iygatac_reads's review

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Yes! I think I like this volume just as much as the stuff in the first volume. I thought the stories were great, I'm glad we got to see the characters we did. There was stuff in here that did remind me of the show. And as always, the writing is great in terms of getting the characters' voices across. And yeah, I still love the art.

arbieroo's review

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I've shelved this as a naffic-grovel but it isn't really; it's a collection of comics. Which is one reason why I am not all that keen; it's too episodic - not structured much like a novel at all. Bits of it stand out as really good, other bits fade quickly from memory. The best bits seem to have been written by Jane Espenson, who, whilst not being a legend, like Joss Whedon, has contributed to numerous SF/fantasy/supernatural TV shows as a writer and for me stands out as the best Buffy writer there was who wasn't called Joss. She seems to have remembered what everybody else (including Joss) has forgotten in the transfer away from TV to comic; Buffy was a show about a family with fairly normal problems...plus demons and demon fighters and bad guys who were funny. The epic scale open to people who can draw anything they want instead of having to film it is actually a distraction. Guns are getting more prevalent; they were a rarity in the TV show and always used with care aforethought. Here we have a pitched battle with tanks, torpedoes and AK47s. Hardly feels like Buffy at all.

Another problem I have with the transfer to comics is that it is quite difficult to tell which character is which sometimes. Xander is pretty distinctive with his eye patch but the ever increasing number of Slayers get harder and harder to differentiate which makes what relationship based story-lines there are harder to follow. And is it really about Buffy anymore? Seems like she is barely even first among equals here.

That said, I will see out Season 8 and complete my set of these four Library Editions, which are gorgeous, with their larger format, hard covers and bonus material in the back, before deciding whether to bail and read Dollhouse instead...although the magic bomb at the end of Season 2 of that still bugs me...

paulweymouth's review

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In this third volume of season 8, Jane Espenson writes the majority of the larger arc stories, but a handful of other writers throw their talent in as well. I think this volume of Buffy didn't live up to the other 2 library editions. It had a very different feel than the previous editions. This story arc was all about the world turning on slayers and magic. Buffy and the slayers had to hide, as vampires became more popular in the world. Twilight is still hunting the slayers and the slayers had to turn to more inner strength to overcome their obstacles.

I thought the characters were pretty on point in this volume. We get Faith, Giles, Andrew, and Oz back into the mix, and they add a lot to the dynamic of the characters. Buffy's character development was a little lack-luster and she became a mostly reactive character which is totally not what Buffy's character is about. There were some choices with Xander and Dawn that I didn't like at all but the things Espenson did with Willow were great. Overall the character scenes were relatively strong and made the edition good.

I think the storyline could have been better and decisions by some of the characters were a little borderline on the believability scale. So far it is the weakest of the library editions I own. It was a bold decision to make the slayers try not to use their slayer powers but I just don't know if it really worked or not in the narrative. The art was still great and I had a great time reading it even though it was far from perfect. Hoping volume 4 ends the season off amazing.