
The Go-Getter: A Story That Tells You How to be One by Peter B. Kyne

nickjonesreadsbooks's review against another edition

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Interesting...I'll have to think about this one for a day or two before I write a real review.

irishtraveller's review against another edition

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It's a little book with a lot of inspiration. First published in 1921, Kyne's fable about Mr. Peck illustrates the value of never quitting and completing your goals. While the tale is told simply and without a lot of flowery language, the message itself is entirely worth the hour or so it took me to read. It's only a little over 80 pages long, and the print is large!

kimball_hansen's review against another edition

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I read this on the flight back from India provided by Lufthansa's rich media center. I wasn't expecting a fiction book. Nothing really stood out for me.

I was also very tired, but I tried.

frederlm's review against another edition

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uppity people.

The language is far-out. The story is a well laid motivator, but I noticed the wording so much. Nice and short.

bookbeatle's review against another edition

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The best stupid book I have ever read... Thats not how real life works... The world the main character is living in is a disneyland for sure...and his Brigadier is Walt Disney 🙄

nickjonesreadsbooks's review against another edition

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Interesting...I'll have to think about this one for a day or two before I write a real review.

pinkglemonade's review against another edition

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A brief little story about a military man turned civilian rising up to the challenge from his boss. I found it to be a bit dated (published in 1921), but I understand the sentiment of finding a way to accomplish your task no matter what.

francwoods's review against another edition

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One of the Dave Ramsey required readings for his organization. Quick read and reminds us all that to be a go-getter in this world, it is all about the attitude. "It Shall Be Done"
By the way, you can find free versions of this book for Kindle on Amazon.

meetlyss's review against another edition

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One of the higher-ups at my current company---the senior VP of sales, of course---gave me, and every one of his past employees, this book as a new-hire gift. He found it motivational and hopes that all of his employees read it and strive to be a 'go-getter.'

As this book is so short, I read it in one sitting and enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The story is interesting and has plenty of motivational blurbs and lessons to be learned. I can see why it appeals to my boss so intently. I am not in sales at my company and never intend to be a salesperson; however, I think anyone in any position can find important morals in the story.

I feel I've always been a hard worker. Any time I am given a task, no matter how challenging or silly it may seem, I always strive to complete it to the best of my ability. And I think that's ultimately the lesson in the story---never say "I can't"; always find a way to do it. However, my main issue with the story is that it feels like the author is encouraging you to literally always find a way to complete the task, be it legal or illegal. Refer back to the brigadier who obtained the blue vase by breaking into the shop. Mr. Ricks did not discipline the man for completing the task illegally---in fact, he says even though he failed the test, the brigadier was "too good" and still gave him a high-up position. So, while I do think employees should strive to complete tasks and work their hardest, I do think there's a line, and that crossing that line would not be completing the task but rather compromising yourself in order to appease someone. Going against your morals and/or the law should not be something you should have to do to prove your self-worth.

Other than that little concern, the story was a cute way to encourage employees to be a go-getter, and I really appreciate my boss for gifting me this book.

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icxrxx's review against another edition

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inspiring lighthearted medium-paced
