
Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling

oncemorewithreading's review

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Thank you to Christian Sterling for providing me with an arc in exchange for a honest review.

This book holds a very classic fantasy feel which I really enjoyed and something I realised I had missed. The world Christian has created is captivating and I love the idea of our main character Falin having to search for gems in order to reach his full potential. He is aided in this quest by a diverse group of champions who each bring something special to the group and I loved the stranger to family trope used in this book.

This story has a lot of potential and I liked how each character developed over the book. The fight scenes were very clear and precise which I liked. I would love to see how much more they develop and what troubles they face in the next chapter.

I did feel at times that the dialogue was too modern for the characters and the setting of the book and I felt like I was pulled out of this magical world Christain created but this can easily be fixed with some fine tuning.

Overall I enjoyed this book and the characters created. I loved the teasing nature and the humour between the group (especially by Red and Jimbuah). If you enjoy fantasy books with lots of twists and turns then this book is definitely for you.

reading_is_my_yoga's review

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This book was a delightful and upbeat read. The story is a classic quest story involving a wizard, a sage, an elven assassin, a warrior, a prince and two wrongly accused convicts. This motley crew sets out to help Falin, the wizard, find the four gems of Elsana to come into his true power.
The story is full of magical adventures, difficult and dangerous tasks and creatures both good and evil. It's written in a light and humorous style which I deeply enjoyed. I loved all that banter between the characters and laughed along with them.
All of the characters are relatable and charismatic and they develop this wonderful dynamic of strangers becoming friends first and family soon after.
All in all, I loved reading "The Gems of Elsana" immensely. The quest adventure paired with a story about friendship and I can't wait for the next part.
The book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

somelatenightreading's review

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Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Release Date: 17 July 2017.

This is the tale of the kind Wizard figure who, after appearing in countless stories, finally gets his own. Falin is said wizard and is about to embark on a quest to discover the Gems of Elsana. But what once seemed like an easy task soon becomes more difficult than Falin expected.

I was given an eARC copy of this by the author, Christian Sterling, in exchange for an honest review. I’ll start by saying that ‘Into the Wildbarrens’ is the story I never knew I wanted or needed in my life. The whole concept of taking this typical wizard figure and developing him as his own person is such a fantastic idea! Sterling’s writing style flows nicely and is easy to follow. The humour and banter between the characters is honestly so much fun! And to top it off, the creatures are so diverse so the world never feels old or like it’s being reused (if that makes sense?). Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this and will definitely be getting myself a physical copy upon release!

“No journey well spent has ever gone without stumbles.”

“Spend too much time worrying about how you will be remembered and you will forget to do anything memorable at all.”

“Only a fool demeans the character of an entire race based on the reputation of its minority.”

moonsaku's review

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I gave Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling a 4 star rating.

Firstly, I would love to give a huge thank-you to the Author for sending me an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I appreciate it endlessly!

This book was brilliant! It was filled with action and the characters were always on the move, developing the story with every page that was read. There were a few things that I loved about this book which included :
- The diversity of the characters, especially our main companions. This made it really easy to decipher who was who especially when it came to meeting them and their introduction in the story.
- It was well developed in the sense of where characters were going. I read this feeling like the author knew where the characters were going and had a great sense of direction.
- The banter and humour in the story is a strong highlight for me. The journey is very serious, but the balance of the humour really helps to bring some lightness to the story.
- The pace is very steady. I didn't ever feel like we were stuck in a place for too long or that the author was simply filling in space.
- World Building was phenomenal! I loved every area that the author sent us to and felt so deeply immersed in each new area we went to.

There were only a few things with the story that I didn't enjoy, but I feel like these were more of a personal preference. For example, I found sometimes the dialogue between characters was a bit bland and flat, and at times the Main Character didn't feel like the character we were introduced to.

Overall, Into the Wildbarrens was a book I loved to read and would recommend it to anybody who is looking for an adventure with some very chaotic, funny and exciting characters!

enchantingliterature's review

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I absolutely loved this crew and the story as a whole has me itching for the next epic adventure Mr Sterling comes up with.

An epic adventure, with a crew who will have you falling in love with not one not 2 but all of them is a rarity in itself . Filled with dragons, magic, a quest that will have you hanging on every word, a dash of romance, mixed with a good bit of humor and well developed characters you can't ask for much more. This is not one to be missed
You can follow Falin and his Champions on July 16th when the book releases.
Falin is only twenty years of age, and with nine-hundred eighty years left to explore the world, he is eager to begin his quest for the Gems of Elsana. As one of ten wizard’s acting as peacekeepers to their land, Falin must first embark on a journey to gather the Gems, four jewels that provide wizards with their full power. Once a century, a wizard sets out on their quest, accompanied by four Champions from each kingdom within the The Crown of Elsana. Falin considers himself lucky, joined by a sage healer, elven assassin, drakkish warrior, and madorian prince. All seems well until the elder wizards reveal they expect Falin’s quest will take them into the Wildbarrens, a desolate and horrid land teeming with creatures of the Dark. Given the circumstances—and to the chagrin of Falin’s honorable Champions—the group is accompanied by an unscrupulous pair of outlaws claimed to have traveled through the Wildbarrens. In their expedition, they come across friends and foes, countless landscapes.

a_potter_nerd's review

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I was given an ARC by Christian Sterling in exchange for an honest review. The Gems of Elsana is a wonderful story about a quest and adventure. It definitely gives me Hobbit vibes. At first I struggled because there was a lot of dialogue and things were happening so fast. Later, the dialogue balanced out with descriptive details and drew me in. I am eager for the next book so I can continue on this journey.

bookschief_managed's review

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First of all, a huge thanks to the amazing author for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review!! I was so stoked to receive this one, it sounded right up my alley.

It took me a while to get into it, but that was due to my own stuff going on and by no means the book itself. This was an absolute treasure to read and I honestly loved every page!

There’s such a rich backstory to the world and the characters themselves and they’re all so unique and individualistic and it made for SUCH a good read! I’m a sucker for fantasy stories, especially those that involve magic and the whole concept behind the training that goes into becoming the wizards we all know and love was so intriguing.

Sterling created such a beautiful world and fantastically entertaining and epic adventure story and I loved seeing how things unfolded. I will definitely be reading this book again in the future and cannot recommend it enough!! Do yourself a favor if you’re a fan of stories like Lord of the Rings and read this one!

myyorkshirelitmosphere's review

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I received this ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review which is brilliant cause I love a good book and I am brutally honest!

The story is based around a young wizard called Falin who must complete a quest in search the four Gems of Elsana to gain his full power. Accompanied by 6 individuals (each with their own quirks and individualities) he embarkes on this mission through some lovely and sometimes very scary parts of their world.

This is a great first book - fans of LOTR are sure to love this as the companionship element and trials the characters face are reminiscent of the Fellowship in my opinion.

I loved getting to know the characters and the author does a fabulous job of describing a vivid lush world that stays with you even after you have put the book down.

My only gripe would be that the wording or way in which the book has been written is very modern and seems strange for me as a fantasy reader and I found it lacked depth in certain areas. This could just be because I am so used to fantasy being written a certain type of way so its not necessarily a bad thing in some ways!

I will definitely read the next books in the series and advise anyone who would like to trial something a different from the current fantasy novels out there to give this a go.

thelibrarydweller's review

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I was sent a free arc of this book by the author in exchange for a honest review:

This book is phenomenal! It has a ton of action, a great rag tag group of characters, and a brilliant fantasy world! This book is also funny, which I really appreciated.

If you love books with strong friend groups you will love this! Each of the characters is a different species (creating diversity) and they all have their own powers/strengths that they bring to the group. I love how each character has a very unique personality & the growth in their group dynamic is really cute to see as the story progresses!

They journey throughout their world searching for gems that the main character Falin needs in order to become a full wizard. The action filled plot of this book is similar to lord of the rings. Overall, one of my fav reads of the year! Pleaseeee give me the sequel! I don't want to say to much because nobody should be spoiled for this, but I highly recommend fantasy lovers pick this one up!

alexiarightwritingwords's review

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Welcome to my review for Into the Wildbarrens by Christian Sterling!

The non-spoiler review:

We all know the about the chosen hero that needs to save the world, and we all know about the wizard that guides the hero.

Into the Wildbarrens tells the wizards story and it’s about time we learn more about the secretive mentors of heroes.

We follow Falin as he and his 6 champions journey across the land in search for the Gems of Elsana. Falin needs these gems to fully take control of his power and help aid the other wizards against evil.

Overall, I think this was just was just such a pleasant and refreshing read. I forgot how much I missed inherently good characters who have no desire to turn evil.

There was peril, and I think there is so much more evil coming that I’m ready to read the next book. I felt like we only got a glimpse of that in this book.

The characters together were hilarious! I laughed out loud a few times, too. Their conversations and attitudes weren’t boring and they worked well together.

The world-building was amazing and the plot was simple yet it took a long time to get to the end.

There were quite a few spelling and grammar errors but since this is an arc, I’ll excuse those errors. (Also because I’m an unrelenting grammar-nazi😬 I always look specifically for mistakes)

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I’m very excited for the next one!

The review full of spoilers:

You have been warned.

SpoilerGood underlying themes/messages:

-Don’t judge people based on prejudices because you will most certainly regret it. (*clears throat* the dragon wasn’t exactly what you expected, now was it? 😏)
-Don’t judge people on their past; rather take the time to get to know them and observe their actions. (Looks at Bossador and Carthon.)
-Just because something has always been done in one way, doesn’t mean a new way is wrong. (Falin having 6 champions instead of 4)
-Always be kind to everyone; you never know what bad situation they could help you out of. (Carthon wanting to eat the rabbit but then the rabbit later on showed them the right way)

The story had lots and lots of good messages so a full star in this catagory!

Interesting story:

At first I was really sceptical when I read that Falin had to go on a quest to find the gems because I thought, Percy Jackson already did this several times and what could this author possibly bring to the table that keeps it fresh?

Well, that’s where the characters and worldbuilding really helped. With those two factors, it felt like the major plot line was still important but was not the central focus of the book: because those two factors disguised the fact of what the quest actually was: an over-glorified treasure hunt.

Going to be honest here: not a fan of quests in books. I loved them in the Percy Jackson books and I’ll accept them in movies because even if the plot’s weak, the animation or visual effects might still be enough to keep you entertained.

In books, if the plot’s weak, you’re going to bore yourself to death because there’s nothing to save you from the boring-ness.

Except characters and world-building.

Which are the two factors the author utilized entirely in this book. Those two things were the saving grace of Into the Wildbarrens, in my opinion.

So, I wasn’t all impressed with the plot line. I think the author could have put a twist in it; it certainly feels like the author has more than enough imagination for that.

Half a star for this catagory.

Realistic characters and growth:

I was giggling at the start of the book, knowing exactly what the author had in mind.

Time would tell if I would be right and indeed, I was.

Carthon + Nym together = adorable. 😍Somehow, I wish there was just a little bit more romance but I appreciate what I had gotten.

The friendship that came to be between Bossador and Carthon was just beautiful, especially when you think back to how much bad blood there was between their kingdoms.

The supporting sisters Nym and Melquin became to each other was also just beautiful. I appreciate it so much that there was no stereotypical mean-girl nonsense bewteen them.

Red and Jimbuah were the biggest surprises for me in this book. They were so different from the entire book’s narrative style that it was at first disorienting to read them but soon became a joy. It is quite possible that Jimbuah is now my favorite character.

Falin was a bit dry during the book for me but near the end he started to show some spunk so that helped.

A whole star for this catagory!

Fantastic Worldbuilding:




And the best part? No random info-dumps that leave you reeling!

Elsana’s history is beautifuly told through different perspectives. Different people have different opinions on different things and I loved that!

There were so many types of races and religions, each unique in their own right.

The world building is definitely one of the saving graces of this book and I’m thankful for it!

A whole star for this catagory!

Writing style is beautiful/Easy to read:

I got so many beautiful quotes from this book and I’m so happy about it.

There were random pieces of wisdom thrown in, I could always picture a scene clearly, and I never had to wonder what on Earth the writer was trying to say.

It was also very easy to read, which helped to get past some boring scenes.

A whole star for this catagory!


4.5 stars out of 5!

This was such a refreshing and light read that I needed. I giggled out loud a few times and rooted for the characters.

If you’re new to the fantasy genre or you’re an epic-fantasy reader who’s looking for something light, then this is for you!

No journey well spent has ever gone without stumbles.

*I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.