
Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

agibby's review against another edition

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OMG! This book..

Never a dull moment. This book had me wide eyed and grasping every other page. Everyone should read this series. I can't wait to know what happens next!

amourlacey's review against another edition

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I really don't like Daemon, and this book made me really dislike him. He was making horny teenage boy jokes nonstop, even during the most inappropriate times; and it was so off-putting and random. The deaths at the end of the book were sad even tho I didn't like those characters, I felt bad for them. In short: Daemon is insufferable, gross, extremely overprotective, and just overall unattractive; and he ruined this book for me. Before this series, I have never read a book where I have disliked the main male protagonist. Katy is the only saving grace to this series.

ireniam's review against another edition

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Esta serie va cayendo en picada. Tenia mis esperanzas en que este libro fuera mejor que el anterior, pero que va!

Este es narrado desde el punto de vista de Kat y Daemon, oh cuanto ansié poder ver la historia a través de los ojos de Daemon... ahora me arrepiento :S Wow! Un personaje que en los libros anteriores me gustaba, termino desagradandome. Oh Dios! Kat y Daemon son casi insoportables! En los momentos mas peligrosos siempre andaban pensando en su amor y sus hormonas, se volvieron una pareja totalmente empalagosa.

El principio y el final de libro es quizá lo mejor de la historia (lo que salvo a este libro de tener solo 1 estrella de puntuación), pero la verdad es que la parte romántica me la encontré empalagosa, los personajes principales terminaron por desesperarme, y la autora tiene la audacia de sacar dos aces bajo la manga que me dejaron muy decepcionada.

Ya solo falta un libro para que esta serie llegue a su fin pero no se si tendré la energía y la voluntad para leerlo, este me ha dejado bastante decepcionada.

katief25's review against another edition

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This book is so good, but so sad at the same time. I was in suspense 80% of the time and in love the other 10%. I think this one is my favorite out of the last 4!!

bjclark99's review against another edition

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What a great book!!!

befsk's review against another edition

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Despite having two fairly long (and fairly decent) action scenes, this book achieved very little. Not much happened at all. It stunk of 'I'm the penultimate book and I'm going to draw this out as long as possible'.

By far the most disappointing thing that happened though, it seems the series may have finally got an editor. What's there to entertain me now? The contrived, lame attempts at witty conversations? Repetitive kissing scenes? Asshole characters who act like assholes all the time?

Even the awkward outdated slang was toned down on. The only thing left was potentially just a Kindle formatting issue where punctuation either disappeared or got smashed into surrounding words. For example: awkwardas-hell, cloak-anddagger, come-getsome and all-toofamiliar. And also, on 15 occasions, this happened: "Yes. "He leaned... 15 wrong placements of speech tags. I am now reduced to pointing out faulty punctuation. And this series used to have endless material. Sigh.

As for the dual narration, it worked well to start with because Katy wasn't her usual snarky self and Daemon was, but later on in the book
Spoileras Katy started getting over the whole Daedalus experience because it had been like a day and that's old news because Daemon healed her ~soul~ with his ~smoldering looks and kisses and sexy times~,
Katy got more snarky like she used to be and I frequently got confused and couldn't tell which one was narrating until they mentioned the other one by name.

And I was majorly pissed that
Spoilereveryone who was expendable died. Matthew, Ash, Andrew, Paris, all dead because something shocking needed to happen because the book got slow again. To be fair, the reason it got slow is that Katy and Daemon's marriage was boring and pointless and the whole thing was weirdly preachy, like being married to someone is the best thing you could ever do with your life and nothing else matters. Also, who didn't see the 'twist' with Beth being pregnant coming from a mile off?

Just sigh at this book.

rrekhaa's review against another edition

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As i said, this book is extreme perfection in a million words

jyotikab's review against another edition

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another cliffhanger. predictable twists and turns. unoriginal plot. just reading for the sake of finishing the series

lkirschbaum's review against another edition

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He will burn down the world to save her

At the start it was a bit slow,
Spoiler as Katy was stuck in Daedalus and it was kind of dragging
but then as the book wore on, it just more and more amazing! I love the character development (especially Katy) and I was just really glad where this book was going. I loved the end (uhh big cliffhanger there, I'm glad that by the time I started this series all the books were out already) although some messed up thing happened throughout this book. I saw some of the plot twists coming
Spoiler I mean of course Archer was an origin... duhh
but that didn't make them in any way less exciting or genius. One thing bugged me though... Am I the only one who imagined Nancy Husher to look like this?

Anyway, I loved the whole Area 52 twist that Jennifer L Armentrout added there, and I can't wait to jump into the next book (okay, to be perfectly honest with you I'm already almost done with it.. I just think that's a nice way to end this review xD)

jessicad90's review against another edition

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