ejdelorenze's review against another edition

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Validating, eye-opening, and infuriating. Loved the author's dry humor. Engaging and well written.

realmsoffreedom's review against another edition

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so bioessentialist it was distracting lmao

ecmills1995's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


Informative and well researched.  A little repetitive

amandalsb's review against another edition

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This was easily one of the best books I‘ve ever read. Admittedly it took me months to get through it, but that’s because it is so infuriating to read that I had to take breaks for my own sanity. The impacts of a lack of female data are so far reaching and ingrained in everything that it’s honestly a bit shocking and disheartening…from simple things like office temps, cabinet heights and phone sizes to more important topics of girls’ participation in sports, car safety, disaster relief and pharmaceutical R&D. The book is so packed with data from around that world that it really requires a slow and careful reading, but I have already cited in conversations the information I learned from this book more times than I can count. The number one book I am recommending to everyone!

ohlisaoh's review against another edition

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While this is not an easy book to read (I was torn between feeling frustrated, angry and baffled) everyone should really take the time to read it. Every man should read this book so that maybe they can get closer to understanding what reality women live in.

insamniac's review against another edition

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informative medium-paced

annebienia's review against another edition

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What a great book!! Absolutely packed with facts and stats. Should be mandatory reading for students, scientists, law makers, people in positions of power, hell everyone! Made me in equal parts angry and inspired to influence change. I don’t usually read books twice but could see myself going back to this. Really highly recommended.

abiturltes's review against another edition

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dark informative sad fast-paced


jess_sacul's review against another edition

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challenging informative inspiring reflective medium-paced


gondorsfinest's review against another edition

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I would describe myself as an optimistic person. I believe that compared to where we've been as a society, we're doing much better now in terms of equality and human rights. Therefore, it is a bit deflating to read just how far we still have to go in terms of true equity - but of course, I appreciate that this information was collected in the first place, especially in such a professional, wide-scope and well-sourced manner. I'm serious. The last 90 pages of this are sources. Be still, my academic heart!

Some of the topics mentioned in here you'll have heard about. The car crash test dummy issue, for example, has been in the news quite a lot lately - dummies being calculated with average male dimensions and center of gravity, and women therefore being more likely to be physically injured or even die during accidents.

Some topics you might be familiar with, but not aware how deep the issue runs. I did know women's symptoms were more likely to be dismissed by both the public and the medical field. I didn't know some medication wasn't even tested on women because periods apparently "don't mix well" with lab results - even though women will end up taking these medications, and they tend to have menstrual cycles while doing it, so it seems absurd to not take it into account just because doing so would be expensive or difficult.

Some topics will be news to you entirely. I, for example, did not know how much the absence of public toilets affects girls and women around the world.

I think no matter how educated you are on feminism or women's issues in general, this book will be highly informative to anybody.