hannah850's review against another edition

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informative reflective medium-paced


rexgertspud's review against another edition

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challenging hopeful informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


itslaurenhornsby's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


colleensab's review against another edition

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Everyone needs to read this book. I had to take breaks and come back to it because the truth of the inequality is depressing at times, but it’s incredibly important to grasp.

mollshamrock's review against another edition

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informative sad medium-paced


14awhalen's review against another edition

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challenging informative medium-paced


hanneke_botervliegje's review against another edition

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Belangrijk boek dat vele, verassende, diepgewortelde problemen aankaart. Het enige wat me iets tegenstond was de stellige toon die getuigd van zwart-wit denken en die weinig ruimte laat voor nuance in de zeer complexe opgave waar de samenleving voor staat om écht inclusief te worden.

mbts89's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective slow-paced


dianshizuna's review against another edition

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hopeful informative inspiring fast-paced


kodiem1lf's review against another edition

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challenging informative reflective medium-paced
