
Into the Void by Christina O'Reilly

kcfromaustcrime's review

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A crime debut from New Zealand author Christina O'Reilly, INTO THE VOID is a short novel with considerable promise. Introducing DSS John (Archie) Baldrick, DC Ben Travers and the rest of their investigation team whilst presenting the reader with a well crafted plot all in 158 pages is quite an undertaking but O'Reilly manages it without letting go of character development, plot, intrigue or pace.

The story revolves around the sudden disappearance of banker Richard Harper who appears to have run out on a desperately ill wife, and a pregnant girlfriend. The only glimmer of a lead is some abusive emails from disgruntled clients, about to lose their farm in the wake of the GFC. Meanwhile Archie (as everyone calls Baldrick) is dealing with two teenager daughters with problems and a distant wife, whilst looking on the Harper's wife Helena, in her beautiful house, ill and confused by her husband's disappearance, with considerable sympathy and kindness.

Good character development is at the heart of INTO THE VOID. The police procedural elements are sound, the investigative components good, and the shoe leather, combined with thinking, plus a bit of technology works well. The investigative team has potential, the personal elements in Archie's life are good without being overpowering, and the complications of Richard Harper's personal life more than enough to keep the mystery mysterious without stretching credibility.

All in all, there's much to like about INTO THE VOID, and a lot of potential for a good future for this team of NZ based investigators.

tessa_talks_books's review

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Into the Void is a fascinating short mystery by Christina O’Reilly.

What I Liked

The characters are very well developed in such a short space. Poor Archie, the lead detective, is such a sad sack with his problem back, problem children, and a wife who has checked out of her role in their family. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. His wife, Jenna, on the other hand, left much to be desired. She makes me angry and sad with her lack of interest in being a parent and the responsibilities that come with the job. Everything about her reeks of a mid-life crisis and an affair, but that is never shown within the story. But Archie has a lot to his character. He is caring and fair, humble yet resolute- just the kind of person I want to have protect me from all the bad guys of the world.

What I Wish

The mystery was a bit predictable, and I wish there were some shocking moments to surprise me. Perhaps even a little more suspense and thrills to make the pages turn a bit faster.

To Read or Not to Read

All in all, Into the Void, is a unique short mystery story that captured my attention and kept me engrossed in its unveiling.

rhirhireader's review

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