
The Serpent and The Dead: A Marvel: Legends of Asgard Novel by Anna Stephens

whatyoutolkienabout's review

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I want to start by thanking Aconyte and Netgallery for kindly approving me for an Advanced Reader Copy of this title via in exchange for an honest review. I want to add that only four chapters in I ordered a physical copy as well. Anna Stephens has worked wonders at weaving together source material from the Marvel mythos and actually Norse Myth, tied perfectly together with her amazing knack for storytelling. I found the story engaging and enjoyable, so much so that I could hardly put it down!
I don’t want to spoil the plot but I will say the characterisation was fantastic, Stephens makes the characters her own while keeping true to some of their main “standard" traits. The relationships, platonic and romantic, felt to build genuinely and never seemed forced or there just because. Each character was given chance to shine throughout as well with no one seeming to take favour. In short this book contains everything I love; strong female characters, an adorable relationship, friendship, magic, and battles.
I would highly recommend for any fan of marvel, norse mythology or just a good fantasy with a strong female cast!

loveambreen's review

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This book is literally everything I wanted Love and Thunder to be. This is the most care and respect Brunnhilde has ever received. I will absolutely be reading this again and I hate that it took me so long to get back to it.

jdalton's review

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Thanks to Netgalley and Aconyte books for an advanced review copy of this book.

I absolutely love Thor and the people of Asgard, so this book was a must read for me!

Focusing on the Valkyries and Lady Sif, it’s great to see more of the ladies of Asgard and how much they kick butt and don’t need Thor to save the day.

These aren’t from the MCU, but this book is fantastic for any Marvel fan who wants more!

thebibliophilechronicles's review

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The Serpent and the Dead is a fun and fast paced fantasy tale that follows Lady Sif and the Valkyrie Brunnhilde as they embark on a quest to discover why some souls on the battlefield are disappearing before they can be escorted to Valhalla. When they two arrive at a small town they hear about attacks taking place from fearsome creatures that cannot be killed. Determined to uncover what is going on and rescue the missing souls, Lady Sif and Brunnhilde must use every ounce of their strength to uncover this evil enemy.

I must preface this review by saying I know next to nothing about the Marvel universe. I’ve seen the movies and that’s about as far as my knowledge goes. I picked this one up because Anna Stephens is one of my favourite authors and I will read anything she writes. For me, I was able to enjoy the story and get to know the characters without having much prior knowledge. This feels so different to the books I have come to expect from Stephens, but I nonetheless had an excellent time reading it. The book is well plotted, full of action with a really engaging story.

One of the things I enjoyed most about The Serpent and the Dead is the relationships. Lady Sif and Brunnhilde are really strong, complex characters and I loved seeing their friendship continue to grow even under such difficult circumstances, and when there were times they weren’t sure they could trust each other. There’s also an established couple in the story – Brunnhilde and Inge and it was interesting to see them attempt to protect and look after each other on such a perilous journey.

Overall The Serpent and the Dead is an engaging, action-packed read. Anna Stephens writes incredible battle scenes and there are lots of really epic moments in this story. If you’re a Marvel fan or you’re looking for a gripping fantasy tale steeped in Norse mythology, definitely check this one out.

indominusalex's review

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slay honestly. i need like at least 10 more of these books. the action is so well balanced with how well developed these characters are and their backstory and their friendship down to the tiniest details. only problem i have is i need them to kiss <3

fantasybooknerd01's review

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The Serpent & The Dead is the latest addition in Aconite’s Legends of Asgard series set in the Marvel Universe written by Anna Stephens.
I have to say that prior to this, I had read Anna Stephen’s The Stone Knife, and with this book she had firmly cemented herself as one of my favourite authors who writes complex and rich narratives, so I was immediately drawn to this book to see what she could produce in the Marvel Universe.
And boy, was I not disappointed!
I am so glad that I read this book as it showcases Anna Stephen’s versatility as a writer and perfectly compounded why I have so much admiration for her writing.
The Serpent and the Dead is a pacey Action/Adventure story featuring Lady Sif and the Valkyrie Brunnhilde in a tale of friendship, mystery, and action.
From the very beginning we are thrown headlong into the story as we join Lady Sif in the middle of a battle sequence. When the book initially opens Lady Sif is engaged with giants in a skirmish in another part of Asgard. However, the giants are not behaving as they normally would and seem to be targeting certain individuals, one of these being Lady Sif’s friend, Gyda. Ultimately, Lady Sif’s comrade and friend is killed. But, for some inexplicable reason, her soul is stolen from her body at the point of death, and is whisked away to somewhere that is not Valhalla.
Obviously, this leaves Lady Sif pretty distressed, as all souls who die in battle are promised eternity in Valhalla and her mate did not transcend to the Hall of the Gods. In a bit of a state, she asks Brunnhilde, the leader of the Valkyries to check out whether her friend is where she should be.
When Brunnhilde discovers that Gyda is not sitting in the halls of Valhalla quaffing ale and mead, she investigate the reasons for this and also finds a deeper mystery. This is not the first time that this has happened, and it seems to be occurring undetected with alarming frequency. As a result, Lady Sif and Brunnhilde are thrown together to unravel the mystery of the missing souls, and the main culprit is obviously our friendly neighbourhood trickster, Loki.
What follows is a journey through Asgard, and subsequently to Jotenheim, to discover who is responsible for stealing the souls of the Asgardians before they die.
Whilst this is set in the Marvel Universe, the settings of the book feel like classical Norse Mythology. We get to see what is outside of Asgard and how the people of that realm live as Sif and Brunnhilde, along with Brunnhilde’s partner Inge follow the breadcrumbs to solve the mystery.
As I said earlier, the book shows Anna Stephen’s versatility as a writer as she comprehensively builds the world outside of Asgard and adds her own flourishes, for instance when the party go to Meadowfall or to the jump gates.
Be prepared, this is an action book, and it never lets up from the beginning, swiftly moving from one battle scene to another without giving you pause for breath. And this is one of the things that stands out in the book. Anna Stephens writes blood pumpingly good action sequences. I had seen many examples of it in previous books, but The Serpent & The Dead shows her skill at this magnificently. There were many a time that I was reading I found that I was holding my breath till I got to the end of the sequence that she was writing.
Add to this her skill of writing characters and relationships with such depth and clarity they virtually walk off the page, everything just clicks together.
And somehow, whilst the book is nonstop action, Anna Stephens manages to fashion a relationship between the three women, getting across the deeply loving relationship between Brunnhilde and Inge and form lasting relationships with the characters without it being contrived or mawkish is absolutely stunning. Throughout the book, the relationship between Sif and Brunnhilde grows and is central to the plot. And let’s not forget, they are all badass.
As the book reaches its climactic plot, you do get some inkling of the fact that things are not what they seem, as Anna Stephen’s does give some hints.
However, I am not one of those people who sit there being all smug, saying that I had figured it out. I didn’t! And I am glad I didn’t as it would have spoilt the cracking ending.
If you want supersonic action and adventure, you won’t go far wrong picking up this little number.

quirkycatsfatstacks's review

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The Serpent and the Dead is one of the newest Marvel novels and part of the Legends of Asgard series. Written by Anna Stephens, this novel follows Brunnhilde and Lady Sif – two of my favorites.

The warriors of Asgard are always attending to one battle or another. That is not unusual. However, when Lady Sif witnessed a friend's death, she knew something was wrong. A Valkyrie did not escort her friend's soul to her eternal resting place.

This sets both Brunnhilde and Lady Sif on a quest to discover what is happening to the missing spirits of the dead, a pursuit that will inevitably get darker before they put an end to this horror. The real question is, will they be able to save the souls of those who have already been lost?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I love the Marvel: Legends of Asgard series. This series gives my favorite Asgardians a chance to shine in their own novels, and I couldn't be happier for it. Now it's time for The Serpent and the Dead, highlighting Brunnhilde and Lady Sif – two unforgettable heroines that deserve the attention.

The Serpent and the Dead was a blast and a half to read, but it was also a surprisingly emotional read. I suppose the latter shouldn't be that much of a surprise since we're talking about lost spirits and Sif/Brunnhilde's need to recover them.

The early parts of this book hit hard, giving readers all the reason in the world(s) to care about the success of this mission. To be fair, it isn't hard to convince me to root for these ladies, because duh. But I still appreciated the effort.

All things said and done, The Serpent and the Dead was a well-written story, one that I didn't want to end. I would love to see this story take place in the MCU, even if realistically, I know that this will never happen (hey, a girl can hope!).

Thanks to Aconyte and #NetGalley for making this book available for review. All opinions expressed are my own.


About Marvel Entertainment

Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.
For more information visit © 2020 MARVEL

Read more reviews over at Quirky Cat's Fat Stacks

sammys_shelves's review

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I was really excited when I got the approval from #aconytebooks on #netgalley I love the Marvel movies, the Thor movies being some of my favourites.

This story by @annasmithwrites did not disappoint! I am a sucker for a good battle filled fantasy and that is exactly what I got! The Serpent and the Dead pulled me in from the very beginning with its fast pacing and its intense action! The battle scenes were so well written, with great suspense building, that you could easily lose yourself in the writing and believe yourself to be a part of the fray!

I found the characters immensely likeable and I loved the friendship strength building between Sif an Brunnhilde. I loved Inge's character and how she was so balanced even when surrounded by two stubborn hot heads! The individual relationships between the 3 badass heroines were all amazing and so much fun to follow.

There was a great build up of history placed appropriately through the story's progress so it didn't feel like you were missing any details but also didn't feel overwhelmed being hit with the characters entire back stories before the book got going. All this made it an easy and highly entertaining read! One which I would definitely recommend to any Marvel fan or fan of action packed, peril filled adventures!

The US paperback and global ebook is due to be published on Aug 3rd and the UK paperback is coming Oct 14th!

Anna has a fantastic writing style that I thoroughly enjoyed and I'm now looking forward to seeking out and reading her Godblind series with high hopes!

Once again thank you to @aconytebooks and @netgalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

About Marvel Entertainment

Marvel Entertainment, LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, is one of the world’s most prominent character-based entertainment companies, built on a proven library of more than 8,000 characters featured in a variety of media for over eighty years. Marvel utilizes its character franchises in entertainment, licensing, publishing, games, and digital media.

For more information visit © 2020 MARVEL

cate_ninetails's review

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This is my very first Marvel novel even though I've been a massive fan since I was a teenager. I get the feeling that I have aged out of the demographic because I just found the writing far too clunky. I was really interested in a female driven story with LGBT+ representation since Disney seems a little hesitant to include this canon in the films. I did also enjoy the surprise of a troll having they/them pronouns which made perfect sense. The red herring was a little obvious from the outset so I just never managed to get excited. Younger readers will probably love it.