
Kit Meets Covington by Bobbi J.G. Weiss

reader_fictions's review

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Today in Christina is a ridiculous human, I couldn’t resist requesting this novelization of a TV show I haven’t watched. Listen, my childhood self over-rode my good sense, because boarding school with horses in England was absolutely everything I was into as a kid. Like, I read SO MANY Thoroughbreds books, you have no idea.

So Kit Meets Covington is a novelization, and the quality is exactly what you would expect. The writing’s not great, the story is silly, and it’s more middle grade than YA. However, I actually read a ton of novelizations when I was a kid: I owned and loved Sabrina the Teenage Witch novels (the best was Sabrina Goes to Rome) and Full House novels (the best was when Stephanie went to a dude ranch and fell in love). DO NOT JUDGE ME.

So yeah, I really liked Kit Meets Covington for what it was. I was tired and on a plane, so I read this in a literal sitting, and it was just so fluffy and easy. Kit has a little baby love triangle without even realizing it, and there are horses, and her roommate is a princess because reasons (she also has a burgeoning ship!). I probably won’t read more of the novelizations (someone stop me from using that NetGalley widget), but I had a lot of fun and have no regrets.

I’m not totally sure who to recommend this book to, other than my childhood self, who would have loved it intensely. I’d definitely give this to middle grade rather than young adult readers, because it does skew younger. And I very much need to watch this show.