dominik's review

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Read this. Don't wait for the book, go to http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/encyclicals/documents/hf_ben-xvi_enc_20071130_spe-salvi_en.html and read it.

It's accessible, enlightening, and true.

There's incredible richness and depth in the Holy Father's words here, richness and depth that will take several readings spaced out over months -- and years -- to sink in.

I could fill this review with a wall of quotes, but it might just be easier if you'd read Spe Salvi in its entirety. It's that good.

The Pope casts a wide net in this encyclical, the net of hope. This net encompasses much of human endeavors: our relationship to God, our relationships to each other, both personal and political. He considers each of these in turn, with a calm, measured perspective, using the sword of Reason, sharpened by Faith, to cut through the shadows and darkness and reveal Truth -- the Person of Jesus Christ, Our God and Our Redeemer, Our Savior and Our Hope.