
Lord of the Vampires by Gena Showalter

carobcbg's review against another edition

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This is the first book I have picked up from Gena Showalter, though I have a few of her ebooks in my TBR shelf. I was completely unimpressed.

The writing style felt stilted, the story had holes the size of Uluru in it, not to mention that the characters were so two dimensional it was off-putting. The only thing this story had going for it was the steam factor, but even then, I quickly came to the conclusion that I'd rather have good plot and wit than mediocre storytelling with a touch of smexiness. And let's face it, with the abundance of PNR novels out these days, I think I can have my pick of it all.

I am extremely reluctant to pick up another Gena Showalter book now.

myaddiction's review against another edition

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Is it just me, or did this book not end right? As if something was missing from the ending. I don't know, like the ending?!

bibliocat08's review against another edition

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I would say that this story was pretty on par with the rest of Gena Showalter's backlist. I did like the heroine much better than others that she has introduced. Her character development was a little slim but she did explain why things were the way they were as far as the magic part of the story goes. For everyone that likes a little sex in their romance novels, this one had more than enough. I thought the ending was a little abrupt but since it is more of a novella style book, I guess I can let that slide. I am looking forward to reading the other stories in this series.

desiree_mcl's review against another edition

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2.5 stars.

1st in the Royal House of Shadows series. I was looking forward to this one but unfortunately it didn't meet my expectations.

With the other GS books I've read, even if I'm not completely loving it, I still have fun reading it and the characters will pull me through. However, the characters weren't interesting enough to stop the boredom I felt from the beginning and it didn't make the sometimes disjointed tale easier to take.

Jane I liked, somewhat, didn't hate her, didn't love her either. Nicolai was interesting, I always like a possessive and protective hero but I could have done without the constant one word sentences/statements.

I'll still read the other two I have (Jessica Andersen's & Nalini Singh's) but this one wasn't up to Gena Showalter's standards.

maferg01's review against another edition

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To be quite honest, I don't feel as negative toward this book as some other readers obviously did. Yes it is shorter than the average Gena Showalter book and thus it is a bit lighter on plot than the Lords of the Underworld series. However as a 1st book in a series it leaves much open for the next book in the series. I enjoyed it as a quick read and as something a bit different from an author that I really enjoy reading.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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Jane Parker has been living life the best she's could. Since regaining the use of her legs several months ago, she has religiously run 5 miles a day, read books, eaten when hungry and slept. The only time her life seems to have any meaning these days is when she's dreaming. The drunk driver a year ago took away her life, along with her family, when he smashed into the family car killing her father and sister instantly and leaving her to watch her mother take her last breath. But in dreams, she's with this mysterious man who's chained in a cell but who calls to her like nothing she's ever experienced before.

Nicolai, the Crown Prince of Elden is a man without memories. He doesn't know he's a crown prince or the fate of his parents and siblings. All he knows are the 4 walls of his cell, the chains the confine him, the princesses that torture him and the feeling of vengeance and rage that boils in his blood. That's until the human woman he magically summons comes his cell and he knows, without a doubt that he needs to possess this woman, that she is his.

I couldn't connect with either of the main characters and felt like I was racing to catch up with some part of the story that I missed. Jane studied vampires in the human world and had been cursed by one, but why was the government studying them. How did they know about vampires? How about the aftermath from the accident that killed her family and nearly her? Then we get to Nicolai, who doesn't have his memories when he initially meets Jane, but then when he gets them back...there's almost no aftermath. Wouldn't he be a tad bit upset? Wouldn't he show this to Jane if he needed her so?

The evil plot line with the Blood Sorcerer barely is a blip on the screen here. If Nicolai has been magically enchanted to seek vengeance against the Blood Sorcerer, wouldn't we have a tad bit more information about what happened and/or why it happened? I would think Nicolai would want to seek out that information. Then we have Nicolai sensing one brother, towards the end of the story, and trying to communicate with him. When he doesn't "answer", Nicolai brushes it off with "I'll try him later." What??? You just remembered you have siblings, once you can sense and possibly communicate with an you blow if off as if you'll just call him tomorrow?

This story had such potential, but it falls a little short.

3 Cocktails

jscarpa14's review against another edition

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RECEIVED FROM: NetGalley for Review


Nicolai is a vampire, a crown prince who during an attack on his castle, which killed his parents, has somehow become a sex slave in another kingdom with no real memory of who he is or where he came from. Jane is a modern day scientist, or she was until a car wreck killed her family, and temporarily took from her the ability to walk. When Jane wakes up in Nicolai’s world she doesn’t know how she got there or who she can trust. All she knows is she’s drawn to the pleasure slave and will do anything to help him. But will helping him get her killed?

This was an excellent beginning to a new series that I’m very excited to read more of. There were only a couple things I didn’t really like. One of which was there were a couple of sex scenes that didn’t really further the plot. Not all of them of course and that plot definitely wasn’t driven by sex, but I think it was used a little more than necessary. However in the defense of those scenes I will say they were well written and extremely pulse-pounding racy. Also while it became clear later in the novel that they’d really fallen in love before the book began, but through magic had lost those memories I would have like to have seen more of that, the time when they actually fell in love so that their extreme feelings for each other didn’t seem so abrupt. I understood why they felt what they did, but it was a bit of a stretch of the imagination for me to believe with so little of their past shown to me in the story.

I would also have liked a little more revenge shown but I don’t think that detracted from the story, more that it’s a personal preference. To be honest with my personal preferences I’d have like to have seen and to know more about a lot of things, Jane’s former career, her accident, how they came to meet in the first place. The book left me curious about a lot of things that I’ll probably never get answers to since the series it to be written by multiple authors. It’s one of those stories that if there were a companion novel produced just giving me all that back story I’m so curious about I’d gladly read it. However I still left the story with a sense of fulfillment at having read a full story arc with engaging characters and plot, so I guess it’s saying something about Showalter’s talent as a writer that I do want to know more about her characters and the lives they had before the story begins.

This is actually the first Showalter titles I’ve read. I’ve started one before, but had the poor luck of purchasing a misprint from Doubleday book club that I waited too long to read. So by the time I read it and realized the middle of a different book had been bound into the center of that book and it was missing the middle of the book, it was too late to get the book replaced. Even though it had nothing to do with the author, it left me a little frustrated so I just never went back to her work because imagine reading until the middle of a Showalter title and suddenly you’re in the middle of a regency romance with no idea what happened. Logically I knew the chance of picking up another book by her so fatally flawed in the publishing house was rare, but it didn’t stop the emotional response of not wanting to face that frustration again and therefore avoiding her titles. After having read this novel I’m cursing myself for what I was letting myself miss by avoiding her work.

Like in most romance novels Showalter didn’t spend a lot of time building up secondary characters; however I appreciated the allusions to Alice in Wonderland in the form of the Queen of Hearts. The story also had other similarities to well known fairy tales without fully pulling those story lines into her own story. What I mean is many of the secondary characters would remind you a fairy tale character but the story was in no way a rewritten fairy tale. Almost as if the characters existed as a salute to the fairy tales of old without giving up the originality of well a new and original story. I know that sounds a little redundant, but I’m having difficultly expressing exactly what I mean. It’s got all the benefit of a brand new story completely belonging to the author unrestrained by need to adhere to old myths, however it includes character that remind you of other, older, well known stories. The Queen of Hearts made me think of Alice in Wonderland but she also reminded me of Cinderella’s Wicked Stepmother with Laila and her real sister Odette as the Wicked stepsisters and Jane who’s posing as Odette as Cinderella, destined to marry Prince Charming. There are the ideals of Beauty and the Beast with how Nicolai behaves when he’s lost his temper, so much like an untamable Beast that Jane falls in love with anyway. So many different scenarios and characters reminded me of the fairy tales of old, but at the same time the story managed to remain completely Showalter’s own.

Nicolai and Jane however were very well constructed characters; they had believable faults and positive points. Also both were easy to relate to, cheer for and feel for.

The story was fast paced, well written and a joy to read. I’d highly recommend to it romance lovers who enjoy touches of fantasy and the paranormal. Because it is the first in a series though you get a full story arc within this title there’s a secondary story that has yet to reach its conclusion. I only hope the other writers in this series are able to convey the same talent for writing and storytelling as Showalter has managed to convey in the series opener.

lobo1tomia's review against another edition

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The Royal House of Shadows caught my interest with it’s unique premise: one main storyline, four books by different authors. Plus I was only familiar with Nalini Singh so I thought it would be a good way to get to know the other writers especially Gena Showalter whom everyone I know is raving about. The King and Queen of Elden were brutally murdered by a blood sorcerer but before they died they’ve cast a spell to their four children to keep them safe and make sure that they will avenge their death. Nicolai the crown prince who is also a vampire has lost his memory of who is he and becomes a sex slave and his mistresses would not let to use his powers. Still he manages to call for help which comes from somewhere he was not expected. Jane Parker is alone and trying to peace her life and body together after a horrible tragedy that left her soul and body broken. But by night she has very vivid dreams about a slave. She recieves a book that is a key to enter to another dimension to the man she saw in her dreams. So Jane finds herself beside Nicolai and helps him to escape. While running away the vampire remembers more and more about his past and the whys of the strange connection between him and Jane.
I really liked the premise of this series. Especially that there is a dimension parallel to our world where vampires, werewolves, witches, sorcerers etc. exist.I was not expecting this much sex but this shows how I am not familiar with Showalter’s work. For me there were times when the sex get in the way of the adventures because I really loved the storyline. And also I was not happy with the protagonists. Nicolai was too much for me and I didn’t like how he used Jane and as for Jane I thought she will be a bit tougher and not accept readily that she belongs to the vampire.
But all in all it was a fast paced book and wet my appetite for the rest of the series.

loverofromance's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging mysterious


 Quickie Review-May Contain Spoilers-Read at Your Own Risk

Lord of the Vampires is the first book of the series. When I read Nalini Singh's installment of the series I was really intrigued and wanted to read the siblings books and I picked this one up and it was utterly delightful. I had so much fun with Nicolai and Jane's book and it was completely different from what I expected it to be. Seeing how this story actually ends for the siblings (very happily) I was definitely eager to read this one. It does end with a bit of a teaser, probably so the reader will read the series to see the finale that is in Micah's book.

I really enjoyed how this book progressed and it was so unique and fun. I loved how these two work together and find their way as a team. It had a very much feel of couple against the world type of vibe and the level of trust that these two have for each other was so brilliant. I also enjoyed the heroine being brought into the fantastical reality of sorts. I found the premise of the story intrigued and it does have a mind of Wonderland vibes in this one. Not a strict retellings, just some loose connections that I think readers will enjoy.

If you are a fan of this author, or just want a great paranormal fantasy like story to read that is a good palette cleanser, I highly recommend this one here. Its packed with adventure, romance, kick ass fighting and delicious spice that balances out the story so well. 

lindaunconventionalbookworms's review against another edition

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This was an exceptional book! The story drew me right in - from the very first word, I was mesmerized with this strange world, and the paralell worlds excisting beside it.

Jane was a very strong and smart heroine, having been through hell and back, after a car accident killed her family, and left her shattered.

Nikolai was a vampire crown prince, and he'd been bespelled by an evil princess, to forget who he was, and then enslaved for her sexual pleasures.

Jane and Nikolai ended up saving each other, and it was very satisfying! The sensual scenes were written in true Gena Showalter style - hot, demanding and believable!