
Dark Alpha's Lover by Donna Grant

enchantressofbooks's review

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As a fan of this series and the spinoff DARK KINGS, I'm sadden that I'm finding a repetitive story. The names change but the overall concept remains the same. This novella moves the story a long as we learn a few new things but again, not by much. The instalove might be what is doing me in... I mean, here you have a Reaper that has closed his emotions down completely, has been around for YEARS and I'm expected to believe (yes, I know its a story, but there has GOT to be a little bit of 'possibility' to make it work too) that here comes a pretty face and BAM, he is now falling for the heroine. That's the thing.... its completely and utterly physical only. In THIS situation with THIS Reaper, I would have preferred for them to get to know each other and have him fall for HER and not the pretty face.

There was also the issue of a plot hole
Spoiler Cat has a unique and extremely special power of making her wishes come true. We've been told she is just as if not can be more powerful than a fae.... why is it that the neither the Reapers nor Death ask her to wish Owen back to them? They don't even ask her to try.

Narrator Review: I think she did a great job with the female characters. I wish there was a better range and differentiation of the male characters. I also think her accent for the characters is rather good! I'd LOVE for her to co-narrate with Antony in the Dark Kings series!

Overall it was okay. Its a quick listen.

tanyad74's review

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This review was originally posted at Rantings of a Reading Addict

Dark Alpha's Lover features the Reaper Fintan, who has spent centuries burying his emotions. He meets a half-Fae, Catriona who believes the magic in her family has passed her by. Her family is special as they have been visited 3 times by Light Fae. Cat grew up watching her siblings train their powers in disappointment. But half-Fae are disappearing and Cat's siblings fall to Bran's eradication of them. All Cat has left is her grandfather. Which brings me to my first question. The grandfather's house is warded. Is this something Cat's siblings did before their deaths? Cat has no magic so she couldn't have put them up. Also, Fintan wonders why Cat has not warded her own house. Well, if she has no magic, of course she can't put up wards. I didn't give these questions too much brain power as I read, but they did pop up.

Fae gather around Cat's house to watch her and Fintan tries to gain information from them as he believes that Bran is coming for her and that there has to be some reason Bran would leave her alive. Fintan also feels the walls around his emotions breaking and it's freaking him out.

At first I found Cat a little whiny, but she grows and becomes kick ass. She is gutsy and determined. She makes decisions that at first disappoint me, but then Cat makes an ultimate sacrifice to get her own stabs at Bran. I was totally surprised and impressed by her actions to save Fintan, the Reapers and Death. But as always, the question remains, will Death allow Fintan and Cat to be together?

xakyr's review

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This is my second time reviewing this author, and I am happy to say that I enjoyed this story much more than the previous one I read of hers!

I came into the middle of the series on this one, but thankfully I didn't need to read those preceding stories or the series that it had spun out of. There was a good amount of world building woven throughout this story, so it was rather easy to follow along with the threads of things.

I really loved the characters of Fintan and Catriona! I thought that they were well suited to one another, and while they fell in love under adversity, I thought that they had a good chance of making it last. I also liked the idea of the Reapers themselves, especially the character of Death! It was a very unique look at things, and one I took a great deal of interest in!

The book had a great conflict, and was somewhat fast paced because of it. The villain of the piece was realistically written, even if I didn't completely understand how and why he was amassing so much power and so much of an army to fight with. Bran was very charismatic and believable, to the point where I almost began to agree with him, though not the methods he was employing to bring about change.

There were a few plot threads left unresolved, which made for a sort of cliffhanger ending that I really didn't care for, causing me to remove a star in my rating. However, I am eager to read the previous books in the series and get caught up for the next release!

redhairedashreads's review

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The quiet and emotionless Fintan finally finds something to care about!

Catriona is a half-fae who knows about her heritage. She knows that she is next to die because her two siblings have already been killed by the Dark. Fintan steps in and decides to use her as bait to catch Bran. Along the way, Cat makes Fintan start to feel again. She sees past his hair and eyes and knows he is a good person inside. This revelation tears down the walls Fintan hides behind and makes him admit that he actually cares for her.

I really liked this one. I have wanted to know about Fintan from the beginning and it did not disappoint. I loved the romance between these two. They were perfect for healing each other.

I can't wait to see what is going on with Eoghan.

thebookdisciple's review

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So, I keep jumping into these Donna Grant books mid series. Its becoming an annoying habit! However, Dark Alpha's Lover worked for me! I was a little confused at the characters and the dynamics between them, but Grant did a good job of fleshing it out without adding too much background to the story. It did help that I had read the most recent Dark Kings book because the series are intertwined.

Cat is a half fae half human hybrid. Her siblings were as well, but they have been killed. Cat is sure the killers, whom she assumes are the Reapers, will come for her next, even though she has no magic. A reaper does come for her, but not to kill her. Fintan wants to use Cat to lure Bran out so they can finally end this war. But, he has certain feelings for Cat that he isn't sure what to do with.

I liked the dynamic between Cat and Fintan. Cat is no shrinking violet but she isn't a reckless idiot either. She knows she is in a very vulnerable position and isn't afraid to accept help, but she also wants to know how to protect herself when that help isn't around. As a result, Cat comes across as a very believable character. Fintan is a reaper and has witnessed a few of his reaper friends find love recently. He didn't think it would happen to him, but Cat throws his world into a bit of disarray. I loved how broken Fintan was and how aware of his faults he was. I also loved that these two did what they thought was best, even if it meant hurting themselves in the process.

This book really moves the plot with Bran forward and introduces some new info. It also weaves in some of the events from the last Dark Kings book as well, so really, you need to read both series to fully understand all the politics going on here.


  • POV: 3rd

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: Fae

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: series

  • Cliffhanger: 
    Spoilerthe main storyline with the war  between Bran and the Reapers is not solved but the storyline between Fintan and Cat is

  • HEA: 
    Spoilerfor Fintan and Cat, yes, with an epilogue that is only 1 day into the future

Saving Mercy by Abbie Roads, Firestorm by Donna Grant, Fae Encounter by LE Wilson...then you will probably like Dark Alpha's Lover!

Dark Alpha's Lover

ibooks-icon amazon-icon-star


From Dark Alpha's Lover:

Chapter One

Galway, Ireland


Nothing was ever as it seemed.

There were more than humans walking this earth. The things seen out of the corner of your eye were real, even if your mind refused to recognize—or accept—them.

But Catriona Hayes knew of their existence, even if she wished she didn’t. They were Fae. Magical creatures that were so beautiful they seemed otherworldly—because they were.

The Fae had come to this world, seamlessly integrating themselves into the lives of mortals. But then again, when it came to beings with magic, they could do such things.

Cat blew out a breath and put the day’s earnings in the pouch before placing it inside the safe and shutting the door. She straightened and looked through the windows of the café and across the street to the pub alight with merriment.

There was a bit of wistfulness within her when she spotted three women walking into the bar with bright smiles. She’d never been that carefree.

From the first moment she could remember, her family had kept her apart from others. It wasn’t until she was older that she realized what made her so different—she was a Halfling.

Part human, part Fae.

Some might rejoice at the news, but she wasn’t most people.

The first time her grandfather had told her of her heritage, she’d laughed, thinking it was a jest. But as they’d walked down the streets of Galway, he began pointing out the Fae.

That was the day her life changed. At eight years old, she’d felt the weight of the world drop upon her shoulders. The burden had nearly brought her to her knees. And it had lingered, growing heavier with each passing year.

Yet she remained standing beneath it all. Only because of her grandfather. The man who smiled in the midst of the many storms life threw his way. He was what kept her composed and mindful of the dangers of living near Fae.

While she had been fearful of her grandfather’s revelation, her older siblings had embraced it as a gift.

Cat looked down at the counter and the top that covered it. Beneath the thick glass, next to the register, was a picture of her with her brother and sister twenty years ago.

Whatever gift having Fae blood had given her siblings had been taken away in a cruel twist of Fate several months ago when they were savagely killed.

Her brother had been murdered in a crowded pub, while her sister had had her life snuffed out on a train to London. No one had seen either attack. One moment, her siblings had been alive. The next, they were dead. It was how Cat knew the Fae were responsible.

Only beings with magic and the ability to veil themselves could have committed such crimes without a single person catching something on their mobile phones.

Ever since her family’s deaths, she’d been waiting for the Fae to come for her.

What was taking them so long? She and her grandfather—who she kept locked safely away in his cottage where no Fae could enter—were the only ones left.

A flash of lightning pulled her from her thoughts and reminded her that she needed to get home. She started toward the front, turning off the lights as she went. Flipping the sign in the café window to CLOSED, she walked out the door and locked it.

When she faced the street once more, she gripped the handle of her purse and looked around at the people. She knew the Fae could use glamour to disguise themselves, though most preferred to remain beautiful. That made it easier to pick them out, but it did nothing to lessen Cat’s dread.

She remained in the doorway as a couple walked past her. The man said something to make the woman laugh. Cat’s heart caught because she couldn’t remember the last time she’d giggled like that—never mind actually being on a date.

Cat squared her shoulders and turned to the left. Her cottage was toward the outskirts of Galway. She couldn’t wait to get home where she could relax.

“Relax,” she snorted.

There was no such thing for her. While others brushed their cares away with a pint of ale and loud music, she would eat alone at her house and sleep with one eye open.

Being half-Fae had done nothing but make her life miserable. She’d gotten nothing else from it. Her sister, Nora, had been able to move objects with her mind. Her brother, Domhnall, could grow plants.

For some strange reason, magic had passed her over altogether. No matter how hard she tried, there didn’t seem to be a smidgen of magic within her.

Countless times, she’d asked her grandfather what she’d done to not have magic. He’d never quite answered her. In his usual way, he would tell a story about all the Halflings who lived without magic.

But she always suspected that he was keeping something from her.

No amount of conniving or posing the question different ways ever gave her another answer, though. With every year that passed, she was more and more sure that her grandfather was hiding something.

Cat tensed when she walked past a Fae talking to a mortal female. His silver eyes, black hair, and sex appeal were the biggest clues to what he was—Light Fae. At least, it wasn’t a Dark.

The Dark scared her the most with their red eyes. She shuddered just thinking about them.

She turned the corner and quickened her pace. Thunder rumbled the same time lightning zigzagged across the sky. More rain was on the way, but if she were lucky, she’d make it back to her cottage before it came.

Suddenly, she stopped. She didn’t know what had caught her attention, but something told her to go no farther. Her gaze roamed down the street as people milled about.

There was something in the air that draped over everything like a wet blanket. It took her a moment to realize what it was—fear. She looked at the humans and saw that none of them appeared to be affected.

Then she heard the footsteps coming, quickly. She saw the man running toward her and looking back over his shoulder. He passed beneath a streetlamp, and she saw his eyes—red.

But it was the terror on his face that surprised her. She hadn’t thought there was anything a Dark feared, but whatever was after this particular Fae must be frightening.

Her head told her to run, but her body refused to move. She remained where she was, even as a man appeared out of thin air in front of the Dark.

The Fae slid to a halt, his eyes wide. The man before him had long, white hair that was pulled away from his face by three small braids on each side of his head.

She had little time to process that before she saw the light glint off a blade. The sword sliced through the air and cut down the Dark, turning him to dust in an instant.

Shock reverberated through her as she involuntarily took a step back. What kind of weapon did he have that could kill a Fae?

Because she wanted one.

He took two steps away before he suddenly halted, his body stiffening. Then he gradually turned his head to look right at her. She couldn’t make out his face because of the shadows, but she knew he’d seen her.

And then, he disappeared.

She took another step back and hastily looked around, but there was no other sign of the white-haired man. Yet she knew she wasn’t alone.

He was there. She was sure of it. Just as she was sure the Fae would come for her soon.

Somehow, she managed to stand her ground. If she were going to die, she would do it with courage. Even if she was shaking. She wasn’t going to run, no matter how much she wanted to.

She felt something behind her a moment before the sound of footsteps reached her. Cat whirled around, ready to face the unknown stranger. But it was a Dark Fae who walked toward her.

“Shite,” she murmured and turned back around.

“Hiya, darlin’,” the Dark called. “What’s your hurry?”

She walked faster and said over her shoulder, “Long day.”

“Let me buy you a drink.”

“No, thanks.”

She waited for him to say more, and when he didn’t, she gave a sigh of relief. It wasn’t until she was in her cottage that she slumped against the door.

Another day gone.

See full review on The Book Disciple

nikkisbooknook's review

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Reapers are supposed to stay detached but Fintans brother in arms are falling like flies - there is now even a female Reaper! When he is out on patrol he catches sight of Catriona and is drawn to her like no other female before. She is human, no powers, no glamour. So why does she have a trail of Fae swarming her????

Catriona is reeling from the loss of her siblings. Her Grandfather is all she has left in the world and she will do anything to keep him safe. She is a damp squib magic wise but Fae are stalking her and the mysterious Fintan has entered her life, offering to protect her. But is he has good as he seems?

Brilliant read. Loved the ever composed, serious and disciplined Fintan. Cat has her moments - she is so used to people letting her down, she finds it hard to trust anyone - especially Fae.

Great addition to the series!

malissac's review

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I love the Reaper novels, in fact I might even say that since I read my very first Donna Grant book this series has become my favorite. I know, *gasps are heard around the paranormal book world* I know, I just think that there is something so raw and vulnerable about this group of characters. They have their secrets yes, heck, they are a secret, but at the same time there isn't this gruff guardedness that I find with the Dragon Kings. They take me a bit back to the beginning of my DG journey with the Dark Sword series.

Catriona has lost her entire family, all but her grandfather and she knows that now she is being hunted. Someone wants her family line gone and she is that last obstacle to ending it. Fintan is one of the mysterious and legendary Reapers. He (and his team) is Death's sword, her (yes, HER) executioner, the line that holds the balance of the Fae and he's got his eyes on a mysterious woman. One who is clearly more than she seems, particularly if the number of Fae watching her means anything.

One of my favorite things about all of Donna's Heroines is that they stand solidly on their own two feet. They will make their own decisions and follow through on their choices. They may not always end up being the right ones, particularly when they are unaware of the whole scheme of what is going on around them but they never allow themselves to be bullied by these tough as nails men and they always bring out the softer side of these Heroes. They take them from being Alpha jerks to complicated, emotional, (although don't tell them I said that) often times broken 'men' who have guarded themselves and their hearts for so long they don't know how to open up and love. Fintan and Cat's romance is insta/or love at first site, but that isn't unusual when dealing with the paranormal world. Yet, while it is a fast paced love it is strife with challenges both physical, (i.e. Cat being hunted) and emotional, (see above about these Reapers and their ability to let go, ha) they may fall into lust with one another pretty darn quickly but that doesn't make everything smooth going. Not only do Fintan and Catriona have to fight off the Dark Fae and a vile adversary, they have to fight their own personal fears, and then of course there is Death and the rules she has set for her Reapers.

I love the world that Donna has created, her seamless ability to send us between the realms, human, Dark Fae, Light Fae, and now Death's realm, which I kinda want to live in...I also want Death's wardrobe, just saying. I love that the Reaper's are made up of both the Dark and the Light, that Donna is showing us that it isn't as easy as being Darka nd Light, that there is a whole lot of gray in between (Balladyn for example) I love that she brings in characters from the Dragon Kings, especially Rhi and I can not wait to see how it all ties together. I have big hopes and dreams for our girl Rhi and I just hope that they end up lining up with Donna's.

I think that the Reaper world is a great escape for Donna Grant's Dragon King fans. While we all LOVE the Kings, their story has been getting pulled to the ends of it's rope and is on the verge of breaking. Things have gotten heavy in both good and bad ways and getting to pick up a Reaper story and take a break from that world while not truly leaving it is a breath of fresh air. Don't worry if you haven't read the Dragon Kings, you don't have to even with a few of the characters crossing story lines. While I ALWAYS recommend reading a series from the first book on, it isn't a must with this one although you will feel a bit lost at times Donna does a good job of 'reminding' us what has come in previous books. Once you start though you'll want to go back to the beginning and see how we've gotten from point A to around F(intan) now, haha. If you are looking for a little something different in the Paranormal Romance genre and haven't tried a Donna Grant book (or even if you have) I highly suggest picking this series up! My biggest wish...that they would come out in paper back. Right now they are only offered in e-book or audio format, but hopefully one day I will have these on my shelf!


mornirdragon's review

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This will be the last book I read of the series. All the characters seem the same. I have trouble remembering who is who and it's so predictable how each live story will end. Yes yes I know romances normally end with the people together but for some reason these books seem even more predictable.

bookwifereviews's review

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By far my favorite Reaper book.

jbenando's review

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I am liking these reapers. They’re giving me a few insights into characters, that I don’t catch, when I’m reading the other books. I hope all of them come to together when the war comes.