
Dead Of Knight by Victoria Sue

layla87's review against another edition

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I almost DNFed this.

bronwynheeley's review against another edition

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i enjoyed the romance of this book, however as I was reading I realised why it was siting right for me. it's that I think the book needs to be at least 100 pages more. it's got so much info throughout the book that comes across as massive dumps before we are thrown into action scene, or sex scene or the climax of the story. there's no time to really sit with anything going on, you're just give a tone of info and then bam this is why and the end and so I come to the end and feel overall underwhelmed, but i will continue on, as I am interesting to see them all get their other halves.

teresab78's review against another edition

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I’m coming to understand this world more. Though I was frustrated with Lucan, I’m glad it worked out in the end. I look forward to the rest of the knights finding their souls.

toshi21's review against another edition

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Wow. Amazing, modern Camelot and epic

This second book in the Guardians series was amazing. The characters were superb and I was so absorbed by the other all plot.
Victoria Sue takes our hearts, twists them up and leaves them sated and warn out.
Tom and Lucan’s story was so heart breaking. You felt for them and you understood why Lucan did what he did.

That last line: Ms. Sue. You’re mean.

HIGHLY recommend

loulou87's review against another edition

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I almost DNFed this.

xanthe87's review against another edition

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A fantastic follow up to The Twelfth Knight. Another story full of emotion, action, drama and a really interesting plot.
Tom may only be eighteen but he's experienced so much, even before he came to live with the knights a couple of years ago. Despite this, he's innocent when it comes to matters of the heart. Both he and Lucan know that he is the knight's Tresor but Lucan has been stubborn and determined to do what he deemed best for Tom and now it may be too late.
There is always something going on for the Guardians and it keeps the story moving along at a fair pace right alongside the romance that is trying to start but hits constant roadblocks in the form of bad timing, Lucan, their enemies, and Lucan. I really felt the emotions with the characters as a lot of new information is revealed to the MC's and the group, a couple of new characters are introduced that they are rightly wary of and one deals quite the blow to Tom and Lucan, for different reasons. I enjoyed the flashback parts that give us more insight into the history of the characters and how they have lived parts of their lives. It helps the reader know more about the character, the situation and provides more information to help solve the plot of this book. We get to know a little more about the other knights as they all come out of their shells a little more whilst trying to deal with the new problem that they are facing this time. You get a real sense of the loneliness that the all have experienced for so long.
Cannot recommend this book and series enough. It's a novel take on the story of Merlin and his Knights and Victoria Sue does such an amazing job in writing a story that is entertaining in both characters and plot, keeping the reader interested right through to the end. And the last paragraph!! I'm excited for book three and four as we have possibly a new couple and another character from the past to hear more from. I would definitely recommend reading the series in order as it helps with the overall story arc and introduction of plot points and characters.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

cadiva's review against another edition

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Couldn't be more perfect if it tried

I can't believe I didn't publish my review for this book when I read it. No idea what happened there.

Tom and Lucan were absolutely brilliant as a pair, once Lucan got over himself and stopped putting obstacles in their path!

While the pining and self-immolation doesn't last as long as Lance's in book one, I still wanted to brain him at times!

He's worried about the age gap between him and Tom, he's worried that Tom won't have a life if he signs up to be his Tresor but most if all, he's worried his heart will break if anything happens to Tom.

As with book one, this urban fantasy/paranormal twist on the legends of King Arthur goes at a fast pace, giving the reader an adrenaline rush through the narrative.

The main enemy here is a man dabbling in necromancy who has his designs on Tom and as this is a spoiler free review, I won't go into more detail than that.

This book made me very happy, it also had me gasping out loud, marveling at the new interpretation of some of my favourite nerdy interests and almost crying at the dedication.

Thanks for that Victoria Sue!

josy's review against another edition

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wendylynnm's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars
I liked it, didn’t love it though.
I honestly love the premise of the story but I had to reread a lot to make sure I was understanding all the who’s and what’s that were going on.
I am looking forward to the next book

accal1a's review against another edition

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Absolutely excellent continuation to the story.

Lucan and Tom were just so painfully, painfully real.

My heart was in my throat in places, and it was all worth it.

Greg Boudreaux excellent as always!