and Dillion. It felt like you were getting a full 360 view of what was going on and what everyone was thinking. There wasn’t much mystery as a result, but there was a little bit of suspense and it certainly was an intriguing read.

This is my first B.J. Daniel’s book, but I think I will certainly be looking for more to read!

jenniereads9aba0's review

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3.5 Stars!

Chase is heading back to Montana determined to win back the love of his life. Mary is still heartbroken after Chase left Montana to go find himself. She has decided that it's finally time to move on. When they see each other again and feel the same spark, what will happen? Especially with all the obstacles that they are facing.

I did enjoy reading this book. It was short and fun and cute. But I felt like there was just too much that it was trying to do in such a short amount of time. There were cattle rustlers, a creepy deputy, a killer stalker, and Chase was trying to find his father. I think that with only one or two of these plot devices, the story would have been smoother. I liked both Mary and Chase and I liked the glimpses I got of the other people in their lives, but I wish I had gotten more. I think this book was trying to solve all of the problems and that really took away from what it could have been. Each of the story points deserved more time devoted to them than they got. I did have a good time while reading this one and I look forward to reading more from B.J. Daniels in the future.

*eARC provided in exchange for an honest review*

animation's review

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I haven’t read a BJ Daniels book in awhile, so I was excited to get the opportunity to review the start of this new series. It is a continuation/spin off of the popular Cardwell Ranch series.

Time is not wasted in this book. From the get go, we meet the hero, the psycho “ex” and find out why he is not with the love of his life. Once he decides to go and get his girl, we meet the heroine and the town folk of Big Sky, Montana.

There are other nefarious goings on in Big Sky and I enjoyed the different story lines within the main story (murder / cattle thieves / biological father search). There was no wondering if Chase and Mary were going to get together, just a matter of when. Chase made it known from the day he returned that he would get Mary back. I’m glad she didn’t just fall into his hands. Helping him find his biological father was a good way for them to spend time together and get to know each other again.

The sprinkle of villains were a nice touch, but Fiona/Lucy definitely wins the psycho award. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

ARC received from NetGalley for an honest review.

piscespaperbacks's review

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Steel Resolve is a perfectly fine story, with perfectly fine writing. The mystery has a good set up, the romance has a good set up, and generally it was promising. Unfortunately, you find out the main threat’s identity literally on the very first page. As the book developed, I understood why knowing the villain was necessary, but it wasn’t necessary to literally start the book like that when the reveal would have had much better impact by waiting even 30 pages. There is also a secondary threat whose identity is also told to the reader much earlier than it had to be. I think it just kind of ruined the tension that was supposed to be building. I did like the last climactic scene though.

My biggest complaint about this book was the treatment of Mary, the main female character. First of all, she has no personality or flaws. She’s just a pretty, feminine, non-aggressive, family oriented lady, and she’s treated like property by Chase Steele (the main male character) and the other man she is seeing. Chase continually tells her that he’s going to win her back no matter what, that she doesn’t have a choice in their inevitability, that she belongs to him and he’s not going to let her go. In some contexts, this could be romantic, but in this book it just read as creepy and aggressive. Not to mention that the romance itself left something to be desired since it felt like it developed really slowly given that this is supposed to be a romance novel.

So, this book is average at best and not very good to women at worst. Not my favorite.

An eARC copy was provided to me in exchange for an honest review, and all thoughts are my own.