
She Wulf by Sheryl Steines

sk24's review

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I will start by saying that I did not care much for this book. It is filled with action, and yet I found myself bored. I can't quite put my finger on why this is, because it is practically non-stop action scenes for the first few chapters and doesn't slow down much after that. But, still, I was bored through pretty much the entire novel.

I couldn't connect with any of the characters, which made the story less interesting to me. The characters are developed well enough, but I just didn't find myself caring much about them or their lives. The quality of writing is good, but I think it's lacking in story-telling abilities. It didn't succeed in capturing my interest as it should have, considering the action-packed storyline. It's told in third person, which I am not a fan of, but each to his/her own.

I love the cover. It encompasses the story quite well--the main heroin Annie shrouded in fire as she fights her way through the demons. Overall, I did not enjoy this book. I also found it a bit overkill on how it included all of the following: magic, wizards, witches, demons, vampires, and time travel--too much fantastical elements for one story, in my opinion. Fans of third person narrative as well as all the elements just mentioned might like this book, if they don't feel like I do (about it being overkill). I, personally, just didn't care for the book.

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charlottehenleybabb's review

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[bc:She Wulf|15714157|She Wulf|Sheryl Steines||21382801] I found the method of communication between the time periods clever. The characters are interesting and well-motivated, but I found the pace of the story slow for a thriller type of plot. Being transported back to medieval times would cause more culture-shock than they express even with the universal translator amulet. I did like the way magic is handled, both in everyday use and for large spells involving many people. Grab a copy for a good evening’s read. Let me know what you think.
[a:Sheryl Steines|4525660|Sheryl Steines|]
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