
Death from the Skies!: These Are the Ways the World Will End... by Philip Plait

sbauer378's review against another edition

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I loved this book. It was funny and also very informative. The author did a great job explaining the science behind all of the phenomena. It was easy to follow along.

tanya_the_spack's review against another edition

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Very fun read. It's basically a general astronomy book using potential apocalyptic endings to explain things. Loved it.

thomcat's review against another edition

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Good science and odds to back it up.

embingham's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this book! It was very "reader friendly" in the sence that I felt like I would have been able to follow most of it even without a science background. The occasional pictures and short "subchapter" sections, along with some really entertaining writing, made it easy to stay focused and interested. This book is along the same lines as [b:Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries|22543|Death by Black Hole And Other Cosmic Quandaries|Neil deGrasse Tyson||1204936], but I liked this one a little better because it was an easier read and it had pictures to help explain what the author was talking about. Overall, it was a very fun read by a fun author whose funny personality makes itself known throughout the book.

sbaunsgard's review against another edition

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Plait's book on the ways the world (and universe) could end. There's even an odds chart at the end, if you are a worrier, like me. I can't believe how long it took me to read this, given how hung up I was on sun death as a child.

lamusadelils's review against another edition

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Lectura divertida y rápida, con muchos puntos graciosos.

Me gustó en particular que al mismo tiempo que el autor explica las probabilidades reales de que ocurra cada catástrofe tiene formas graciosas de insertar el what if? en el texto. El resutado es una lectura que se siente al mismo tiempo lejana e inminente.

myrto229's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. From the title, you can probably guess that this book appealed to my slightly fatalistic fascination with end-of-the-world, apocalyptic scenarios. I love pondering the unavoidable and the inevitable. And this book presents, of all the environmental, weather, and disease-related possibilities for humans to kill themselves, absolutely the most unavoidable events, with absolutely the most fatalistic perspective. Which is why I loved it.

Each chapter in this book is devoted to a different way that the planet could be destroyed from outer space. And the title of the book isn’t overreaching at all: note that it isn’t called “These are the Ways the World *Could* End,” or “the Ways the World *Might* End”: it’s definitely how the world will end. The only question is when.

The first chapter is definitely the most gripping, since it’s the most likely to happen during the tenure of humans on Earth: asteroid and comet impacts. Not only is it extremely likely, it’s happened before: the asteroid that landed on Earth that killed the dinosaurs created a crater so large that you can really only see it from space. The really alarming part of asteroid/comet impact is that we could see it coming. The author points out that the comet Hale-Bopp, which passed us a few years ago, was twenty-five miles across, and, had it hit the Earth, “would have made the asteroid impact that wiped out the dinosaurs look like a wet firecracker.”

The rest of the chapters cover such fun and comforting subjects as annihilation by sun malfunction, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, black holes, hostile aliens, and the eventual death of the entire universe. I really enjoyed the way each chapter begins with a little scenario that describes what an observer on Earth would see as the event unfolded. (And, if the human observer wouldn’t have lasted very long, the scenario carries on without the benefit of that human perspective.)

The author, Philip Plait, is a witty and engaging writer who manages to make potentially dull astronomical details come to life. Some of my favorite moments in his way with language:

“For those of you clinging to hope, there is some life that might survive this stage of the Earth’s distant future [the death of our Sun]. Footnote: My suggestion: let it go.”

“The Sun is a mighty, vast, furiously seething cauldron of mass and energy. . . . Invisible forces writhe and wrestle for control on its surface, and when it loses its temper, the consequences can be dire and even lethal. That is what it means to be an ‘ordinary’ star.”

“Sure, black holes can kill us, and in a variety of interesting and gruesome ways. . . . Remember: when you stare into the abyss, sometimes it stares back at you.”

However, even his wit and facility with language couldn’t save me from getting bogged down in the black holes chapter. To be fair, black holes and quantum physics aren’t the easiest subjects for a lay reader to absorb in 75 pages or so. I know that he tried to keep things moving, but I ended up skimming a bit.

The last chapter is the most staggering, in terms of its scale and its topic, and, besides the chapter on alien invasion, is the one that left the greatest impression on me. It’s the end of everything in the universe. Plait explains how, over the almost unimaginable eons of time to come (he tries to explain just how long this will take, but it really boggles the mind), slowly everything will end. After all the stars have burned themselves out, after the galaxy itself has evaporated through interstellar collisions, after even neutron stars have burned out, after matter itself has reached the end of its existence (remember the “half-life” of atomic particles?), even black holes will disintegrate. At that point the Universe will be “an ethereally thin slurry” of particles, “dark, randomized, silent.”

Am I just crazy, or is it totally fascinating to consider this stuff? I guess I’m captivated by things that are completely out of my control. And with cosmological events, there’s not much to do but sit back and see what happens. Of course, by the time black holes manage to disintegrate, humans will be long gone, but still.

Recommended if you love apocalyptic scenarios, astronomy, or a wittily written combination of the two!

onceandfuturelaura's review against another edition

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These are the ways the world will end. That we can project right now. Told with great vim and very little reverence.

lilygwendolyn's review against another edition

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Wonderful. Especially loved all the cheesy & punny chapter headers.

renee_pompeii's review against another edition

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After the first chapter I had to put the book down for a bit, because it made me think about my mortality and that's always a bummer. HOWEVER the science in here is pretty cool, and the author's enthusiasm and knowledge is the real deal. Sometimes the writing felt a little redundant, and over the top (but I think that's intentional...I mean, look at the title). If you don't have time for all 300+ pages of the book, just read the epilogue. Plait sums it up nicely, and even includes a handy-dandy apocalypse chart for your convenience. Fun, smart and entertaining.