
Chromosome 6 by Robin Cook

daniel_og13's review against another edition

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La contraportada decía que el Médico Robin Cook utilizaba su experiencia en su campo para crear historias relacionadas. De eso poco, la verdad. Si es cierto que hay algo de ciencia en la base de su historia, las partes más sólidas de la novela recaen en su excelente narrativa y la dinámica entre los personajes.
Aunque a veces cae en el cliché simplón me parece que todo abona para darle fluidez a una historia que es más relevante (la fluidez) que cualquier otro elemento de la historia (sea los personajes, la veracidad).
Me he quedado un poco prendado por la falta de evolución en las relaciones sentimentales de los protagonistas que en mi opinión siempre están latentes, pero luego al calificar el libro me he enterado que es parte de una serie de más de 10 libros y que empecé en el tercer tomo, así que supongo que hay tiempo de sobra para eso...

emmahaile's review

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How Robin Cook ties in scientific components with suspenseful narratives is beyond me. This book is sublime!

diegoortizmatajira's review against another edition

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Interesante inicio, predecible nudo y un final decepcionante.

alexisveloz's review

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Took a while to get going...

But this one finished with a bang. The book raised some uncomfortable moral dilemmas. I liked seeing Jack and Laurie again, though.

geor0148's review

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The ending was very abrupt. I would have liked more of a conclusion than what was given.

nicholsphoto's review against another edition

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Only complaint is it ended abruptly

mlobo's review

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An excellent page turner for people who like biology and mystery like me.

s4_elton's review

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Satisfied my sci-fi obsession in high school

pussreboots's review

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In 1896, H. G. Wells published The Island of Doctor Moreau in response to the debates over animal vivisection. A hundred and one years later, Robin Cook, updated the basic plot in Chromosome 6 to reflect recent progress in DNA research but didn't manage to bring any new insights to table.

Chromosome 6 is one of the worst books by Cook I've ever read (and perhaps one of the worst full-stop). The winner for worst book by Cook still goes t Coma which is both misogynistic and poorly written; Chromosome 6 is only poorly written. The basic premise is the same as The Island of Doctor Moreau; on a distant island (this time in the Congo), scientists have grafted together humans and animals to create animals with human characteristics. This time, the animals in question are bonobos and the reason behind the monkey business is the creation of cloned body parts for use by wealthy patrons who need transplants and don't want to wait in line for a donor. Unfortunately, the bonobos are so close to being human already that a few swapped genes here and there and they develop human tendencies (discovering fire and tool use).

Anyone who has suffered through those horrible chimp films from the 1970s knows that chimps can be taught to use matches and already (oh shock!) have opposable thumbs and basic tool use. So altered chromosomes or not, the bonobos can already chase one down with a hammer if they wanted to.

If Cook's underestimation of bonobos isn't enough, he tries to make the mystery more interesting by adding in a mob connection. Yes, it's not just mad scientists in Africa making man-apes, they're being hired by the mob! So of course, the New York cop has to hop a plane and fly halfway across the world to break into the compound to solve the case. Add to the mix flat dialogue and stupid doctors who have to ask what's going on for Cook to "info-dump" and Chromosome 6 ends up being 400 pages of wasted time.

danperlman's review against another edition

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Just as good as the first two in the series and even more engaging as it delved into areas that I was completely unfamiliar with.