suziegon's review

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It's interesting looking at the reasons behind the trend of women opting-out of the workforce, leaving their careers in favour of being stay-at-home moms, and the challenge they face if/when they decide to re-enter the workforce after being away.

The writing is fairly dry and I wouldn't have made it that far if I hadn't been forced to read it for one of my classes. I'd have preferred something more concise... like, the length of an article instead of an entire book. But oh well.

It's decent for what it is.

ckporier's review

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A quick and interesting read. It's not often you get to read an anthropological examination of your own lifestyle, but that's what this is -- a study of women (including college-educated, professional women) who have chosen to take some time out of the workforce to raise kids and what that says about the work-life balance issues faced by working women.

There were a few times when the tone felt condescending -- repeated mention of those who just can't figure out why a woman would just drop out of the workforce after all that education and hard work, for example -- but the book did ring true for the most part and accurately identified the competing demands placed on a mother's time and the reasons one might opt out of the workforce for a while to be a full-time mom.