
Pack Master by Aaron L. Speer

75_sweetestbook's review against another edition

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What awesome read that is recalling bring the story together. I had read this in one setting and was loving this fast pace read that will have you on a ugly cry read. This will have you starting to understand this story.

whatcha_listening_to's review against another edition

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4 Pack Master Stars

The much anticipated fourth book of this series. I have been waiting so patiently for, was in my hot little hands and I couldn’t wait to dive in.

I don’t know who I was most looking forward to Alexandra, Melina, Michelle, Dante, Nick, Nicole, the baby, Alicia, or my Nightingale… Ok who am I kidding it was Nightingale and I was not disappointed. He is still as funny, feisty and witty as he was from book three.

A lot of questions we were left in book 3 they were answered and a lot of loose ends and storylines were cleared up. This made me happy, I hate waiting for everything to come together but the way Speer’s writes I feel ok with waiting… Sometimes. ;)

The story was a little slow in the beginning for me, but once I hit just before half point that was where the story took off and I couldn’t put it down. Dante has some really hard choices to make. Alex is going through a tough time, her memory issues are coming at her full force. Michelle is the friend to end all friends… Maybe I am picking up on a little love connection. Who knows I think only time will tell.

I have to say when push comes to shove Lee aka The Scarlet Fiend, The Blood Hound, The Big Dog, Penetrator of Poon, Licker of … ok, ok you get it. Well, he might just surprise you and make you laugh out loud, swoon a little and even scratch your head but again these are all the reasons why I LOVE him. I want to know more about his past though we learn little snippets and it only makes me want to know more about him.

Overall there are surprises, truths revealed, and mysteries still yet to be answered this is only one of the many reasons I like this series you can’t wait for the next book.

Ok, I have to put at least 1 of my Leeism out there… are you ready for this...

“Made me feel as welcome as a fart in a spacesuit…”
Ok one more...
“I’m the most honest cunt you’ll meet Fido.”

Until the next one!

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*

lawlesslandofbooks's review against another edition

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Speer has done it again. He's ripped my heart out and left me a blubbering mess on the floor and still has me coming back for more. Happy tears, sad tears, pissed off tears, laugh out loud pee your pants tears. If an emotion exists, it's likely you'll experience it on this thrill ride.

It's also likely that at the end of it you'll be screaming Speer's name. I'll let you decide if there's going to be an OMG after said name and what kind of emotion to attach to it. Just remember, no misery moments allowed! The series isn't over 😜

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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If I could sum up this volume in one word… In-freaking-tense!! So much was going on, so many new twists were revealed, so many new threads I’m sure will one day be followed, so many fun times, blood, mayhem, the usual. It was absolute madness and I loved it!!

The first little bit was slow as the author sort of recapped the big event from the previous book and introduced a new angle to the story - Sovereign. At first I was like, “Who are these people?” Then I was like, “I wish I didn’t know.” You’ll see. I can see the drama to come from way back here. It’s gonna be insane! The story does pick up soon after and it was amazing! Alex has no memories of Dante or her ordeal shortly before her memory loss and is paying the price for her amnesia. It wasn’t looking pretty for this poor girl. Luckily, everyone had her back. I’m still not happy about the potential romance with Michelle (and it may drive me away with how ridiculous it is), but I do admire the heck out of their friendship. At least Alex’s story didn’t remain stagnant. She learns about her true path and her destiny and while the lead up to her discovery was emotional, arduous and fulfilling, I felt that in the end it lacked a bit in the follow through. Her battle scene was short-lived and lackluster. But that’s just me. Thankfully, there was plenty of action to found elsewhere.

Dante… Gosh, this man/vamp has never had it easy and now he’s faced with a frustrating problem. He’s effed if he does and effed if he doesn’t. He’s intent on protecting those he loves, but at what price? Is the cost too steep, even for him? While his time in this book was short, it was still compelling and played a huge part in the end result. Oh and don’t even get me started on the problems with the wolf packs. Nick’s uncle needs to personally experience the nine circles of hell for the atrocities he’s willing to inflict on people. He’s a freaking monster. Is it bad that I’m also in awe of his audacity? On one hand I’m appalled at his behavior but at the same time, I’m intrigued. Anyhoo, Talia and Alicia were still working together which was so amazing to see. I love their connection. And then when my beloved wolf appears from the dead? Ah, Nick can do NO wrong!!

Honestly, there is so much to find in this book. So many characters involved, so many plot twists and turns, so much to still discover. However, the one character, aside from Nick, who really gets my appreciation, love and affection is… Lee Nightingale. O-M-G!! This man!! I tell ya, there’s never a dull moment with this man around. I don’t know what or who he is yet, but I’m definitely sticking around to find out. He’s virtually indestructible, stronger than anyone else on the planet, and his sense of humor is out of this world! He’s inappropriate, lustful, hungry, and always up for a good time. You know, if a good time includes sex and the annihilation of nations lol!!

You’ve just secured the services of the Scarlet Fiend. The Blood Hound. The Big Dog. Penetrator of Poon. Licker of Labias. Connoisseur of Cunnilingus. The Twelve-Incher Rib Tickler. Magician of Mounting…

Lee Nightingale. Big Dog. The Scarlet Fiend. Leenatic Leader. Destroyer of Derrieres. Banger of Babes. Pounder of Pussy. Attache of Ass.

Do you know I fought an anaconda once? Took me forty-five minutes to realise I was wanking. But, I digress.

You get the picture? Good. Now go one-click!

Release: 03.06.2018 | Genre: Paranormal Romance/Thriller | POV: Multiple - 3rd person | Heat: 3 | Undeadly Secrets #4

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