
The Sugar House: The Adventures of Sasha Witchblood by Rose Bailey

angrywombat's review

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This is a beautiful little book, with a style that reminds me of Tanith Lee or Catherynne Valente - mythic, evocative but a little sparse.

I enjoyed the main character that all these stories are woven around: Sasha the granddaughter of the Baba Yaga. She made me think about a cross between San (Princess Mononoke) and Granny Weatherwax (Discworld), wild, driven, uncaring of social norms, but knowing enough to manipulate people's expectations of her. Much like 'The Night's Master', there are very few fleshed out characters other than Sasha, but the story still kept pulling me along, just to see how Sasha would deal with the current batch of strangeness.

My biggest confusion is why did the stories come out of order? Why not just put them in chronological order? I didn't find it added much, just made me a little confused.

But I really loved the hints of the Mythic Europe and Arabia that the author had woven into the background, and would love to read more of Sasha's exploits in new, exotic lands.